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File:110818010_p0.png (718.52 KB,1098x1075)


I've been thinking about creating a simple "welcome" image to help explain kissu to newcomers or perhaps something people can share elsewhere if they so desire. Something that will look similar to the rules page, but will sound a bit more flowery by virtue of not being a rules page. Basically an image of "what is kissu" and a "where do I post ____ on kissu" thing.

I'm thinking a basic format like this:

"Welcome to kissu blahblah we talk about blahblah take it easy blahblahblah banana"
(We could talk about the brief history of kissu, but I'm not sure that's necessary. Or maybe it IS necessary since the "main" board is /qa/ and the /qa/ name has unfortunate associations to the wider world, though)

Then there would be a section for the basic purpose of each board
"Confused about where to post? Well, don't be!
/qa/- /qa/ is blahblah
/jp/- here you can blahblah
seasonal boards- blahblah
etc etc"

I'd much sure to emphasize that it's okay to make mistakes and post on the wrong board and bad posts are just deleted here without bans as long as it's not clearly malicious. Posts and threads can be moved by a mod if it's an issue and so on.
Then I figure the last part would be stuff that we avoid and is not allowed on kissu, such as outrage culture, generic low quality 4chan slang and politics. I'd use my usual casual way of speaking because I don't think formal stuff is a good idea and I hate writing it.
I guess maybe a note about switching between UIs would assist any diehard people that want the 2008 experience?

Anyway, what do you guys think? Good idea, bad idea? Any suggestions?


Sounds good, make it cute.


File:kkkissu.jpg (189.49 KB,2100x1500)

I don't think I've been here long enough to speak on most of that, but I think putting /jp/ on the top of the board list would probably give a better idea of the site's purpose to 4channers and give a better hook. Then you can relate /qa/ to that (e.g. "is for more directed, discussion-oriented threads") instead of starting with "no, not that /qa/".


File:instructions.png (905.33 KB,1280x1480)

you mean something like this?


File:latest.webp (110 KB,1436x1080)

Hmm, leading with /jp/ is a good suggestion, yeah. And yes, including Kuon is definitely a good idea. It's like Moses leading his people.

Yeah, basically


Sounds like a good idea.

Keep /qa/ spirit! With time we will be the only ones associated with the name who will be remembered.




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Sounds good. The current welcome screen looks too bland IMO.


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Several of these types of images exist already from ye olde days of /qa/. Maybe they could be used as inspiration.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (335.41 KB,1920x1080)

I can't use my left hand today (>>>/qa/112650) but if anyone else has ideas I can throw a preview image together tomorrow probably

Yeah I'll probably take image suggestions, or... hmmm maybe we can go ahead and make a collage


I'd try to avoid bullet points and keep the message as short and disgestible as possible, with something that barely looks like an introduction. And I mean very short.
It's obvious from looking at the site that it's otaku-centered, and saying it's random is a pretty generic statement, so I'd skip those if possible. Maybe just go ahead and write "you can make random funposts on /jp/, or get into discussions on /qa/," and offhandedly saying that it's "away from mainstream flamewars" or the like without coming across as spiteful or passive-agressive. Not sure if there's space for mentioning the site's origin, personally I'd leave it out. It's not like 4/qa/ had a good public image back then either.

Part of the problem of saying that you're easygoing is that people will assume the polar opposite, because clearly you're trying to prove something which is likely not true. "It's okay to make mistakes" implies mistakes are relevant enough to warrant mention. Linking to the bans list and possibly /trans/ as evidence of this might be helpful in showing that bans are predominantly used against spam, not regular users.

This one's complicated, the situation was a mess. Both delivery and reception varied greatly.


If the image is meant to be used elsewhere then we shouldn't assume the viewer has seen the site. And even as an introduction to the site, a brief description of what you'll find where is handy since the names don't make it self-evident what most of the boards are really for.

I agree that it's good to avoid looking like a bitter not!4chan by avoiding negative language. Maybe say it's a small, but relatively active site spun-off from 4chan in 20XX that has since developed a unique culture and a host of technical enhancements to the traditional format. Gives the history and an idea of what parts of the shared cultural foundation apply and which trends it's separated itself from without implying we hate or actively avoid the mainstream. You can indirectly say what you don't want by omitting it.

And yeah, probably no need to mention mistakes or bans. Moderation tendencies aren't a central selling point and anyone self-conscious enough to hold off posting for fear of either is only going to be reassured by lurking anyway.


>Moderation tendencies aren't a central selling point
For me they were. A big part of why I stayed on Kissu after my initial introduction to it was knowing that the mods were willing to use their powers to maintain the site's quality. Imageboards tend to be loosely moderated free speech zones, and while there's definitely room for that sort of thing, it's nice to have something like Kissu that offers a more curated experience.


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Personality classifications might be a bit of a sham when it comes to providing "life advice", but I think they do well to explain people's interests in concepts and how they internally weigh the value of concepts. Certain people trend towards valuing certain traits over others. Moderation might be a big deal to some, but not others.


File:R-1692234465336.jpg (2.3 MB,4495x3916)

got this from the rules. maybe it could be updated


>used elsewhere
Oh, right, I glossed over this part:
>or perhaps something people can share elsewhere if they so desire
In that case, I think it'd be best to have two separate images, since the two situations are very different. It wouldn't make sense to have a person view the same image twice.
Looking through the adverts still present on /b/, >>1948/>>5095 don't tell you anything about their sites, and >>6883 is just a list. The one that's really good is >>3486, it's nice, it promises something constructive, special, and the text in the post is about as long as it needs to be.
There are a few more adverts in the embassy thread it mentions: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/2823.html. These are: nanochan, /ixit/, and /leftcel/. They're wordier, I'd suggest other people read them to see what they like and dislike about them. Personally, I've never been convinced by advertisements, so it's hard for me to think of a way to truly improve on those.
In that case, could you elaborate on your experience?
It's very clunky as it stands.


Hand is still a bit too sensitive, but lots of good ideas here so far. I think I'm staying away from any complicated shapes or diagrams. Just a bunch of text and maybe some cute pictures with Hazuki and Koruri and such. Oh yeah, we should make a collage, but we need a starting point and I can't really make any edits right now...

Two versions of the image? Yeah, I guess that could work, but I'll keep the images and change the text.


I (>>11892) found Kissu right around the time I was dropping most of the imageboards I was active on at the time. They were starting to absorb a lot of mainstream social-media culture in lieu of creating their own, and I have no interest in being in a community centered around echoing the latest Twitter trends.

I was drawn to Kissu because it seemed to lack most of that stuff, and learning that the mods actively combat it gave me a lot of confidence in the site's future.


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[Basic Image Layout Idea version 0.2, first the "kissu" version instead of an ad. I can't use photoshop keybinds due to injury so I'm delaying that for a bit still]

Welcome to Kissu! Unsure how it works? Well, here's a simple guide!

First, there's two versions of the UI. We would prefer everyone use the Kissu-specific one, but there's a fallback tinyboard version for the vanilla experience.


/jp/ - The silly/fun/stupid board. You can make any stupid thread here as long as it has some relation to 2D stuff.

/qa/ - The (somewhat) serious board. This board is for longer discussions, so if you intend to make a thread seeking thoughtful replies this is the place to do it. Threads here can typically last at least half a year from the last bump before falling off. Moderation is more strict here than other boards.

(win/spg/sum/aut/) - Seasonal boards are for topics that are a bit more "real" than other boards and potentially controversial. In essence, a person can hide/avoid the seasonal boards and know that they won't see news or reminders about real life. For example, covid discussion was quarantined (heh) here. The rules allow for 3D image dumps as well such as cosplay.

/ec/ (hidden from /all/ by default) - An imagedumping board for 2D images of an ecchi and/or cute nature. Nudity is allowed, but no hardcore stuff.

/poll/ - A board to make... polls.

/b/ - Meta Talk

/f/ - Files. You can upload stuff here that you can't on other boards, such as text files and of course flash.

[Probably will keep other boards more secretive for now? Should I mention /megu/?]


Here I guess I'd talk about stuff that kissu has that people might not expect if they're accustomed to older boards. Youtube/nico embeds and I guess how the NSFW/story spoiler button works and stuff? Describing all the text post features is probably too much.

Umm... what else....


kissu iceberg meme


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It's worth including some mentions of site-wide memes, like Koruri's /qa/ belly and furry Patchouli.


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/jp/ can be referred to as 2D/R, since that's its title. How about this?
¥The 2D/Random board for silly and stupid threads, anything fun you can think of.

/qa/ one triggers my desire to shorten things:
>The (somewhat) serious board. This board is for longer discussions, so if you intend to make a thread seeking thoughtful replies this is the place to do it. Threads here can typically last at least half a year from the last bump before falling off.
¥The (somewhat) serious board for longer-lasting discussions, with more thoughtful replies.
>Moderation is more strict here than other boards.
¥It has higher standards. [or simply "Higher standards." by itself]

¥/ec/ (hidden by default) - An imagedump board for 2D images of a softcore ecchi and/or cute nature. Nudity is allowed, but hardcore goes on /megu/.

>(win/spg/sum/aut/) - Seasonal boards are for topics that are a bit more "real" than other boards and potentially controversial. In essence, a person can hide/avoid the seasonal boards and know that they won't see news or reminders about real life. For example, covid discussion was quarantined (heh) here. The rules allow for 3D image dumps as well such as cosplay.
¥/win/spg/sum/aut/ - Seasonal boards for topics a bit more "real" and potentially controversial, as well as 3D dumps like cosplay. You can hide it if you want.

Not sure embeds and formatting warrant mentioning, they're obvious enough. Spoilers, sure.

As visuals, yeah. Better to put something like pic on the side than explain "oh yeah we have this obese loli hope you like her as well."


Oh, and maybe something about yentexting? Hmmm.


I (>>11906) think it's important to mention our memes/inside-jokes because they're one of the easiest things to lose as a community grows. As a real-life example, recently, I've seen people using the term 'normalfag' on Kissu, in lieu of our homegrown variant 'norm'.

I'm not trying to play culture police; that sort of thing is the death knell of a community. Nor am I saying that all of the people doing it are necessarily new users. But I think it's important to the sites identity that we inform new users about elements of our site culture that don't exist elsewhere, so that they're at least aware of them.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (304.61 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm... I think I'll include some basic references, but I almost feel like a Kissu Encyclopedia thread on /b/ would be worthwhile if we want to talk about cultural stuff. I feel like the image might be getting too crowded if we start talking about that kind of stuff... maybe?


Hmm, usually I treat normalfag as a stronger way to say norm, just like normalfaggot is a step up in turn. That's what I assumed happened in >>>/qa/112645 (sorry to point fingers) since generals being chatrooms is such a common talking point and the tone was much more negative than usual. Same for >>>/secret/17687, just a bit of buttupsetness. That and the tech schizo are the only results from recent months:

Now, that aside, if I were to see someone spell out silly memes like that right by the door, I'd assume a penguin of doom situation, in a bad way. It simply runs contrary to imageboard obscurantism, and that's what we're stuck with. I agree with >>11910. In any case, Patchy and Koruri aren't like fat Sanae, they're posted regularly and things would have to go very, very wrong for that to stop being the case. They're not too hard to grasp either, I'd worry more about greeners.


The happenings thread is more of an imageboard embassy so seeing unusual words (for kissu) really isn't unexpected. Rules there are more lax so people don't feel pressured to conform to a board they might not use other than in that thread.

Hmm... I guess this is something to add to both images. The imageboard happenings thread is certainly worth mentioning.


I almost wonder if it would be worth it to create a Kissu Wiki to archive things like memes and other site culture/history that wouldn't fit on a single image.


Having people lurk to learn about memes and culture feels like the way things should be done but who knows


lurk before posting is the only bit of knowledge about imageboards i ever needed


I agree to an extent, but at the same time, how many people actually lurk? And to what extent? I'd be willing to bet that most new users start posting as soon as they see something they want to respond to. I know I get the urge to do this, and I've been using imageboards for a pretty long time.

And even if they do lurk and lurk thoroughly, new users only have access to whatever is up on the board at the moment. Don't get me wrong, there's benefits to ephemerality, but it also means it's easy to forget a community's history if you don't document it.


File:history_of_qa.png (1.97 MB,740x2119)

You mean this


please remove vtubers. we really shouldn't be welcoming that folk here. besides, they already have so many places to post about their favorite 3DPD with an anime avatar


Can't say you're wrong, personally I don't lurk much unless it's a culture and/or topic I'm obviously unfamiliar with, though I never start posting straight away.
A wiki is more of a museum in my opinion. Documenting stuff is good, that's why >>11917 exists, but also the prior conversation was more about losing current culture due to influx, which isn't quite the same. I'm not against the idea, I'm just saying >>11906 isn't going to be killed by it and doesn't need to be spelled out in the introduction pic.

This was a bigger deal three years ago when it first boomed: >>5027
Now it's eh, just kinda fuck off maybe alright, but it doesn't need to be banned. Those days are behind us.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (275.62 KB,1920x1080)

Oh, I completely forgot making that. Yeah, that's waaaaaaay too much text. I might keep the thing where I use a heavily darkened and de-saturated image to use as a background, though. What a crazy coincidence that the most prominent feature of the background is a crescent moon.
I'm thinking of having more visual flair to get people's attention while keeping things brief. 'A picture is worth a thousand words' and such. That one was good as an info dump, I suppose, but definitely not what we're looking for here.

As for the memes/lurker thing, my opinion is that the "lurk more" thing had its place, but not on boards looking to grow and make new friends. 4chan's general opinion, especially from the "lurk more" crowd, is that it didn't want new posters, ever, because the clubhouse was full.
No one can possibly tell someone the full cultural meaning or history of an-joke anyway, as even a full compendium of archived threads and images will fail to fully describe something. Informing people of it just simply allows them to know of it and not feel alienated or confused and to appreciate future references themselves if they like it.
I feel that it's outside the scope of a "welcome to kiss" image, though. I'm also not someone interested in creating or contributing to a wikipedia-like thing, though, as it feels cold and methodical to me. I don't know...


We can deal with wikis later, let's not get carried away by scope creep.


>4chan's general opinion, especially from the "lurk more" crowd, is that it didn't want new posters, ever, because the clubhouse was full.
I think you're really misreading this. There were certain parts of the site that adopted a "fuck off we're full" approach at times, but "lurk more" is inherently a method of integrating new users so it can't be used as a blanket rejection of them. It was meant as an alternative to reading a few KYM articles and thinking you'd fit in perfectly with those wacky nerds over at the 4chinz because, as you've noted, reviewing encyclopedias and archives doesn't give you the full picture that actual immersing yourself in the culture for a bit does. It's true that this does slow down, or rather add a delay to, the acquisition of new posters, so it requires that you already have a sufficient amount of activity, but the amount of time it takes to pick up the culture also becomes lower the more time you've spent in adjacent communities. Anyone from another imageboard can look at yentexting and quickly pick up that it's just greentexting but super special. It doesn't matter if they don't know the exact history of it, just that it's the current norm and that they try to conform to it.

I really see it as a rejection of that cold, hard documentation you mentioned and the status quo enforcement that it tries to bring about. Embracing ephemerality means embracing evolution and new users are the means to that evolution. What they pick up in their lurking phase is what is relevant in the here and now and making them learn anything else would just be getting in the way of making something new. In this way, we're able to change with the times, for better or for worse, and avoid stagnating in a pit of old memes. From this perspective, it's pretty much the lowest possible barrier of entry you can give newcomers without just rolling over and letting other cultures completely overwrite your own, hence the strong rejection of people who refused to do even that much.


>super special
It systematically distinguishes between textual quotes and everything else, that's genuinely special. It became a grammatical thing, belive it or not. One poster developed a quirk where yenning overrode an irregular lexical item in a predictable and consistent way, regularizing it. It was a very interesting thing to see.

Oh, and yeah, I've seen fa/tg/uys complain about 1d4chan due to what you describe.
Not him.


File:Untitled-2.png (59.96 KB,900x1200)

Okay, I was thinking something like this


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wanna eat that banana


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I think it's better to have a more horizontal layout, it just fits better into the screen. I also think community stuff should be given more visibility over UI matters since it's way more impactful, should it be there at all.
And NO mentions of Discord, no way.


File:[SubsPlease] Benriya Saito….jpg (196.87 KB,1920x1080)

>And NO mentions of Discord, no way.
I was just thinking to think of things people would think or be curious about. The kids and stuff, you know. Avoiding that does make sense, though, yeah, we'll just mention irc/chat/ maybe
Horizontal, ehh.. Well, I'm just thinking that I generally prefer more narrow columns when reading stuff, but a wider image does have more character and playfulness to it.


It's that, y'know, I see a list like >>6883 and it just looks so uninviting. I don't think lists are fun, but maybe that's a me thing.


Also more space to fit pics on the sides, I should add.


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Alright, here is a plain form I just threw together. 4chan is turning 20 years old and there will be a lot of nostalgic meta threads so I think we should have something like this to throw around if anyone wants to.
It looks ugly and plain right now, but what's your opinion of the wording?


/qa/'s description talks about it in contrast to another board. I suggest contrasting /jp/ against /qa/ instead. If you want to make kissu not come across as "just another /jp/ spinoff that's not even 10 years old like all the other ones", emphasise the /qa/ continuation nature of it
seasonal boards: ditch the part about escapism. suggest "The seasonal boards are more aligned to real life and blogging. They are each visible only during their season!" (emphasising a gimmick that sets it apart from /jp/ spinoffs)

the tagline under the welcome text and the bottommost "Kissu is a place to have fun..." are redundant. I don't like the tone of "Stuff such as outrage culture, politics and the like are not permitted". sounds too much like a rule/directive, it's not worded in an attractive way, even to people who want to come to a site without those things. too much emphasis on the negative. dunno how to improve it though


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hmmm.... yeah, I can understand the 'negatives' thing. It just sucks that so many places that advertise themselves as laid back and happy are actually filled with aggression and outrage, so it almost feels necessary to say that we mean it.


I think kissu too is filled with aggression and outrage


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (136.35 KB,1920x1080)

Say that to my face and see what happens


no, I'm just angry


File:Photoshop_lH7lM03I1f.png (1.24 MB,1547x1050)

bleh... all this font styling and stuff is too hard
wasn't there someone here good at this stuff?

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