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File:7ab64f5431ff98d28bf30c76a5….jpg (136.56 KB,1114x1200)


This board seems really comfy. Is it dead or are there people actively using it?
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File:1395579145090.gif (2.76 MB,238x320)

There's a dozen active posters actually, but you are right in that we are all massive homosexuals.


yes to both





File:__megumin_kono_subarashii_….jpg (2.93 MB,2133x3285)

speak for yourself fag

File:8d8f19abb4a8d0065c9c87584c….png (24.63 MB,3700x3500)


Oh no, I guess this could be an issue

[s glowgreen|font-size:48px]Oh no, I guess this could be an issue[/s]
36 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




do you need the glowsomething for the font size to work...


i aint gonna teach you the easter eggs


Nope, but I can't get it to work unless there's a | in front as if I was doing multiple things. I never bothered to learn how to do it otherwise


looks delicious

File:WinRAR_vEBHsl6giM.png (88.76 KB,802x662)


looks like I need a new computer
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File:[Pizza] Urusei Yatsura (20….jpg (540.4 KB,1920x1080)

I think this was my OP and... no!


how do you not remember the threads you've made


I think warez still use it?


this was three and a half years ago i don't remember either


out of curiosity, was anyone here dumb enough to actually pay for winrar




what song is playing




instructions unclear, my monitor is now a very spread out cloud of plastic and glass fragments

File:otx6bt-1.jpg (283.5 KB,1000x693)


What would happen if you plugged a USB port into a USB port?
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File:male_cord.jpg (15.4 KB,668x423)

what if I plug both?


infinite energy


That's what happens when you plug a power strip into itself.


please don't
the electric company will be very unhappy with you


actually I take that back
you should try it
it'll be funny

File:peakpx.jpg (682.96 KB,2426x3400)


Do kissu's hide many threads?


I've hidden a few threads by accident when trying to close the video player, but that's about all. There's not enough posts on here for me to need to economize, and I don't think I've seen any threads that pissed me off enough to hide them (and low quality threads tend not to get bumped enough on here for it to accomplish much anyway).


I sometimes hide threads where people are talking about airing anime that I am interested in but haven't started yet. I always seem to forget to unhide them, though.


most threads I'd hide end up on /trans/ anyways so I don't


There's a few lewd threads on /jp/ from time to time that I hide if they don't get spoilered.


i prefer using filters to hide stuff i don't care about

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Nintendo in hot water again. Caught plagiarizing code under the GNU licence.
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I'm not sure, the last poster in the thread claims that it might not be a violation. in any case it would cost lots of time and money


>leaked file
Good luck proving it.


Starting threads with twitter screencaps should be a bannable offense


GNU foundation exists for this sole purpose. Companies do their best to make sure there's no viral liscenced code in their projects


this is ok but god forbid you emulate a console to play a game that hasn't been sold for over a decade

File:Magic.webp (100.15 KB,703x549)


I'll delete this later.

Image posting functionality will become a bit more unstable than usual when I bump this thread later today. Uploading images to the second image server has some problems and has been disabled for the past week. It'll be enabled again onto /test/ so there shouldn't be any problems, but I'll be modifying image uploads and testing it on the server meaning /trans/ will be spammed with test posts and I might break image uploads accidentally.

This and a problem with the catalog are the last updates I have planned out. Assuming no more problems come up this will be one of the last major updates to the site.


File:approval girl.jpg (48.26 KB,300x265)

thanks as always


i got a bit bogged down trying to improve the catalog.
Going to try and get 2/3 of the fixes done starting soon. Finish off the last later.


done messing around for today, fixed unspoilering and webm uploads, still have to resolve some delete issues


File:1606526415092.png (107.38 KB,240x240)

seems done. what a pain. FTP doesn't have any ability to copy files.


so, has it been deleted yet?

File:hacker.png (336.53 KB,620x459)


This is still working?



File:Tsukuyomi -MOON PHASE- - C….jpg (47.98 KB,720x480)

 No.7514[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Project thread for the banners.kissu.moe system
Source code: https://github.com/ECHibiki/Community-Banners-2.0
Feedback on banners: https://feedback.kissu.moe/public/forms/Banners_Feedback/10

Original TextWe should make banners or something, or rather someone other than that one guy that makes 90% of them. Do you have any ideas? We should think of new stuff to add to the clickable longer banners, too.
Or maybe if you're lazy you can come up with ideas and other people can make them.

101 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:boson baby banner.png (78.95 KB,300x140)

in fact here you go



File:shogi.png (65.13 KB,300x140)

Dear insertusername,

What would you think of changing the current Kotoko banner with this one? It says kyuuei, and I think it would better match the shogi piece. (I just really like 久永, y'know?)


File:[Inu] Kyokou Suiri - 02 [C….jpg (103.81 KB,1280x720)

I guess? I'll take your word for it since I can't read any of that stuff


Awesome, thank you.
It basically means eternity, 永久 inverted, but it also sounds like /qa/ and that's funny.

File:kissu-zip1.png (8.93 KB,255x32)


Could the .pdf preview image be changed to the first page as in most other imageboards? The catgirl's smile is so small that it feels like she's staring at me with some sort of negative emotion in mind...
5 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>- Tinyboard + vichan + lainchan 5.1.3 -
>- Tinyboard + vichan+ infinity + OpenIB -
nothing in vichan checks pdfs


File:C-1700762914342.png (45.58 KB,259x343)

Oh yeah, lainchan has it too.
Well, that's a shame.


File:[SubsPlease] 16bit Sensati….jpg (253 KB,1920x1080)

I like the 2D theme that's going on with various file type thumbnails so I think it works out better this way. It's so rare that anyone uploads a PDF, too


the peeker


there could be a future where we overlay images on top of content preview thumbnails

File:Tsukuyomi .Moon.Phase.full….jpg (4.71 MB,6981x4865)


Kissu is turning five years old in a few weeks! (December 1st)
Do you guys have any ideas on how we could celebrate? We do watch Moon Phase every year (and we still will) but I wonder if there's something new we could do this year since 5 is a pretty good milestone.
31 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yeah, I'll probably do some CSS thing, but I need to find motivation/inspiration somewhere


If you don't do it, Eru will eat Kuon.


Huh, I didn't know it had been around that long.
Looking it up on warosu, the first archived usage on /jp/, from November 2014, is of someone asking what a shab is and getting no helpful replies. Go figure.


I didn't know the term "shab" was old enough to get married


hmm actually yeah maybe I'll split this into its own thread

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It's a little late to implement this halloween but maybe next year, could there be a some sort of halloween, joke generator?
Like you say "trick or treat!" in your post and a random joke is attached to your post.


File:[SubsPlease] Migi to Dali ….jpg (216.83 KB,1920x1080)

big megu
I don't really understand. Joke generators require jokes and are you saying we should copy-paste some or come up with new ones? I'm not really good at non-reaction jokes


File:4798dc13d5b332ea9b6d86d91b….png (1.86 MB,2894x4093)

either works
I was thinking about just a bank of cheesy halloween themed jokes that you can pull from any site off google but coming up with some ourselves would be cool too. Jokes like; "Where does a mummy go on vacation? The Dead Sea."
This is entirely specuolative but maybe even train one of the existing general large language models on a set of halloween jokes, then have it pre-generate say 10,000 jokes, that are then used as the pool of jokes to pull from.


Funny, the LLM idea was the first thing that came to my head with this.


Although I thought that in a year maybe we'd be at the point where we could tie together image generation and text generation such that we could have a halloween joke with an attached halloween girl


>Where does a mummy go on vacation? The Dead Sea.
fuck i laffed

File:[Coalgirls]_Cardcaptor_Sak….jpg (132.3 KB,960x720)


Are youtube embeds a good or bad thing? On one hand they give a preview to and quick access to the content surrounding a post/thread, and on the other they're an easy way for certain people to tard out and get their thread immediately judged and disregarded because it's more a crutch for not having an image.
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They're pretty much useless because you can't see what it's about before clicking and I wont click. I'd rather have something that transforms urls into the title.


testing embed of youtube shorts with url https://youtu.be/XzKHvOVIviE


testing embed of youtube shorts with url >>11836" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" >https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XzKHvOVIviE>>11836
(it fails, says youtube/null and doesnt let me post)



>I'd rather have something that transforms urls into the title.
wish granted

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