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File:IMG_20171125_205750_067.jpg (441.74 KB,1536x1920)


Question: what do you see on this picture? It's mine, basically it's just my cat frolicking around at high speed, but! It was tagged as nsfw by tumblr admin. I wonder what he've seen here... or what was his day... so? Versions?


File:R-1713088022863.png (125.78 KB,539x539)



well maybe but it's photo and pokemen so far so good are not presented in material world so


I just see a cat undder a hand somewhgat covering ther lens


are you, by any chance, see something sexual here also?


CLIP sees:
a close up of a person holding a brush, black cat taking a selfie, hyperquality, beautiful cameraphone 2000s, bat ears, ear, with small cat on lap, suddenly there came a tapping, with pointy ears, harsh flash photo, grey cloth, fistfighting, as well as scratches, camera close to the legs


Obviously the AI messed


Haha no, its really a photo i took

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