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File:16032cb3ac27b20d25c0ac7fd7….jpg (73.66 KB,723x1024)


The use of sockets on imageboards is way too gimmicky and unnecessary overhead(development and user end) that makes the application harder to maintain. Polling is better in almost all cases other than liveboards


>makes the application harder to maintain
Is this from experience? What sort of additional work does it create when you change things?


In the sense that poor planning and modifications will be a pain. If it's handling post requests and get requests, then it also has to manage socket send requests and server broadcasts so you've got to abstract a lot of functionality and have it well planned out to apply to both systems. You also have to make sure that you don't end up broadcasting someone's info to the wrong client so there's security concerns that you have to worry about too. I've done a bit of socketio with python and I don't think it's a good idea to go with half-http half-socket.


File:Screenshot at 05-20-44.png (123.56 KB,1331x492)

"damn he's good" - Aris

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