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File:848f84bf0b5dbe4823720709dc….jpg (225.93 KB,1099x922)


I can teach you every programming language! HTML, XML, Microsoft Excel...


File:1621484028319.png (59.57 KB,278x255)

Not like you really need any of the other ones anyways


{"message":"allow me to teach you about JSON", "error":true}


I would like to learn Holy C so i can replace all my Spring-boot apps with it


File:9784844333845.jpg (470.68 KB,941x1200)

Finally something that Excel-tan agrees with!


File:2hu langs.jpg (3.69 MB,3000x3000)

But what 2hu would Excel be?


I want Nori to teach me how to do Flash and CG!


Can you even make flashes anymore with Adobe having killed it?


File:norippe_study.gif (972.74 KB,500x282)


I'm not sure but I think you can with CleanFlash debug version. https://gitlab.com/cleanflash/installer/-/releases pick the debug option while installing.


I think people on /f/ still make them once in a while, but it's certainly not a skill anyone should learn if they don't already have it

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