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File:81446d4f037f443294f2c85816….jpg (294.3 KB,591x875)


Would it be a good idea to make unlisted boards viewable on the overboard by a secret mechanism where you need to be on the hidden board itself for it to show up on the toggle hidden boards option? And it disappears from the list if you disable it outside the board so you don't run into issues or anything.


yes it would be very useful


It would make me a lot more likely to use them more than once a month when I can be bothered. It might mess with the board trolls events on /secret/, though, if it's more than just adding the link to the board list. Frankly, I don't see the reason for a site as small as kissu to have hidden boards. They're not actually secrets from anyone and if they were they'd be even more useless because they'd have two users. This isn't 4chan, we're not drowning in newfags.


/secret/ should remain hidden because it's 'on theme' for it to be hidden
i cant say the same for /megu/


/megu/ is /ec/'s secret


at w*rk when i write k in the address bar it immediately autofills it with kissu.moe/secret/ and i would say i prefer it that way unless it'd also add /secret/ to the post feed then i'm okay with the change


Well I mean ideally that's what'd happen to any board added to the overboard, which actually is how it works already. But I'm not Vermin suggesting it I'm just Anonymous suggesting it'd be a pretty cool idea.


it defeats the purpose of the board so no. The only reason things go there is because I have to make a concious decision to look at what is on there. If it were to behave the same way /cry/ does then I'd have to look at it, because it's a main board and not a side thing I can ignore like megu


I was just thinking about how great it would be to have /secret/ on /all/ too!


right... that was the main point I wanted to get across... as soon as a board is on /all/ you're making an actual effort to put it beside other posts. At which point you're just recreating the 4chan shit board problem.


just slap this into your custom board list on the 4chanx bar and it works pretty well

{external-text:"all","https://kissu.moe/all/" external-text:"s","https://kissu.moe/secret/" external-text:"megu","https://kissu.moe/megu/"}


You can toggle which boards show up pretty easily.

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