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File:[Coalgirls]_Cardcaptor_Sak….jpg (132.3 KB,960x720)


Are youtube embeds a good or bad thing? On one hand they give a preview to and quick access to the content surrounding a post/thread, and on the other they're an easy way for certain people to tard out and get their thread immediately judged and disregarded because it's more a crutch for not having an image.
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They're pretty much useless because you can't see what it's about before clicking and I wont click. I'd rather have something that transforms urls into the title.


testing embed of youtube shorts with url https://youtu.be/XzKHvOVIviE


testing embed of youtube shorts with url >>11836" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" >https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XzKHvOVIviE>>11836
(it fails, says youtube/null and doesnt let me post)



>I'd rather have something that transforms urls into the title.
wish granted

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I've been thinking about creating a simple "welcome" image to help explain kissu to newcomers or perhaps something people can share elsewhere if they so desire. Something that will look similar to the rules page, but will sound a bit more flowery by virtue of not being a rules page. Basically an image of "what is kissu" and a "where do I post ____ on kissu" thing.

I'm thinking a basic format like this:

"Welcome to kissu blahblah we talk about blahblah take it easy blahblahblah banana"
(We could talk about the brief history of kissu, but I'm not sure that's necessary. Or maybe it IS necessary since the "main" board is /qa/ and the /qa/ name has unfortunate associations to the wider world, though)

Then there would be a section for the basic purpose of each board
"Confused about where to post? Well, don't be!
/qa/- /qa/ is blahblah
/jp/- here you can blahblah
seasonal boards- blahblah
etc etc"

I'd much sure to emphasize that it's okay to make mistakes and post on the wrong board and bad posts are just deleted here without bans as long as it's not clearly malicious. Posts and threads can be moved by a mod if it's an issue and so on.
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hmmm.... yeah, I can understand the 'negatives' thing. It just sucks that so many places that advertise themselves as laid back and happy are actually filled with aggression and outrage, so it almost feels necessary to say that we mean it.


I think kissu too is filled with aggression and outrage


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Say that to my face and see what happens


no, I'm just angry


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bleh... all this font styling and stuff is too hard
wasn't there someone here good at this stuff?

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To preface, I think that /qa/ has been wonderful so far. It’s provided a place for people that want to get away from the crappiness of the modern internet and has proven to be a nice haven for those rangebanned off of 4/qa/. There’s nothing more I could ask of the admins in regards to how things have been handled so far.

My concerns today stem from /jp/, the secondary board made to be /qa/’s dumping grounds of sorts. Its purpose has always been murky and shrouded in a veil of vagueness, but I believe today that there is a path for kissu to clear this vagueness and give the board a clear purpose alongside being a side for less important funposts. My proposal is that the moderation of the board become more hands off from the staff, and more hands on for the posters. This of course, excludes crap that doesn’t belong on a 2D/Random board in the first place such as 3D, cancerman/frogs, and politics discussion.

The for this reason being that while /qa/ has appealed to the section of 4/qa/ that liked to take it easy and talk to each other about meta, otaku culture, and the like, there was also another portion of 4/qa/ that has been largely ignored by kissu from the getgo. These posters being those who were interested in /qa/’s unique clash of cultures which lead to the creation something wholly unique and fun. That 4/qa/ from 2017 has been mostly lost to history, and while some may think that the current “board wars” going on are representative of it, I think it to be a wholly different concept. The clashing cultures of 2017 were more closely related to each other, and weren’t really vying for presence on the board, but rather the clashes were due to the differing philosophies and values of those posting. Leading to passionate arguments, lighthearted shit/funposting at each other, fun trolling of each other, and a lot of positive inter-board interaction. For the most part this doesn’t exist on kissu in its current state, mostly that’s due to staff moderation standards. While not being the exact same, they’re a bit too similarly strict on both boards towards those that clash with the current culture, thereby making the possibility for this to occur once again extremely, if not entirely, unlikely.

That is why I believe the moderation on /jp/ should be even more lax than it currently is. If the possibility is there, then I believe kissu also has the capability to pull it off. I think there’s a fair amount of people who may have been intPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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die casual skimmer


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I would sooner leave Kissu entirely than stay and let this site become known for a board that's entire raison d'etre is for conflict. Might as well migrate to kiwi farms at that point.


Das casual skimmer.


I think we're still not seeing the same picture... I don't want conflict to be the board's raison d'etre, but I'd like to see people that if given the opportunity to voice their opinions present them passionately rather than worry about the atmosphere of the board around them like one may do on /all/. Of course that would just be one facet of the board that I'd think would help to make it nice. More long metatard conversations like these that often come up as unsightly to the regular user I'd be fine with as well. Or funposts to break from the serious attitude. I don't just want the board to just devolve into exclusively flamewars that'd be antithetical to the purpose of elevating it to something better... But at the same time I guess I don't have much of a clear vision that I'd like for /secret/ that couldn't just be done on kissu proper except for discussion of more uncouth topics we wouldn't want on /all/. I guess what would your ideal for /secret/ be since I want to consider how it'd look in an ideal world.

Also since you brought up you'd rather go to kiwifarms I think you might be hung up on
>because of the propensity they had for drama
But I don't really think those posters would be good on /secret/ for that, but because I know there's a lot more posters like those could contribute beyond drama.


Actually when I think of the ideal /secret/ environment I just think 4/qa/ with less of the purely maliciously antagonistic individuals

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 No.10412[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I figure it wouldn't hurt to have a thread focused on kissu's CSS stuff. I can blog about it and people can offer suggestions. CSS is the text that alters how stuff looks on websites. When I add in something temporarily, like little images attached to posts, it's a CSS thing.

Anyway, I think it'd be cool if there was more community interaction with this thing and people could provide material for me to use.
We can't really celebrate every idol or 2hu birthday or it'd be a lot less special. I've just been doing it on a whim now and then with random stuff, but I'm only one person with one set of likes and dislikes.
Maybe you liked part of an episode or game and edited a nice crop of it? Yeah, I can put that up for a couple days. Did a manga come back from hiatus and you're excited to share a picture from it? Sounds cool, I'll attach something to your thread if you provide it. Stupid stuff like "Can you add furry Patchy to this /jp/ thread" is also acceptable, in moderation.
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I live in the state of CSS, there's no other state quite like it.



Ohh, that does seem cool. Too complicated for me to look at now, though


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I think I might use this thread to catalog my CSS stuff in an easy to grab place in addition to saving it in textfiles which are annoying to find.

/secret/ Kuon CSS with the expanding, rotating mascot@keyframes kuon {
0% { background-position: 0% 40000%;}
100% { background-position: 40000% 0%;}
#lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window {
background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1700786992415.png);
background-repeat: repeat;
animation-name: kuon;
animation-duration: 40000s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
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5 year birthday background and rotating 5 mascot@keyframes bday {
0% { background-position: 0% 0%;}
100% { background-position: 50000% 0%;}

#lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window {
background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1701401968591.png);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-size: cover;
animation-name: bday;
animation-duration: 70000s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
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This is the thread for discussing improvements, fixes, additions and development of oyasumi-chyuu, a site made to house /qa/'s collection of OPs and EDs. Up until now I've been working on it on my own, but it was always intended to become a place that the community can develop together. I haven't asked for any help on it because I wanted to learn how to do things on my own, but now that it has most of the main features that I wanted to add its a good time to open it up. If it seems like a very basic site, thats because it is. I'll make a github soon enough so everyone can look at the actual files and help improve them as needed, but if theres something that you think needs to change and you know how to do it, by all means please help.

Theres a number of fixes I want to work on now but for now I want to focus on the development of a scraper. Its been suggested that we make a scraper that will pull information about a given OP from a site like anidb.net. The scraper will put the information into the post form for the user, so all they really have to do it select the file to upload, select which OP it is and hit Go. This will both minimize the chance for errors and wrong or inaccurate information entered, and will make uploading a series of videos from the same show much simpler. Aside from this, its also been suggested to make a scraper that will collect more information about the song used in each OP itself )such as the song name, artist) and display that. There are a couple other sites that have information on the complete soundtrack from different shows so we can pull from there. Plus, if we pull from those sites, it gives us a more accurate number of how many OPs and EDs a series has so we can collect them all. I haven't looked too deeply into this, so if theres anybody out there with any experience or who knows how to do this your help would be greatly appreciated!
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oops I didn't mean to reply to anything


too late


oyasumi site 404s now


Ah, yeah, well the guy's been busy in RL or something from what I've heard. It might come back someday...


It works for me. Try http://

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How is color mapped on translucent object? Recalling guides like https://guidetodrawing.com/reflections/size-and-shape-of-reflections/
, based on position of light source, one can pull lines to edges of objects and then it ll form the shadows... so
Maybe based on the surrounding environment/scene how do one define the colors, value, shade of translcuent things?

Feel free to form sample scene of any sort to explain tyvm
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I don't understand why?


what are you trying to achieve? I assumed this was a tech question because you put it on /b/, but it seems like it isn't


Why what?
Is it not tech? Well it s a diagram of how the tech works... so its tech... isnt it?


You're not making sense. Is this related to university courses or personal hobby?
Are you asking for a low level analysis of how light is handled in 3D graphics? Or is this some sort of physics question?


>>11815 what do you mean by low level analysis yourself?

It s a visual explanation maybe

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hey friends i just made a new chan drop by and say hi sometime

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angel mort


what's the average chan lifespan anyways


I don't think averages are useful in this case. There are those that last between a week and a few months because they've got no community, the old ones that survive for ten-fifteen years, but those in the middle I'm not sure. Think it depends a lot on their situation.


>Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

>We can’t connect to the server at shinkuchan.cf.

>If you entered the right address, you can:

> Try again later
> Check your network connection
> Check that Nightly has permission to access the web (you might be connected but behind a firewall)


that's normal for minor imageboards

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Marketing departments know the average person likes cute things so that's why they do that crap.


wish the average person liked cute lolis


trips of same


wish the average person was a cute loli


git talked back to me like this. disgusting


How would I make something like this into a thread instead of dumping it into the "random video thread" at >>>/spg/1359


Like that I guess...


nice. Everything can be a meta thread now by asking the question


It is a mystery


You just need about a sentence of thought about it that makes you like the video and want to share it with others.


Post the initial question and an image of an evil girl asking anon whether he'll take the bet.
Alternatively, make an AI chuuba reaction video.

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Project thread for the feedback.kissu.moe system
Source code: https://github.com/ECHibiki/Kissu-Feedback-and-Forms
Feedback on the feedback: https://feedback.kissu.moe/public/forms/Feedback_Feedback/9

Original Text I'm going to make a questionnaire form sometime soon to get an idea of the type of people to use the site. Things like:
How did you discover kissu, what do you want to do more of on the site, proficiency with imageboards, what you think kissu's problems are, some simple personality questions, technical experience and etc.

Idea is the poll will be anonymous so you don't have to threat about me not liking anything, but if there's something about this or the idea that seems off you can bring it up here. There are some questions which people might not be comfortable to answer in a forum such as where they found out about kissu or problems they have with the site.
I'm attempting to gather up some information so I can better direct software and other site related things.
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slow progress. Almost done on a basic version of it.
Was pretty useful in catching some misconceptions and establishing good practices.


Finally finished a working version and have it running on the site.
Going to use it in something soon.

Still want to upgrade it but I ought to switch focus to some other items for the time being

source code:


Done a respectable amount of development on the features of this tool and gotten some good information on issues that could arise.
I think it would be good to push both this application and the banners application as something other people could use. But I guess maintenance of these features would get backseated to vichan replacement efforts.

There are still a handful of improvements to do with testing and libraries that I want to elaborate on. Expanding on test cases and removing some components for others will be done before getting into writing a major server.
Having these things well understood will pay off in maintenance and development.


- After testing how Twig templates(the Vichan and PHP style of templating) function in Golang I'm going to be rewritting templates from that standard into Pongo2.
Benchmarks say this one of the top3 fastest templating engines in Golang.
- Also I will be expanding test cases to handle fuzzing(essentially throwing random inputs into a function until it breaks or the time expires).
- Also will add in HTTP testing.

After these three tasks are accomplished I will be putting this on idle like the banners program and shifting focus to replacing Vichan with a Golang(Gin+Pongo2+ReactJS) imageboard engine.


Looks like I've gotten everything I wanted to learn out of this project.
Have knowledge of every concept in golang after this. Just will have to expand on it through practice

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Thread discussing the state of documentation on Kissu
Primarily for the rules page and the FAQ page, though there are some others.

Feedback on FAQ, Rules and documentation: https://feedback.kissu.moe/public/forms/Static_Page_Feedback/11

Page covering site rules: https://kissu.moe/rules
Page covering FAQ content: https://kissu.moe/faq
Kissu's JSON documentation: https://github.com/ECHibiki/Kissu-JSON-API-Docs
Kissu-UI Developer API: https://github.com/ECHibiki/Kissu-Fr-API-Docs

Posts cover notable updates to these pages or discusion on them.
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Just a minor thing, but I noticed that toddlercon is misspelled on the rules page.


FLIP tots
there are lots of spelling errors on that page... also there is a link to the patreon that should go to the kofi


Running it through a spellcheck it's just two things aside from todlercon.

Can see about updating these pages for any issues.
But it's kind of outdated and looks really rough and flavorless(compared to 4chan's).
Yet these pages are not used by anyone except perhaps the curious new user


I wrote up a quick document for writing CSS sheets to help Cool. Lots of grammar typos.

Will include it here when it's a bit nicer


>FLIP tots
i agree

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A timeline for Kissu's software. Most of this information has been blogged, though the earlier stuff was lost by setting the config options on /b/ to 1 page.

December 2018 - Kissu is started out of a need to keep /qa/ going with mod autismo moderation. It picks vichan because that's what all the other spinoffs are using. Verniy gets the site running and picks the cheapest VPS available.

January 2019 - Kissu is released and Verniy works on removing bugs from the software. Begins doing simple changes such as audio hover expansion and so on. On release Captchouli was added to the software in a semi-functional state. Took features from NPFChan for deleting posts to restore bumps. To replace Cytube, theatre.kissu.moe was added to this site.

February 2019 - Kissu has every page checking if posters have been banned. Feature is later removed.

March 2019 - Bug fixes and improvements to the UI. Vichan's catalog post box was probably created at this time.

April 2019 - Kissu releases /agg/. Worked into an April fools joke it was a board that scraped all the /jp/ imageboards with JSON APIs. Stayed around for a few months until it started being difficult.
Around this point in time Kissu took the index updater concept from GNFOS.

May - August 2019 - Not a lot is recorded during this time. Ideas were played with like bans.kissu.moe which was a bullitin board thing. Some concepts of a potential imageboard overboard using /agg/. Had summer courses and a part time job taking up most of my time.

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2023 Prospective
Adding socket functionality
Some services removed/disconnected from normal functions
Transitioning from NodeJS applications to Rust(temporary)


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2024 Prospective
Replacement of vichan and combination of imageboard services into one package.


Don't think I'll convert the IRC bot to rustlang. It goes against my principles of Kissu only being golang and rustlang. With time sensitive/user experience vital operations being in fast Rust while the extra services being in the easy Go.


>April 2019 - Kissu releases /agg/. Worked into an April fools joke it was a board that scraped all the /jp/ imageboards with JSON APIs.
This one was really cool. It brought some problems socially, but on a technical level I really liked it.
Apart from that, I don't have much to say because I don't understand this stuff. You really put a lot of work into this and learned while you were going which is pretty cool to see.


mmmm yeah.

So the site's tech stack is going to end up being:
Rust -> Core site functionality
Go -> Side services supporting the core
NodeJS -> Scripts, bots etc.
Typescript+ReactJS -> UI design

Some exceptions for 4taba which will go read-only
theatre.kissu because I've only modified it.
Potential WASM changes would be Rust for UI design

Was more experimental then... nowadays it's professionalism.
Formal tech stacks, test driven development, complicated and fast languages, WASM integration

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Downloaded Handyman Isekai from the stream and it didn't have subs when using SMPlayer/VLC. The fix was to change the video track from 2 to 1. Hopefully this works for the anon having trouble with Buddy Daddies.
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he didn't use handbrake, uses a ffmpeg rule.
Your ones have one video track, his one has two.
Precure tends to have a lot of changing colors, but same size as Buddy

So like, I think he's been doubling the size of the uploades. But maybe for streams and webplayers it only picks one and doesn't download the extra.


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Ahah! So that's why the Precure and Urusei uploads of his were so gargantuan and I needed to upload them myself.
I didn't even know videos could even have multiple tracks, but now I notice the option in MPC. I wonder what situations there are for people doing it on purpose. Different censorship levels?


File:mpc-hc64_kv4AteR1eZ.png (1.07 MB,1155x701)

I should have cropped that image better


Checked all the files for the number of video streams:
1 mewkle stream opening
1 onimai
1 precure
2 buddy
2 saitou
2 yen
2 fire
2 revenger
2 bofuri
2 suiri
1 urusei
1 tensei6
1 tensei7
1 tensei8


>DVRs which record video in different quality as separate streams into the same video file
The more nefarious use they discuss was an issue on 8gag at one point.

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I wonder what searches bring people to kissu
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Kissu was featured on an altchan post on /g/ recently; it was actually part of an image.


mesmerizing webm


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According to SimilarWeb, the top three are "novelai loli modules", "fetish lora [sic] models", and "futanari promps [sic]". The more you know.


This is kinda weird. First that's like 70% just me and secondly I've done most of the fetish/dickgirl blogging on /megu/. And the first one... well... we can't post so that's really strange that it brings anyone. This seems really, really nonsensical


i got here from the 4chanX link on 4-/qa/ like a year ago

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Truly, IRC is the last bastion of old internet
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not that anon but i think that would be epic and for the win


I would love that.


i wonder if you could post from a terminal browser like lynx if you had a vip token


You can post from anything if you know how to send a POST request.


They were in their heyday too. That's what I thought looking at OP's vid, too much activity to be representative of ye olde irc.
I'd hit up the dcc bot for a batch of anime like a week later and there would be maybe a dozen posts from 300 idlers.

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