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File:kissu-zip1.png (8.93 KB,255x32)


Could the .pdf preview image be changed to the first page as in most other imageboards? The catgirl's smile is so small that it feels like she's staring at me with some sort of negative emotion in mind...


>most other imageboards
most imageboards don't even support pdfs


File:C-1700762176830.png (149.77 KB,678x286)

Most other imageboards that support .pdfs. Here's 4/tg/ doing it.


so is it just 4chan then? messing around with vichan's thumbnails is a pain. Is it even a default setting. I've never checked and I don't really care to spend too much time on something custom


File:a7a38a5335.png (50.9 KB,1531x886)

don't see anything built into vichan for it so it won't be happening


>don't see anything built into vichan
8 had it, and several other sites using vichan did as well. /leftypol/ does.


>- Tinyboard + vichan + lainchan 5.1.3 -
>- Tinyboard + vichan+ infinity + OpenIB -
nothing in vichan checks pdfs


File:C-1700762914342.png (45.58 KB,259x343)

Oh yeah, lainchan has it too.
Well, that's a shame.


File:[SubsPlease] 16bit Sensati….jpg (253 KB,1920x1080)

I like the 2D theme that's going on with various file type thumbnails so I think it works out better this way. It's so rare that anyone uploads a PDF, too


the peeker


there could be a future where we overlay images on top of content preview thumbnails

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