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File:cool bearded vulture.png (730.52 KB,800x533)


bird thread
post very important birds in here


File:FzfVEwqWYAMLvfL.png (904.16 KB,1080x1350)


File:Japanese bird playing conn….jpg (1.23 MB,3072x2304)

Just so you know, our /b/ board isn't really a 'random' board. Bird threads would probably go on the seasonal board, /jp/ or /qa/. Probably /win/ right now. I guess it's fine here, but it can also be moved.
I guess we never really set up any kind of policy for random threads on /b/ as it morphed into the meta board over the years, huh.


File:1617912400454.jpg (179.45 KB,746x599)

Japanese /b/ird surfing the infobahn.


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File:tits.png (733.72 KB,1127x634)

i like tits


File:boobies-birds.gif (2.83 MB,480x270)

i also like boobies


File:1397px-American_woodcock_i….jpg (335.66 KB,1397x1024)

also get a nice look at my woodcock


File:yellowpenguin.png (59.09 KB,1200x630)

anyways here's a shiny yellow penguin


File:real kiwi hours.gif (3.04 MB,373x371)


daily reminder that owls aren't birds
wake up sheeple


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai de Mof….jpg (222.09 KB,1920x1080)

Birds are very important, even if they lack a dimension


File:663c5d80fae10a07ff7909d82a….png (63.3 KB,420x290)


take that back, owls are some of the coolest birds out there

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