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File:10f10fdc943cdb3bd5dfb6a794….jpg (101.05 KB,750x980)


why is 4G/3G so slow?


3G is pretty slow, but 4G?


less slow but still slow


How the FUCK is ~20MiB/s down slow???


File:Screenshot_2020-07-26 Spee….png (36.74 KB,720x339)

oh mortals... how I pity you


Sigh, I need to move to an area that has fiber net.


not fast enough to play video games on

cant play cowaduty groundwar/warzone because slow


It'll reach everywhere, eventually...


You're kidding right?... Ping is all that really matters so long as your internet is faster than DSL. If you think you need fiber speeds just to play twitch shooters, you've been duped.


i lag so hard playing 10v10

groundwar/warzone/plunder is unplayable on 4G


tested whilst using hotspot


highest download speed 6.6mb

average : 2-4mb (?)

(?)not tested but an informative guess


these speeds are fine for CoD, more likely you're suffering from high packet loss or jitter


gaming uses very little bandwidth, meaning internet speeds are irrelevant, mobile internet inherently has inconsistent and shitty latency, even a bottom of the barrel adsl connection will be vastly superior latency wise(unless infrastructure is shit where you live)


wireless hotspots give me a nat: type 3 (strict) connection

no matter how fast my download speed is, I will only be able to play 6v6 team deathmatch or 24/7 shoot house/shipment otherwise I'll get severe lag

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