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File:C-1663979838121.png (2.17 KB,96x38)


What does the "(AU)" mean?


File:71170543_p0.jpg (215.78 KB,820x846)

auuuuaaaaahh huuaaaaaaahhhhhhh?
Where do you see that?


The notification box. Oh, could it be not specific to Kissu?


Notification box? The thing that pops up in lower right if you allow the browser to give windows notifications?


Top right and on Linux, but yes.


File:DPPDaLw1W9.png (3.67 KB,351x98)

Oh, that's presumably outside kissu's purview then I would assume. Mine looks like this and I've seen a couple other people post theirs and they looked closer to mine than yours so maybe it's a linux thing


Oh, guess I'll never know what that means then. Thanks, though.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (234.45 KB,1920x1080)

Well, I mean I'm just some guy and I don't use linux so I think you'd have more motivation to find out what it means than I would.
Maybe some linux guy here knows what it is, though, but if not you could probably find it on google


it's obviously a geolocation that your browser is presenting for no reason...


I gave up on Google without trying, thinking "(AU)" wouldn't be well received by a search engine, but I got one result on it. So A is for "Action" meaning the box is clickable and U is for "URL" meaning the box has an URL. The notification engine(?) is dunst.

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