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kuso gay thread


chromium is bad.


I know it is. That's why this thread stinks: I don't need to be reminded of it.


maybe you don't, but others do.


Okay, they can go somewhere else then.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (235.69 KB,1920x1080)

>Embrace, Extend, Extinguish
Wasn't that Microsoft's motto?
I had to use a Chrome-based browser for VPNs on 4/qa/. It seems to be the only common browser that will reload from a VPN on data send instead of a page refresh, or like firefox, a full restart.
I used Pale Moon and I was basically "meh" on satisfaction, but now I'm using Waterfox and I'm just slightly above "meh". I don't feel satisfied with any modern browser. You're always sacrificing something, so you need multiple ones installed and that's really annoying on its own.

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