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/b/ - Boson Technology

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File:1663225180164425.png (132.1 KB,267x314)


hi um.. im new... will you guys bully me... for being new... I used 4chan for a long time so I'm not new you know... I didn't want to use this website because I was afraid of being called new but I got the courage... I also used heyuri and shamik.ooo for a while... is it ok for me to be here with all of you...? am I allowed to post yuyus here... and be nice to each other...?


File:1463627304941.png (265.44 KB,833x696)

*shoves you into a locker*


File:1570070378201.png (9.76 KB,420x637)

You've walked down the wrong hallway nerd!


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File:[Isekai-mini] Tensei shita….jpg (292.18 KB,1920x1080)

Hello and welcome!

*kills you*

Also OP /b/ is more our meta board. We mostly talk on /jp/ and /qa/


Welcome newfriend :)


found your /g/ post




wish i had a stalker
at least he'd care


I stalk Anonymous because I'm secretly in love with him. Don't tell him pls.


I would e-stalk kissu posters but I can't tell people apart


No, you really don't want to.

Gross. Stop.


you're only saying that because yours is subpar


I will bully you for being new so that others don't realize I'm also new and bully me for it.


File:72229309_p0.png (1.43 MB,2700x2700)

I want a yuyu to stalk me.


probably scared them off


didnt help that it was a really slow day

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