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Project thread for the feedback.kissu.moe system
Source code: https://github.com/ECHibiki/Kissu-Feedback-and-Forms
Feedback on the feedback: https://feedback.kissu.moe/public/forms/Feedback_Feedback/9

Original Text I'm going to make a questionnaire form sometime soon to get an idea of the type of people to use the site. Things like:
How did you discover kissu, what do you want to do more of on the site, proficiency with imageboards, what you think kissu's problems are, some simple personality questions, technical experience and etc.

Idea is the poll will be anonymous so you don't have to threat about me not liking anything, but if there's something about this or the idea that seems off you can bring it up here. There are some questions which people might not be comfortable to answer in a forum such as where they found out about kissu or problems they have with the site.
I'm attempting to gather up some information so I can better direct software and other site related things.
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slow progress. Almost done on a basic version of it.
Was pretty useful in catching some misconceptions and establishing good practices.


Finally finished a working version and have it running on the site.
Going to use it in something soon.

Still want to upgrade it but I ought to switch focus to some other items for the time being

source code:


Done a respectable amount of development on the features of this tool and gotten some good information on issues that could arise.
I think it would be good to push both this application and the banners application as something other people could use. But I guess maintenance of these features would get backseated to vichan replacement efforts.

There are still a handful of improvements to do with testing and libraries that I want to elaborate on. Expanding on test cases and removing some components for others will be done before getting into writing a major server.
Having these things well understood will pay off in maintenance and development.


- After testing how Twig templates(the Vichan and PHP style of templating) function in Golang I'm going to be rewritting templates from that standard into Pongo2.
Benchmarks say this one of the top3 fastest templating engines in Golang.
- Also I will be expanding test cases to handle fuzzing(essentially throwing random inputs into a function until it breaks or the time expires).
- Also will add in HTTP testing.

After these three tasks are accomplished I will be putting this on idle like the banners program and shifting focus to replacing Vichan with a Golang(Gin+Pongo2+ReactJS) imageboard engine.


Looks like I've gotten everything I wanted to learn out of this project.
Have knowledge of every concept in golang after this. Just will have to expand on it through practice

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Thread discussing the state of documentation on Kissu
Primarily for the rules page and the FAQ page, though there are some others.

Feedback on FAQ, Rules and documentation: https://feedback.kissu.moe/public/forms/Static_Page_Feedback/11

Page covering site rules: https://kissu.moe/rules
Page covering FAQ content: https://kissu.moe/faq
Kissu's JSON documentation: https://github.com/ECHibiki/Kissu-JSON-API-Docs
Kissu-UI Developer API: https://github.com/ECHibiki/Kissu-Fr-API-Docs

Posts cover notable updates to these pages or discusion on them.
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Just a minor thing, but I noticed that toddlercon is misspelled on the rules page.


FLIP tots
there are lots of spelling errors on that page... also there is a link to the patreon that should go to the kofi


Running it through a spellcheck it's just two things aside from todlercon.

Can see about updating these pages for any issues.
But it's kind of outdated and looks really rough and flavorless(compared to 4chan's).
Yet these pages are not used by anyone except perhaps the curious new user


I wrote up a quick document for writing CSS sheets to help Cool. Lots of grammar typos.

Will include it here when it's a bit nicer


>FLIP tots
i agree

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A timeline for Kissu's software. Most of this information has been blogged, though the earlier stuff was lost by setting the config options on /b/ to 1 page.

December 2018 - Kissu is started out of a need to keep /qa/ going with mod autismo moderation. It picks vichan because that's what all the other spinoffs are using. Verniy gets the site running and picks the cheapest VPS available.

January 2019 - Kissu is released and Verniy works on removing bugs from the software. Begins doing simple changes such as audio hover expansion and so on. On release Captchouli was added to the software in a semi-functional state. Took features from NPFChan for deleting posts to restore bumps. To replace Cytube, theatre.kissu.moe was added to this site.

February 2019 - Kissu has every page checking if posters have been banned. Feature is later removed.

March 2019 - Bug fixes and improvements to the UI. Vichan's catalog post box was probably created at this time.

April 2019 - Kissu releases /agg/. Worked into an April fools joke it was a board that scraped all the /jp/ imageboards with JSON APIs. Stayed around for a few months until it started being difficult.
Around this point in time Kissu took the index updater concept from GNFOS.

May - August 2019 - Not a lot is recorded during this time. Ideas were played with like bans.kissu.moe which was a bullitin board thing. Some concepts of a potential imageboard overboard using /agg/. Had summer courses and a part time job taking up most of my time.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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2023 Prospective
Adding socket functionality
Some services removed/disconnected from normal functions
Transitioning from NodeJS applications to Rust(temporary)


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2024 Prospective
Replacement of vichan and combination of imageboard services into one package.


Don't think I'll convert the IRC bot to rustlang. It goes against my principles of Kissu only being golang and rustlang. With time sensitive/user experience vital operations being in fast Rust while the extra services being in the easy Go.


>April 2019 - Kissu releases /agg/. Worked into an April fools joke it was a board that scraped all the /jp/ imageboards with JSON APIs.
This one was really cool. It brought some problems socially, but on a technical level I really liked it.
Apart from that, I don't have much to say because I don't understand this stuff. You really put a lot of work into this and learned while you were going which is pretty cool to see.


mmmm yeah.

So the site's tech stack is going to end up being:
Rust -> Core site functionality
Go -> Side services supporting the core
NodeJS -> Scripts, bots etc.
Typescript+ReactJS -> UI design

Some exceptions for 4taba which will go read-only
theatre.kissu because I've only modified it.
Potential WASM changes would be Rust for UI design

Was more experimental then... nowadays it's professionalism.
Formal tech stacks, test driven development, complicated and fast languages, WASM integration

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Downloaded Handyman Isekai from the stream and it didn't have subs when using SMPlayer/VLC. The fix was to change the video track from 2 to 1. Hopefully this works for the anon having trouble with Buddy Daddies.
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he didn't use handbrake, uses a ffmpeg rule.
Your ones have one video track, his one has two.
Precure tends to have a lot of changing colors, but same size as Buddy

So like, I think he's been doubling the size of the uploades. But maybe for streams and webplayers it only picks one and doesn't download the extra.


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Ahah! So that's why the Precure and Urusei uploads of his were so gargantuan and I needed to upload them myself.
I didn't even know videos could even have multiple tracks, but now I notice the option in MPC. I wonder what situations there are for people doing it on purpose. Different censorship levels?


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I should have cropped that image better


Checked all the files for the number of video streams:
1 mewkle stream opening
1 onimai
1 precure
2 buddy
2 saitou
2 yen
2 fire
2 revenger
2 bofuri
2 suiri
1 urusei
1 tensei6
1 tensei7
1 tensei8


>DVRs which record video in different quality as separate streams into the same video file
The more nefarious use they discuss was an issue on 8gag at one point.

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I wonder what searches bring people to kissu
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Kissu was featured on an altchan post on /g/ recently; it was actually part of an image.


mesmerizing webm


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According to SimilarWeb, the top three are "novelai loli modules", "fetish lora [sic] models", and "futanari promps [sic]". The more you know.


This is kinda weird. First that's like 70% just me and secondly I've done most of the fetish/dickgirl blogging on /megu/. And the first one... well... we can't post so that's really strange that it brings anyone. This seems really, really nonsensical


i got here from the 4chanX link on 4-/qa/ like a year ago

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substanceless bumping is pretty dumb.
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the necroer


the prophecy is fulfilled


eh it's only been six months




nuh uh

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Truly, IRC is the last bastion of old internet
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not that anon but i think that would be epic and for the win


I would love that.


i wonder if you could post from a terminal browser like lynx if you had a vip token


You can post from anything if you know how to send a POST request.


They were in their heyday too. That's what I thought looking at OP's vid, too much activity to be representative of ye olde irc.
I'd hit up the dcc bot for a batch of anime like a week later and there would be maybe a dozen posts from 300 idlers.

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I have always imagined that an average kissu poster is someone who is only interested in Japanese 2D media, video games, and other purely solo activities; who doesn't watch any form of 3D media including streamers; who doesn't care about anything happening in the world unless it's of direct concern of his interests; whose sole purpose of life is to practice his interests; who avoids all kinds of human interaction as much as possible; and who has zero desire to talk about anything other than his interests online.

Yet there are lots posts here indicating that a sizable amount of posters here aren't like that; they seem to be well versed in all kinds of real-life topics, and whenever controversial real-life topics or those tangentially related to the solo interests are mentioned here, discussions often spiral out of control with heated arguments, low quality discussions, and personal insults. They seem to be very intrigued in these types of discussions, because the 2D interests discussions have never reached the high posting speed they have.

So, what's happening here? An average kissu poster as I imagine would never be involved in such discussions because they're so ignorant of any real-life topics that they simply have no opinions on them and therefore have no interest to participate. Are kissu posters all riajuu in secret? Are they no different from average 4chan posters who frequently bring up real-life stuffs in threads on solo interests?
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I'm a procreation and child-rearing otaku.


I'm a debt-refinancing otaku


2chan has always had a reputation of cliquishness and thin skin relative to 2ch/5ch.


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You know, I think I've been unfair to the new UI.
Back in the day it was raw as hell, I only reluctantly started using because /cry/ didn't appear in the original one's RSS, and combined with the repeated shitstorms that went down it's had a bad aftertaste that never really went away. But after revisiting threads like >>5941, >>7640, and all the autism from the older feedback threads, I can see that things have changed for the better, and can now appreciate that it's actually really good.

Not just the RSS on the sidebar but its links as well, the preview button, the formatting shortcuts, I use them all the time. Very handy stuff. The top of the site looks great, much less empty space compared to the old one, and having horizontal instead of vertical fields is pretty neat. I'm a bit torn on the catalog since it's divided into all these pages the original doesn't have, which is a bother, but at the same time bigger images are nice. I always open new tabs using middle-click so most of the time I forget the right-click hijack even exists.

So yeah, good job, V, good stuff.


Imageboard catalogs are an eternal work in progress. No one has mastered them and everyone has differing ideas.
I don't even use it all that much myself.

It tries to do what 4chanX does while addressing a problem with some imageboards where opening up a large board will freeze your browser session as it tries to generate a couple thousand threads. Without pages /all/ would be like this. There's also some other technical limitations why I emphasize pages more than others


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Yeah, a lot of progress was made and it's looking great. Needs more themes, though, which means I need to get off my butt and make more of them... eventually


i cant believe theres no utawarerumono theme


I thought about it, but I'm making a theme for kissu and not myself and I don't even know what an Utawarerumono one would look like. I guess I could try to think of inspiration for it, but it's a lot less concrete than a Lala one with the space theme. For example, what color makes you think of Utawarermono? None of them, really.
But, I guess I could try to make it look like Tuskuru with its ainu themes maybe... we'll see.......... one day

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 No.5941[Reply][Last50 Posts]

this makes me want to cry...

also why is it more annoying to input an embed file now
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I wanted to get /b/thread/5941.json to work in case, but that's seeming to be harder than i thought with all the rules in the server block


will replace the floatbar concept with a window that appears on page startup when there's a new news item.

This will contain the message of the day concept that was attached to the vichan UI and reduce the number of info messages on first load.


the good old days...


yes, this was quite bad, but I was still in the right


It surprises me just how recent the current implementation of the custom UI is. I always think it was introduced earlier than it actually was. I guess that speaks to how good of a design it is.

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when are we going to get rid of the animal names, im tired of them and want everyone to be called anonymous again
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February the latest, the earliest when Cool ask's me


ok they're gone


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I don't think it worked


cute hibiki


came here to post this again


Diagrams are VERY important


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(didnt watch the OP video) this guy says diagrams from category theory are good
>Notice that the lines are "data" and the boxes are "functionality" -- the opposite of many programmers' instincts, but it's a really helpful framing.
never thought of doing it that way. maybe I'll give it a shot at w-word.


when drawing artworks, think like an artist... wow, what a great advice, i could've never imagined that!

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Has anyone actually ever failed a captchouli because they didn't know the character?
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Yeah. I think the ones I mess up most often are probably the blep :P or pout ones.


Sorry I'm such a newfag, but where is captchhouli used?
I found the github repo(https://github.com/bakape/captchouli), really cool concept, but there's no captcha on kissu, so is there some other website related to kissu that uses it?


I've modified the filter system (Flood Detected) to use a captcha instead of outright rejecting the post. Users fill out the captchouli captcha and it bypasses the flood warning. But the parameters only get adjusted by me if the site is in a situation where it's required. Otherwise you probably won't notice unless doing imagedumps(in which case I have a purchased-pass system that allows you to bypass it that have been given to ~10-12 people).

The captcha itself hasn't been adjusted in probably a year, but I can decide what sort of tags to use and pollute the database with junk that will never be used to make it harder to solve. However, it's such a rare thing because we try to only let mature people post and have automatic systems to block tor and some proxy/vpn.


$1[s glowpink][/s]


yes because I've been outside recently

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hi um.. im new... will you guys bully me... for being new... I used 4chan for a long time so I'm not new you know... I didn't want to use this website because I was afraid of being called new but I got the courage... I also used heyuri and shamik.ooo for a while... is it ok for me to be here with all of you...? am I allowed to post yuyus here... and be nice to each other...?
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you're only saying that because yours is subpar


I will bully you for being new so that others don't realize I'm also new and bully me for it.


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I want a yuyu to stalk me.


probably scared them off


didnt help that it was a really slow day

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On June 1st posting will have some interrupts while we transfer site information from one location to another. As apposed to the site reformat that happened earlier this year(>>9095), there should not be a half a day long downtime.

Since Kissu is in the last 6 months of it's 4 year server lease our hosts are changing and our server hardware is being upgraded.

Switching from a VPS provider to a Cloud provider.
3X the cost with 3.2X the storage, 2X the RAM and a better CPU (though our former host never gave any details on what they use). Formerly our servers were chosen for being the cheapest option. Currently the focus is on increasing the site's performance and fine tuning our hardware to what makes posting the fastest.
The most important thing of note is that the increase in storage space will resolve an issue with post times that I was working around. Uploading files directly to luna will cease to be a thing(at least until I rework the algorithm).

In addition to the above, but not effecting your posting quality in any way:
A separate VPS server will be purchased and will be uploaded with full backups every 24hr. This ensures that suspensions from server hosts or hardware failure will only ever roll us back a day.

Services such as 4taba, theatre.kissu, file-url-upload and luna.kissu will continue to exist in the same manner as they have been.
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is this 10goo?


don't answer that, a rhetorical question


if he is, he's missed a lotta GETs


lotta missed GETs for a hired GETstealer

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