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Has anyone ever hidden more than 300 posts before on 4chan?

How does 4chanX keep track of when a post no longer needs to be stored for hiding?


>How does 4chanX keep track of when a post no longer needs to be stored for hiding?
When the thread is no longer in threads.json or archive.json.


You mean the manual way of hiding a specific post? I did it on /qa/ sometimes for persistent threads. It's only useful if you'll make multiple visits to a thread over time, really.
Hiding by md5 was a lot more useful since the "trolls" were completely reliant on avatars. Can't say I miss that part of those days


Would you call this overenginearing? I'm thinking that a user doesn't need more than a certain number of hides and could be dequeued when a threshold is hit.

Hopefully I don't come off as imposing. I'm curious since I plan to finish this component


It certainly adds to the complexity of the system, and there have been ugly bugs related to threads having their data pruned when they shouldn't have been.

I expect there are people who would use more than your fixed number of hides, though, simply because people always come up with unexpected uses for features. For example, this user:
>Requesting a way to instantly hide all threads in the catalog. This way when I scroll to the bottom of the catalog and I've already looked at all the threads I can empty it and then when I refresh it only new threads I haven't seen yet appear.


How would you deal with a very long-lived thread that someone hides? For example, a sticky?


I remember thinking it'd be cool if threads with new posts since the last visit could be highlighted or maybe they could have a +3 number for 3 new posts or something? It seems like it'd be annoying to add, though, and a board might need to incorporate it from the beginning


well lets say you make the space infinite, how much space can it conceivably hold before it becomes a nuisance?
Vid somewhat related


If you're using localStorage, at least one mobile browser runs out of space at 2MB, or it did at the time of this guy's tests:

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