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File:oHYyZRS.jpg (25.97 KB,603x466)


Why does the end of season always have the least discussion about anime?


That doesn't make sense....


File:pS5NP3aGIBuYLQdLYlDDPmtJZL….jpg (26.56 KB,480x360)

makes sense to me


File:[SubsPlease] Peach Boy Riv….jpg (154.01 KB,1280x720)

I guess things are less exciting after a couple months.. and well you can't really discuss spoiler stuff that much and that's how it goes after the first few episodes?


Probably. I start to feel like keeping up with seasonals is a job around this time if I wasn't prudent in dropping stuff.

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accidentally turned my autotranslate on


But why would it be on for Japanese? Is it to help learn it or something? If it is, I'd think machine translation would be very bad for that


i downloaded an extension to translate what i highlight and it seems to have hotkeys that convert the entire page


it was supposed to be jp -> eng, but for some reason it didn't do that

File:Review.png (102.3 KB,547x514)


My rating algorithm needs some work it would seem

Kissu: 0.71 (B)
4/qa/: 0.44 (D)
Ota: 0.38 (F)
Nen: 0.56 (C)
GN: 0.55 (C)


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I can't agree with including 4/qa/, even if it's a pre-existing template image. Its score should be FFFFF or Z or something. So uh, how does the rating thing work? It must be including speed if a 4chan board isn't automatically the worst score possible.


I agree with the F for "Fuck ota."


It's a letter grading system used in GPAs
By chance there were no A+ or A-, only A


how the hell did ota get lower than gnfos and 4/qa/
feels like this rating is broken


Yeah, exactly what I mean with my questioning of the rating thing upthread. Speed must be be worth a lot of points, even if it's copied posts and templates or just general 4chan buzzword spam

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JPG optimization is magical
18 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I was asking if there were any noticeable artifacts in the optimized JPEG which I don't see posted in the thread. I wouldn't be able to tell from the screenshot because it's scaled down.


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If you look at the clock, the webp version has the best static


actually kind of strange. The .webp attempts to clean the artifacting of .jpg

The original is actually the worst looking... but there are some flaws with each



The biggest difference I've noticed so far is some subtle dithering-like speckles on the wall in the background which show up in the original but not in either recompressed version.

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What do you think it is that separates the qualities of a site like Nen from Kissu?

"Some people" seem to think it's about the perception of having an audience. If it feels like there's a lot of people around then more people will want to take part because they see value in responses to their posts. This theory is why I personally think image-boards that abandon rules thrive. Having no restrictions on what can be post means a lot of topics can be made at any time and you can expect, because no one is filtered out, that activity will be high. Places like this are 4chan, Himasugi or #jp. The lack of rules makes boards fast, and speed snowballs to speed more easily.
My personal value is that activity does not come through the perception of activity. The variety of topics is what makes a site more active and the mere existence of interesting content will drive things forward. If there's discussion about the ethics of porn, serious analysis of certain political theories, cute and funny otaku posts or otherwise high effort content then people will always find something interesting to them. It doesn't matter what the audience is, if you build it they will come.

To some extent a hybrid is possible and the active board will gain lots of interest from intelligent people looking to reach a large audience, or the sophisticated imageboard gathers attention as a place for scholars/artists and create a lot of activity, but lets think in black and white for this case. It's a scenario where the hybrid has not yet been able to occur.

So what do you think it is that separates similar themed imageboards from one another? Is it the perceived audience and the chance that your content will get lots of views(the belief of critical mass), or is it that having a lot of different high quality content(build it and they will come)?
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Activity begets activity. In the case of kissu it has almost everything to do with the unique set of circumstances surrounding /qa/‘s community. I reckon most of the difference between nen and kissu can be explained by timing and audience the site targeted. kissu was made and marketed at the right place, at the right time, to the right people. Another thing that drastically help kissu is that when this new market of posters from /qa/ became available there wasn’t really any other competition in town. It’s also a good thing that kissu has “grown up” in a period where there is a sole primary imageboard like 4chan that is “alive and well” but none of the secondary sites are as large and well known as 8gag was to act as the default place for all users looking a non-4chan imageboard.


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I think kissu has a higher density of NEETs/no-lifers that helps drive activity, it leads to the speed sometimes being faster than some other places with a larger userbase that post less often. There are also downsides to this, but it's not major. nen is great as an aside.

>This theory is why I personally think image-boards that abandon rules thrive
I don't really agree with this. These boards are usually full of intense spam waves because the community is really somewhere else, usually on a discord, and that's where the real activity is. The imageboards that rise and die every few weeks tend to lack rules as well- people still need content to read and reply to and that's the biggest draw of any community site. Finally, when there IS a "no rules" board with a decent speed, the quality tends to be abysmal as people essentially rely on clickbait to get replies.


1. An imageboard needs to have a reason to exist. If people can get the same or better experience from a more well-known site then no one will go to yours.

2. On the opposite extreme, a board can't be excessively niche or else they will quickly die off as soon as the initial content runs dry, if they can even get off the ground in the first place. If the rules clamp down too hard on what topics can be discussed on a site then that stymies potential activity and makes it hard for a community to develop.

3. People need a reason to keep coming back. That means either an active community to interact with, or for there to be new things to discuss. A board about a weekly airing series will have people returning each week even if it is dead in between, whereas vaguer discuss-anything boards are dead for good as soon as they go inactive since they require constant discussions to keep people engaged (if every active user has visited the site since the last post was made and hasn't added anything new, then that's the end of it).

4. There needs to be a path to get new users to the site. Even dedicated posters slowly peel off from the community and if there is no one to replace them you'll quickly get into a downwards spiral. Having a strong community identity is important to keep people engaged but if that is the -only- appeal of your board then it won't last for long as no one new will join. There also needs to be a way for potential users to find your board (and preferably without spamming other sites).

5. Excessive fragmentation is a killer. If discussion is split over too many boards then none of them, or at best one or two, will have any consistent activity. That turns away new users who will struggle to find active discussions and regular users will just congregate in the few active spaces without ever even looking at the rest of the site. Personally I think an imageboard (other platforms can be different in this regard) should have no more boards than it does (semi-)separate communities, with certain exceptions such as to prevent off-topic discussion from clogging up an otherwise niche topic site. If a board can't maintain its own identity then it only serves to weaken the identity of the site as a whole.

6. Active moderation that is engaged with the community. Imageboards are a major target for spam and if it isn't cleaned up quickly then that's a good way to kill a site. Also if the moderators are excessively 'hidPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The only two that I think I could disagree(or not even disagree but reword) with are 1 and 5.

1 because a site doesn't need to have a purpose, it doesn't have to be better or doesn't even need to be good. It can suppose a purpose to others or merely market itself as the true alternative to X. Hence why I think that the free speech imageboards are popular. More what I'm trying to say is that I would reword 1 to say An imageboard must validate it's reason to exist with marketing slogans that target a focus group.

5 because moderation and features can compensate for the fragmentation problem. An overboard removes the problem of fragmentation and a mod team who focuses on organizing and instructing others about the right way to do thing. Boards are simply an organizational tool, not a way to separate communities. This of course depends on how you view image-boards as either belonging to the 4/8chan model(each community is seperate) or how I think kissu works, each board is used by the same group and they can selectively hide whatever content they don't want to see (removing /sum/ for having too much real life content or /ec/ for being too sexual).


I drafted >>8216 before you wrote this, but some of our ideas overlap.

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I like this.

Being able to use Python's simple syntax as a wrapper over your overengineered C/Rust(/and so on) code to get good performance time and application engineering time just seems like the best way to write anything. There's no negatives!


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What OS are the Niponjin's using that's more popular than iOS?
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>They also bought off a Taiwanese company so that they can also make their own (outdated) x86 processors.
That just about sums up the Chinese mentality


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Even Best Korea uses Linux!


File:Windowing_in_Red_Star_Linu….png (512.6 KB,640x480)

Wow! Great! As expected of Supreme Leader it is amazing and has game!!


The world's most advance Operating system...


Moved to >>>/qa/72805.

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Can anyone confirm?


Why are there 50 threads about this?


i dun geddit

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 No.6312[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Kissu has a unique UI. Love it or hate it, this is a big step in creating a unique identity for the site. For the next few weeks I plan to leave things as they are and gather up more bugs and issues with it.
What's required is more feedback on what you like and don't like. About Kissu, about software, about me. Everything is appreciated though I may not always reciprocate on your opinions.

Since last edition there have been no external conflicts. Legal concerns are always on my mind, but I have no reason to think that there will be any issues, minor changes to /ec/ that don't effect current users for example. Cool and Berun have handled most internal issues fine.

Current goals are an official site IRC, financial BS and continuous improvements on the Kissu-Fr front-end and Vichan+Hazuki backend.
Final goals will be the clarification of site objectives and social/software infrastructure.

This site's 1.0 phase(vichan amateur hour) is coming to an end. The Kissu 2.0 period is about building an identity on the internet. An imageboard as a real website and not something hiding in the corner is a very tenuous situation, many things can go wrong.
793 posts and 102 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


is joke


I'm going to be creating a new dev thread since the site's software is stable for the foreseeable future and dev' isn't a major issue. I guess just a generic admin and dev QA thread.

On this I want to resolve an issue relating to >>>/poll/1554
This issue is backed by the reasoning behind prior creation of >>>/jp/

Thread perma status off


she has a big head lole


zombie offroad safari скачать взлом <a href=https://apk-smart.com/igry/gonki/1627-zombie-offroad-safari-vzlomannyj-mnogo-deneg.html>https://apk-smart.com/igry/gonki/1627-zombie-offroad-safari-vzlomannyj-mnogo-deneg.html</a> zombie offroad safari скачать взлом

P.S Live ID: K89Io9blWX1UfZWv3ajv
P.S.S <a href=http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=28090&pid=441027#pid441027>Программы и игры для Андроид телефона</a> <a href=https://wowjp.net/forum/235-290149-1#4299059>Программы и игры для Андроид телефона</a> <a href=https://rus-boys.ru/content/andrey-lunev-gol-isportil-nastroenie#comment-93283>Программы и игры для Андроид телефона</a> a654a0b


The rare bot spam

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Going to flood again in like 15 minutes, more extreme to the point of probably crashing the site.


I resolved the problem I was having,
I'm done flooding the site.

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what are the perceptions of auto playing .gifs?
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Agreed. The evolutionary path of the web is to be more and more in your face, distracting, geared towards instant gratification, etc. And that's not a good thing! I don't want autoplaying audio, I don't want autoplaying video, and when computers become even more immersive you can bet I won't want autoplaying smells. If anything, autoplaying video is worse than autoplaying audio when trying to read something, since it directly competes for your eyesight. (Arguably the same is already true for still images, which is one reason why imageboards will never fully replace textboards as a medium for discussion).


>instant gratification
Step off it you old geezer!

>Arguably the same is already true for still images, which is one reason why imageboards will never fully replace textboards as a medium for discussion
I'd argue they already have. The number of active textboards is in the single digits.


>The evolutionary path of the web is to be more and more in your face, distracting, geared towards instant gratification, etc.
I don't know about that, have you forgotten early 2000's web design where neon colours, flashing images and unblockable popup ads were all the rage?


I too remember when the internet was full of helpful and happy people


>Arguably the same is already true for still images, which is one reason why imageboards will never fully replace textboards as a medium for discussion
this is almost like saying books with titled and illustrated covers will never be replaced by binders of plaintext printouts
you probably wear socks with math equations on them


Ball joint gear. sasuga nips.


If it can be scaled up to give a gundam full range of motion and the ability to lift more than 1 ton, then I'll be impressed


pretty cool


you have
but no
__So what i aske is red text pls__
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


No news is good news.


¥ Kindly fuck off


File:khB9Rim.png (103.84 KB,935x614)

Does this conversation need to be isolated and moved onto >>>/b/



Ah, so
That's how
I hope


No problem
The FAQ covers some other tricks


remember to always use gyro controls when gaming
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File:frens_play_game.jpg (173.62 KB,900x900)

keyboard and mouse for strategy and FPS games.
arcade sticks for fighting games.
some kind of dedicated 2D controller (snes/genesis/whatever) for 2D platformers.
controllers with analog sticks for racing games, 3D platfomers, and 3D action games like DMC.
flight sticks and racing wheels for hardcore simulators.
the PC's greatest asset is user freedom, go nuts if you can afford it.


File:20210727_021259.jpg (181.57 KB,2246x1263)

check out this hitbox I put together the other day. I hated playing with a stick so was using a pad but I'm liking the hitbox layout a lot more.


>put together
You made it yourself?!
Also, how do the movement controls work on those, looks like your hand goes on the gray and left 3, but which is jump/crouch


I just ordered all the parts, actually putting it together is really easy. the left most 3 buttons are left down and right while that bigger button on the bottom middle is the jump. once you get use to the odd jump placement or just think if it like a spacebar it becomes really nice to play on. doing motion inputs on it are super easy and charge moves are a breeze. the placement of the jump button beans you can also use your right hands thumb to use it which makes it nice for down up charge moves since you can hit both buttons at the same time on one hand.


sugoku epic cool

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