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File:81446d4f037f443294f2c85816….jpg (294.3 KB,591x875)


Would it be a good idea to make unlisted boards viewable on the overboard by a secret mechanism where you need to be on the hidden board itself for it to show up on the toggle hidden boards option? And it disappears from the list if you disable it outside the board so you don't run into issues or anything.
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


it defeats the purpose of the board so no. The only reason things go there is because I have to make a concious decision to look at what is on there. If it were to behave the same way /cry/ does then I'd have to look at it, because it's a main board and not a side thing I can ignore like megu


I was just thinking about how great it would be to have /secret/ on /all/ too!


right... that was the main point I wanted to get across... as soon as a board is on /all/ you're making an actual effort to put it beside other posts. At which point you're just recreating the 4chan shit board problem.


just slap this into your custom board list on the 4chanx bar and it works pretty well

{external-text:"all","https://kissu.moe/all/" external-text:"s","https://kissu.moe/secret/" external-text:"megu","https://kissu.moe/megu/"}


You can toggle which boards show up pretty easily.

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How do I implement kissu's liveboard function on my vichan imageboard? Is this even possible?
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yeah, it's not a liveboard thankfully. I think 4chanx can make vichan boards do the number thing in the tab title, but I'm not sure...


the tab notices are Kissu intelectual property. You are not allowed to use it on other websites


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Enable the API. Do intermittent checks for new posts in the API with JavaScript.
It's actually very easy if you know how vichan works. It has a simple auto-update in each thread you can enable which will refresh posts and notify you of new posts in that thread. If you only know JavaScript a little bit you could probably steal from that script to make a version that does something similar on the index without anything other than the title update.


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Misunderstood geniuses.

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Like not in a good way
Its inconvenient that on its top and bottom is pure utter filler
Also the default theme is an eystrain
18 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it has lots of buttons because there's a lot to do, and if the buttons where hidden behind menus then the complaint would be too much menuing. There's no winning


I understand the compromise but it doesn't make it feel any better when using the UI. There's a reason UI and UX design are their own roles separate from frontend developer.


t thread


yeah, it works fast but every UI element feels all over the place


got ur pro ux designer material here

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Although I haven't done much development on 4chan X lately, bugs still crop up, and eventually I want to get around to making it work with the new Kissu UI. This is a thread where you can discuss problems with or suggestions for 4chan X. I'm thinking about linking this from the bug reporting page if Verniy's okay with it.
68 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


thing is I don't think 4chan lets you select your entire filter list and copy everything


Probably something pretty urgent that needs to be fixed. I clicked on one of my 4chan links today and it brought me to a cloudflare check, but unlike usual I was forced to disable 4chanx to proceed since it was somehow blocking challenges.cloudflare

Wish I'd taken a screenshot of it but I was fiddling with things to try and find what the issue was and just happened to find it through disabling 4chanx before the thought to post about it in here came to me.


Random anon here.
I just passed the cloudflare check. So either the problem is something other than the presence of 4chanX, or it's been fixed.
Can you try again?


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opened up on a proxy and i still get the same issue, on regular
yeah the beta version is fixed once i updated it


Moved to >>>/maho/40.

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 No.6894[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Today I begin a programming project to construct real numbers and various operations on them. I don't mean the wimpy limited precision floating point numbers that you've probably used if you've ever written a program in your life. Nor do I mean arbitrary precision numbers which can have as many digits as you like (until your computer runs out of memory) but still have irrecoverable rounding error because the digits end at some point. I mean exact representations of numbers that can be queried to any precision (which in practice may be limited by time and memory constraints).

This has been done many times before and probably much better than I will manage, so I don't expect to create anything really novel or useful. This is primarily for my own edification, to learn more about numbers and the computable/constructive reals. In this thread I will blog about what I'm doing and discuss the philosophy of numbers with anyone who's interested.
203 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Correction: There are some < signs in >>12035 that should be ≤ signs.
Instead of
> 2 < (r/s)^2 < (√2 + ε)^2
> 2 < r^2/s^2 < 2 + 2ε√2 + ε^2
> 0 < (r^2-2s^2)/s^2 < 2ε√2 + ε^2 = ε(2√2 + ε) < 3ε < every positive rational.
it should say
2 < (r/s)^2 ≤ (√2 + ε)^2
2 < r^2/s^2 ≤ 2 + 2ε√2 + ε^2
0 < (r^2-2s^2)/s^2 ≤ 2ε√2 + ε^2 = ε(2√2 + ε) < 3ε < every positive rational.


So to answer the question of whether there's a number system with a number ε such that
¥ 0 < ε < 1
¥ 0 < ε < 0.1
¥ 0 < ε < 0.01
¥ 0 < ε < 0.001,
and so on, the answer is yes, there are many. There are the hyperreal numbers which are useful as an alternate way to do calculus. There are the surreal numbers which arose out of game theory. And you can even just postulate such a number ε and add it to the reals sort of like how we add i to make the complex numbers. In the case of the complex numbers, you get the complex numbers from all the linear functions of i. If you add ε, your new set of numbers consists of all the rational functions (polynomial divided by polynomial) of ε.

But we can see that a nonzero infinitesimal number like ε will cause trouble if we want our numbers to be expressed by infinite decimals. The whole idea behind infinite decimals is that we can identify a number by comparing it with finite decimals. If we allow ε into our system, then we can no longer distinguish ε from 2ε, or 0.4 ÷ 0.03 from 0.4 ÷ 0.03 + ε, or √2 from √2 + ε by comparing them with finite decimals. We would need something else. For example, in the surreal numbers, ε is the simplest number between {0} and {1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, ...}, and 2ε is the simplest number between {ε} and {1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, ...}.

Another definition:
¥ Two numbers are infinitesimally close if the difference between them is infinitesimal.

There are many equivalent ways to construct the real numbers, but all of them are designed so that we never construct a real number infinitesimally close to another real number. I don't think anyone knows whether it's possible for two real-life quantities (such as distances, times, weights, and volumes) to be infinitesimally close to each other yet not equal. If it is possible, then when we model these infinitesimally close quantities with real numbers, we are choosing to ignore any infinitesimal difference and assign the same real number to both.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>They made use of a preexisting Java library to do the calculations:

I said that like they just used someone else's code, but on second look I see the guy who wrote that library is the author of the CACM paper. He developed it while he was working at SGI and then got hired by Google to work on Android stuff.


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I've been thinking again about how to do hand arithmetic with infinite decimals, in this case division. I've tried this before, but my calculation of the error on the result at each step was an ugly and unmemorable formula. I think I've found a better way to think about the error on the result, which is to first work out the error on the remainder at each step. There are two contributions, one from the truncation error on the dividend, and one from the error on what's been subtracted from the dividend (due to truncation error on the divisor). Then the error bound on the result is
(|remainder| + |error on remainder|) / (lower bound on |divisor|).
You could also forgo taking the absolute value of the remainder and work out separately the error bounds in each direction, which could occasionally help squeeze out a digit of the quotient a bit earlier.


Moved to >>>/maho/113.

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So, speculating about sci-fi and stuff, maybe not quite fit here but.
Imagine u suspect a natural predator or something super dangerous for you highly possible, how should i put it, following you, highly possible spying on you, what you gonna do? And you afraid to cause panic. And you possibly not quite sure.


>what you gonna do?
There is nothing you can do.
Just give up.


File:[SubsPlease] Shuumatsu Tra….jpg (265.58 KB,1920x1080)

Our /b/ board is the meta board and I think this thread will work on the seasonal boards, so PREPARE FOR THREAD MOVE TO /spg/!


Moved to >>>/spg/2979.

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Question: what do you see on this picture? It's mine, basically it's just my cat frolicking around at high speed, but! It was tagged as nsfw by tumblr admin. I wonder what he've seen here... or what was his day... so? Versions?
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I just see a cat undder a hand somewhgat covering ther lens


are you, by any chance, see something sexual here also?


CLIP sees:
a close up of a person holding a brush, black cat taking a selfie, hyperquality, beautiful cameraphone 2000s, bat ears, ear, with small cat on lap, suddenly there came a tapping, with pointy ears, harsh flash photo, grey cloth, fistfighting, as well as scratches, camera close to the legs


Obviously the AI messed


Haha no, its really a photo i took

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What is artemis.kissu.moe? Is that the future?
What about her friend hazuki.kissu.moe? The password doesn't seem to be "my_friends_are_here".


My web browser is broken for the first because I block scripts and I'm too lazy to crack into the second.


we have a few servers and that domain points to one of them

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I was messing around with the custom CSS option, trying to make something that approximated the way classic vichan/4chan looks*, and I noticed that the custom CSS field is way more limited than I expected it to be, to the point where I couldn't even change the font size.

Was this a deliberate choice? If so I earnestly want to know why. Is it related to inline custom markup (like I use at the bottom of this post)?

Not because I think the modern UI looks bad or anything; on the contrary, I love how it looks and I'm glad Kissu broke away from the default Vichan template. I just thought it'd be a fun challenge.


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Did you trying using !important?
I'm not really too familiar with the inner workings of CSS, but the font should be changeable.


Huh, I thought I did. I must've spelled it wrong or something because it works now!


You can still use vichan on Kissu.


I know. It's just a for-fun thing. I was thinking of making a futaba-type theme too.


There already is one for that too though.
If you want to practice to learn CSS I guess it makes sense.

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Kissu is turning three years old in a few weeks!
For some fresh air, let's have a contest to change the thumbnail images for various files or spoilers. A contest with no prize other than your peers' acknowledgement! Wow!
I figure that around December we'll do some voting to see what people prefer, but it may end up being obvious and not needed.

Thumbnail candidates:
-Audio File
-Archive File
-Flash File
-Spoiler (Story)
-Spoiler (NSFW)
-File Deleted
82 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Well, I just bumped and talked about this on a whim, but there would presumably be a vote to keep stuff.


I think the existing thumbnails are good. Although I do think it would be fun to have new thumbnails in addition to the current ones, picking which one to display at random.

It would be extra fun if the new thumbnails were formatted like the existing ones. Like if we had a version of the audio thumbnail that had Rin instead of Miku.


That's a pretty neat idea. (I have nothing else to say)


Hmm, yeah that's a pretty cool idea. I'm not a programmer, though, so maybe it would be annoying to do. hmmm


There's always the simple option of applying different ones to different boards a la 4chan. Not sure how you'd theme /qa/ and /jp/ differently, but it'd be straightforward for seasonal boards, at least.

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Imagine spending three hours manually spamming the least used board by yourself and still missing.






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I liked those posts. Well, the ones with words or birds in them

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still haven't figured it out

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bird thread
post very important birds in here
8 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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daily reminder that owls aren't birds
wake up sheeple


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Birds are very important, even if they lack a dimension


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take that back, owls are some of the coolest birds out there

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it's not melted enough


AI stuff has really come a long way, huh. The old stuff still has its charm and I kind of want to try and recapture those early online models locally. Stuff like those weird dog patterns.

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a technololigy board with no desktop thread?
that's no good

no time for love,
desktop thread
29 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:2021-12-02-061948_1600x900….png (1.72 MB,1600x900)

It's a very simple i3 setup not much but very usable. My terminal windows also have transparency so I can see my wallpaper, I use ZSH and p10k as my ZSH theme


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Made a new desktop that I thought might work well, but having it set as my desktop I'm not sure about it. Maybe adjusting the saturation would help.


bonzibuddy my beloved


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pangolins are really cute


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Man this config is so old I am on a new computer even, I've done updates to it since then by using polybar and disabling my compositor. Still using ZSH and p10k though

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