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File:1000000525.jpg (175.64 KB,2048x2048)


I still think sage should be invisible a-la 4chan (unless they made it visible again, I'm not sure, I haven't used that site in years). The whole point of saging is that it's supposed to be discreet. Putting a big fat "hey everyone, I saged the thread!" on a saged post IMO defeats the point.




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putting a big fat sagger in this thread


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Want to fuck those saggers...


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I like kraut/Kohl Sage where it’s outright hostile.


Nice post concern-bro


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (261.13 KB,1920x1080)

I'm sure there are exceptions, but I overwhelmingly see sage used correctly and not as a downvote attached to angry posts here. People decide that their post doesn't deserve to bump a thread and that's it.


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Really, what good is there in saggers that are not visible?


Sage should not do anything. I'm tired of saging sagers who sage.


>tired of saging sagers who sage
then WHY are you saging at them

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