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File:[crossover][enoshima junko….jpg (636.97 KB,2480x3507)


I've noticed a noticeable decline in quality across the board, from moderation to posts.
This website is going to hell in a handbasket soon.


Fine, I won't be that mean.


File:1640556349432.png (1.92 MB,1920x1356)

I think the only thing going to hell in a handbasket is your sense of humor


File:Ramposa_III.webp (308.41 KB,516x1035)

Time to change your name to Ramposa


3 Threads Hidden [+]


Me too, I actually noticed a steep quality drop around the same time this thread was posted. Wonder if there's a correlation


it's the vtubers, they aren't 2D yet people post them. no, streamers will never be 2D


is this the only fucking imageboard that supports webp


File:FbCxd0paIAExFOh.jfif (274.62 KB,1128x1406)

.jfif too
kissu walks the bleeding edge!


proof I'm the only developer who actually posts on the imageboards they dev for...


if the bigger imageboards had a good reason to bother supporting .webp they would

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