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File:R-1678585058906.jpg (399.12 KB,1400x1300)


Downloaded Handyman Isekai from the stream and it didn't have subs when using SMPlayer/VLC. The fix was to change the video track from 2 to 1. Hopefully this works for the anon having trouble with Buddy Daddies.


how odd... another video track... does that mean that his uploads are 2x the size?


File:[Rom & Rem] Urusei Yatsura….jpg (260.82 KB,1920x1080)

I really don't understand how this is possible or how it could work. I also have the same question as >>11630
and wonder if this means the kissu stream stuff is larger than it should be. But... I don't see any options in Handbrake mentioning anything like this. It seems like it'd be a pretty major thing.
Hmm... I don't have those players, but could someone download Urusei Yatsura or Precure from the stream list and see if it has the same thing? I did the conversion of those files last night:
(both of these files expire in a couple days)


File:99da906753.png (14.68 KB,1356x91)

he didn't use handbrake, uses a ffmpeg rule.
Your ones have one video track, his one has two.
Precure tends to have a lot of changing colors, but same size as Buddy

So like, I think he's been doubling the size of the uploades. But maybe for streams and webplayers it only picks one and doesn't download the extra.


File:mpc-hc64_1SLWV82p4V.png (973.76 KB,1020x627)

Ahah! So that's why the Precure and Urusei uploads of his were so gargantuan and I needed to upload them myself.
I didn't even know videos could even have multiple tracks, but now I notice the option in MPC. I wonder what situations there are for people doing it on purpose. Different censorship levels?


File:mpc-hc64_kv4AteR1eZ.png (1.07 MB,1155x701)

I should have cropped that image better


Checked all the files for the number of video streams:
1 mewkle stream opening
1 onimai
1 precure
2 buddy
2 saitou
2 yen
2 fire
2 revenger
2 bofuri
2 suiri
1 urusei
1 tensei6
1 tensei7
1 tensei8


>DVRs which record video in different quality as separate streams into the same video file
The more nefarious use they discuss was an issue on 8gag at one point.

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