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File:3e3c0390177a80f17166db44be….jpg (1.15 MB,1802x1274)

 No.11011[View All]

Bring up issues for both Kissu UI.

The old HTML pages will be undergoing an update to a new templating language so I will be more receptive to resolving issues with it.
UI Feedback: https://feedback.kissu.moe/public/forms/UI_Feedback/12
133 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


well, I'll see why it's not using the jpg and switch new files to png over the weekend.


File:C-1697808695558.png (391.12 KB,1920x1080)

added yt titles to video thumbnails when hovered over


Should be using the jpg now

As much as I'd like to do a UI rewrite there's no justification other than an inability to accept the past.

The server software is another deal.. I want to discard it. But few months ago I would have botched it by doing it in Rust and had to try some things out to get the idea of what I wanted. Right now I'll do it well but I'm in the middle of another project.


File:poincare-solv.mp4 (5.22 MB,1000x1000)

>Should be using the jpg now
mp4 test


File:1652605975071.webm (1.88 MB,460x570)

.webm test


you should increase the quality level of the jpgs


I'll just make them png files with decent quality


File:C-1698107402776.png (162.26 KB,664x922)

Is the feed broken for anyone else? I just opened my browser and it seems to have loaded every post up to >>>/qa/115434, but none after it.


they deadlock sometimes


File:Screenshot 2023-11-02 1948….png (59.49 KB,618x289)

Please fix YouTube link hover. Changes link from "https://..." to "YouTube Title".


good find


will be fixed as soon as clients clear their caches


this time /all/ broke too


File:[SubsPlease] Migi to Dali ….jpg (189.7 KB,1920x1080)

yeah I know, but he's afk....


oh it seems to be fixed


it's not


board-specific banners should not show up on /all/
they should be special rewards you rarely stumble into if you use the site avoiding the convenience of /all/


File:R-1699805981730.png (509.53 KB,720x1600)

There's a weird issue with /secret/ where there's a large bar of empty space on the left, no clue why it may be happening. Doesn't occur on other boards. Maybe a CSS thing?


i rotated the entire page by 1 degree


There's an empty thread in >>>/megu/1721 with a 404 image and no text, and when reporting it the popup says it's already been deleted. Pretty odd stuff.


Good morning to perverts, freaks, and the small-penised. I've discovered that italics inside an anchor link don't work. See >>12194


Not sure yet if that's a bug or an oversight, but I'll check


It's a problem with how we move between the vichan ui and the kissu ui from the vichan server. Not really any way to perfectly fix it for all the markup without taking another go at the UI format translation.


he fixed it


File:C-1706071115183.png (50.56 KB,303x441)

Is anyone else seeing /qa/ and /poll/ split into three lines in the post feed? It's very weird, and for some reason stops happening if I hide /jp/ through the options menu.


sounds like a browser or browser configuration issue


File:ae68a74cdd.png (273.75 KB,544x1184)

k, i see it now. strange


min-width: 28px;

well the fix is simple


not on chrome... what did FF change...


When I'm doing quick replies the little bar at the bottom is slowing to a crawl and a notiication at the top tells me "Submit issue: Submission completely failed"
but they succeeded, they're right at >>>/qa/119150 and >>>/qa/119151


I think it might be related to /all/ being broken after I did a restart


ah hm. something is amis, i see


hopefully it's fine now. I did see that weirdness


WASM looks really promising when used in the canvas element(like how ruffle emulator works)
Since the biggest limitation of using WASM in browsers is interactions with the HTML DOM bypassing that with a WebGL canvas looks like the ideal way to get around it and use the more modern technology in a way that works to it's strengths


Of course, by doing this you have to do a from scratch browser implementation where you basically recreate a lot of the aspects of a browser by yourself.
Not ideal in every project, but if someone wanted to create a specialty page or put in the effort to design individual elements of their webpage with images, they could do it.


The demo of HyperRogue I linked to in >>>/win/2708 uses Emscripten to compile the C++ game to WebAssembly and run it in a WebGL canvas.


File:C-1708810353181.png (30.15 KB,645x266)

Is it possible that posting on /test/ is broken? It seems to always give me pic no matter what.


Yeah, it's broken for me too. Weird...


i probably forgot to undo some test rules i put on test..


dumb testard.


I've abandoned all ideas of ever moving the Kissu-UI off of javascript. There's way too many complications of putting content into canvas and webgl


I don't know what you did, but the catalog on vichan /qa/ and only /qa/ broke.
It is a mystery, they load and then some javascript somewhere just removes all of them after teasing you with a quick preview teehee


The most impressive part is that it only happens on >>>/qa/ catalog with old ui enabled, but on https://original.kissu.moe/qa/catalog it's somehow perfectly fine.
Sincerely, your friendly vichan /qa/ tester.


strange. I can't reproduce this


oh, nvm. I got it. The problem is that the Sort By: causes all the conents to get removed, after then it's unfixable


File:44c6f5ad4a.png (2.41 KB,213x71)

having anything in there breaks the catalog. I think you'll have to clear any site data you have with kissu and not touch that feature. I don't correct vichan issues anymore


Naisu digits, but slightly wrong order.
Deleting the catalog entry in localstorage fixed it, thanks.
>I don't correct vichan issues anymore
If it ever completely breaks, owari desu...


if it completely breaks...
I would like an HTMX UI instead and I'm going to remake the database at some point this month... So we would probably just do that

I didn't know you were tech literate so yes, that's the correct answer


probably caused by this thread, but you'd have to tell me the timline of the bug to understand


that's what you get for deleting the first reply to that thread

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