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/b/ - Boson Technology

Also known as Boson /g/

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File:7ab64f5431ff98d28bf30c76a5….jpg (136.56 KB,1114x1200)


This board seems really comfy. Is it dead or are there people actively using it?


It's like a /g/ or hard site meta, it gets activity when people see threads from it on /all/


This. It also gets some minor activity thanks to people advertising their imageboard and stuff, and of course there's the activity in the development threads.

Anyways, I think it's pretty silly to use the term "board," as a stand-in for "community." Kissu has an overboard, which the majority of users seem to use, meaning there's no functional difference in userbase, just who posts threads where.


Wait, do you mean /b/ or kissu itself? Kissu averages around 120ish posts a day, /b/ is quite a bit slower as it's not terribly busy due to its focus on site development and stuff


it might be a bit confusing because people expect a /b/ to be the main board on the site


dead website

1 active poster (but hes a faggot)
theres no alternative to 4chan

if permabanned from there its time to rope


File:1395579145090.gif (2.76 MB,238x320)

There's a dozen active posters actually, but you are right in that we are all massive homosexuals.


yes to both





File:__megumin_kono_subarashii_….jpg (2.93 MB,2133x3285)

speak for yourself fag

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