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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:bd295b3ce9c44eec69f57d6d09….jpg (811 KB,900x1402)


Finally reaching that time of the year where I can make warm milk before bed and not feel like I'm burning up


you sound like you used to do so in the summer too....


warm tea...


File:[SubsPlease] Ochikobore Fr….jpg (178.52 KB,1280x720)

I don't know what it is, but I've never enjoyed it. Dairy seems like something that should always be cold


don't get me wrong, I love tea. but tea also has caffeine in it. milk has been shown to improve calmness.


You mix it with vanilla and it's nice


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I don't get it either. Dairy products taste way better when ice cold, be it cheese, yoghurt, or desserts or whatever.


File:__ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg (164.66 KB,1119x1200)

Even eggs?


File:Pantsu_on_head_retarded.jpg (74.72 KB,300x300)

Ummmm........ Cows don't lay eggs.......


File:1520560159165.jpg (94.39 KB,500x500)

But then why are they in the dairy aisle?


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Aren't eggs just solid milk?


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I used to love it, especially with something like vanilla extract. But lately I find milk terrible.

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