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 No.557[View All]

Please use this thread at your leisure to discuss random thoughts you might have that may not necessarily warrant their own threads.
266 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>I have no idea why else they would do this to desktop browsers.
It's just the usual scenario of webdevs imposing mobile design on desktop users because they don't want to maintain two frontends. Many such cases, very sad.


Is AI generated art any different than people using koikatsu to crowbar their questionable fantasies into reality?


Well, yes, at least in that you don't see many people uploading pics of all their characters to pixiv or boorus and nobody's profiting off of them.


Yeah, I'm sure koikatsu users don't pretend to be artists.


It's only sort of recently that I've realized that a lot of different questions about certain statistics I've had are actually answered by certain US government websites. The problem is that these websites never actually feature near the top of search results because they're covered up by hundreds up hundreds of pointless search engine optimized websites that have borderline AI-style text and surface level copy-paste answers.

This would be like if Wikipedia was only ever on page 12 of search results. What the HECK.


My country keeps putting up interests rates to cool inflation and part of what this is meant to do is reduce house prices and nationwide it has but I was looking at statistics for my area and house prices have actually still gone up in a 12 month period, in some areas near me they have gone up as much as 20%.


houses aren't cheap, yet people keep buying them. guess it's good that the norms are doing fine


Yes but they are becoming cheaper everywhere but in the small area that I am in...


Maybe you're getting gentrified and in a few years time your crappy house will be worth millions


I hate the recent trend in web animation where everything is crudely drawn and hideous looking on purpose, kind of like Klasky-Csupo meets soyjacks.

It's doubly insulting when they think it's "Newgrounds", which it fucking isn't.


Really makes me wish FNF didn't get popular, not because of the game itself but because of the people who flocked to Newgrounds because of it and tried "recreating" its feel.


I love how creative game jams can be. Makes me never want to pay for games again, because of how paid games tend to play it safe.


They're like 10, give them a break


Fulp once said he has a lot of faith in 13 year olds because he himself made Pico's School when he was 13. I remember panicking because I didn't do anything noteworthy at that age.


Sometimes media is released to certain people like Youtubers early so they can give a review and advertise it and then once the public gets a hold of it they hate it and call these people shills.
I think that often they probably are not trying to be biased but I think that if people are contacted by a company and given early access to something they are more likely rate it positively as they have more of a connection to the product and the people making it.
This happens on F95 all the time, average Japanese games will get critisced and get average reviews but a worse western game will get 4-5 stars, particularly if the devs use F95 as well, because there is a connection and people try to be more lenient and constructive whereas they would not to a random Japanese guy they will never interact with.


That's been a thing for a long while with game journalists/film critics.


AR/VR in combination with AI would seem like it has huge potential for terrible and corporate manipulation.

Algorithms are naturally going to benefit from AI anyway but all they can tell you at the moment is what a person is watching not why he is watching it. It could not tell you if they are watching it because they enjoy it or they are baited into watching it due to political content. If they are enjoying it it will not tell you what exactly they enjoy about it and what parts of what they are watching make them feel what emotion.
But, VR headsets already exist that can track eye movement and facial expressions, they could monitor what reaction you have to something and at what point in the video and then feed that back to an algorithm to cater content towards that. Maybe one day AI will be so good that it can even create content or modify existing content, so the algorithm could pick up what you react to and make content based on that or cut content in certain ways around that.
This has huge implications for advertising as well. I have never brought something based on a Youtube sponsor, I just skip or ignore them, because I know they are just ads to make money. But, if a headset could monitor my reaction it could also monitor my reactions to subtle subliminal advertisements and create algorithms based on what the best ways are to get people to buy a product without them even knowing that they are being advertised to.


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One day I hope that AI reaches a level where it can think and play games for itself, not just one game but you could get a bot and make it play any game, so that I could play multiplayer games that require a lot of cooperation with bots instead of people and they would follow my instructions and no what to do and I would not feel self conscious when I communicate with them.

Either that or I hope one day I am rich enough to hire a team of maids to play games with me.


What annoys me most about the social media age is that there's this implicit idea that being into something also means being part of this giant, homogeneous, global "community" of people who also enjoy it. For a lot of my interests, I hate a sizeable chunk of the people who share them, and I resent that they're often the ones who define the discussion of them online.


i watched some anime today and i enjoyed it
thanks anime


I'm definitely not treading any new ground, but it's struck me how introversion has risen generationally. An acquaintance of mine was lamenting something that someone else had done and when asked, "well, have you talked about it?" an unsurprising, "no," was their response. It seems like a lot of modern issues are wrapped up in this dynamic where things go awry for one reason or another that ultimately stem from people apathetically hoping things will improve because they're too anxious to do anything themselves or even speak up about the issues that they might have.


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I was thinking just yesterday how much more reclusive overall people seem to be. It's easier than ever to trap yourself in your own shell and simply convince yourself that your problems will go away with time. The internet exasperates this issue because it allows people the bare minimum effort of social interaction with one another and the ability to cut off ties easily.

I think a lot of problems could be solved if people could only communicate better.

On a mildly off-handed note, I've been wondering lately if something like a government-appointed friend/spouse system would really be that outlandish. Maybe something like an opt-in system where you can apply to be "paired" with someone that you're likely to be compatible with, like those matchmaking algorithms but not necessarily just for romantic relationships. You wouldn't be able to back out of it once you applied though, there'd need to be some manner of enforcement to not go against it once you were paired with somebody.

Maybe it sounds absurd but I wonder if it's really such a bad idea. Forced to spend enough time with somebody, and you're bound to eventually find some kind of common ground even if you don't initially like each other. I think something like this would be good for recluses or people who otherwise struggle with relationships of any kind. Maybe you could even use the improvements in AI lately to sort out people who would be good fits for eachother.


>On a mildly off-handed note, I've been wondering lately if something like a government-appointed friend/spouse system would really be that outlandish. Maybe something like an opt-in system where you can apply to be "paired" with someone that you're likely to be compatible with, like those matchmaking algorithms but not necessarily just for romantic relationships. You wouldn't be able to back out of it once you applied though, there'd need to be some manner of enforcement to not go against it once you were paired with somebody.
>Maybe it sounds absurd but I wonder if it's really such a bad idea. Forced to spend enough time with somebody, and you're bound to eventually find some kind of common ground even if you don't initially like each other. I think something like this would be good for recluses or people who otherwise struggle with relationships of any kind. Maybe you could even use the improvements in AI lately to sort out people who would be good fits for eachother.
That's what patriarchy is for


>government-appointed friend/spouse
>That's what patriarchy is for
arranged marriages?
modern problems require traditional solutions


>You wouldn't be able to back out of it once you applied though, there'd need to be some manner of enforcement to not go against it once you were paired with somebody.
Why?... This would just create lots of social problems. Imagine the only way to break out of one of these relationships was due to abuse, well then you're basically setting up a government-mandated spousal abuse program...


The average number of friends a person has is 2.5 from what I heard many years ago. People just assume that they have less than what is normal and are therefore less social because of it, my siblings do this all the time even though they all have more than the average number of friends. Social media probably makes this worse as like many things in social media, people are only seeing what they want them to see, which will be them partying all the time and looking like they have lots of friends.

Probably so that the friends or spouses don't just leave each other right away, which is what would be very likely to happen in a program like this.
I don't think enforcement is the right way, I think it should be through some kind of reward instead.


Well, the problem is it's highly likely people would try to flake out, especially if they're awkward hikkiNEETs which would render it pointless, or at worst have people try to game the system. It's just a hypothetical to give people a sense of commitment - maybe a reward system would be better like that other anon said.

Also I'm not saying this is just a forced spousal system mind. You'd have to opt in to it, you're not forced to apply or anything and it could be either for a romantic relationship or a strictly platonic one.

It seemed like a good idea in my head anyways, I think it'd be good for people who are lonely or otherwise socially awkward but still want legitimate human interaction and just don't know where to start. As technology progresses (especially stuff like VR) I think people will become more inclined to introversion because it's easier than ever to just stay in your bubble all the time and avoid things you dislike. If you want to break up with someone or kill a friendship, all you have to do is send a text message and ignore them - you don't even have to see the person or hear their reply.


This sounds North Korea-ish.


What I think people forget, especially in the internet age, is that most people have very little in common.


Likes: Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, work


You know, churches, sports clubs, user groups, local fighting game scenes, pubs and dives to a lesser extent and ethnic/cultural organizations already serve this purpose


I don't know. I think that applies to us given the kind of site we are on but most people do have similar interests.


It's more complex than that. It's not enough for people to share in their interests, they also need to have compatable personalities, and no deal-breaking ideological differences that would tear them apart.

Like, there's a reason multiple imageboards dedicated to the same subject matter exist. Kissu and GNFOS are conceptually not that different, but the sort of people who use them are as far apart as you can get.


There is still overlap with these sites, there are people here that post in a manner similar to GNFOS and there are people that do talk about that site here in a way that suggests they come from it. Many image board spin-offs are fairly similar to each other as well.

I think that broadly speaking people can be placed within a spectrum with two opposite poles. Civilised and populist.
Populist comprises the majority of people particularly on the internet, these people swear often, they are crude and they are quick to adopt trends and to adopt vernacular which in today's times often comes in the form of memes and they are also quite vocal about political and other topical affairs and being that they are cruder and more abrasive they are likely to get into fairly mean spirited arguments over them. Imageboards in general are on the far end of the populist side of the spectrum. But Some of the spinoffs lean towards the civilised part like Kissu and I would say that on the far end towards the civilised side would sit Nen.

But I think we are unusual and we also are on a site that is quite niche to begin with.
I would say that average people that have average interests would have shared interests with most other people and if they are on the populist side of the spectrum they would have matching personalities with a great many people as well(though idealogical issues would be more likely to tear them apart than would be the case on the civilised side of the spectrum).


Should I learn French


If you want to, I guess.


there's nothing in french worth understanding


I often have panic attacks over surveillance, but it's like you can't be a member of society without having your privacy violated


You're going to get a negative response here.


If you like France. If you do want to learn French then you should watch Wakfu.


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well, if that means i can watch jdg without only being able to understand "putain" and "merde", it's well worth it!


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Will you use it? If the choice is to learn something new or do nothing at all, then learn something new. But, there could be many things that could prove more enjoyable or useful to you that might be better instead.
I wish I learned at least a second language when I was younger, but now I think I need to spend my time learning other things instead


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/aut/istic thoughts bump limit


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Putain is that one Canadian dish with chips gravy and cheese right?


I find it funny that the word "hack" has slowly reverted to its original meaning thanks to life hacks.


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I find a bit hard to believe that people in the 60's and 70's actually liked eating aspic. I just tried some and it wasn't very good.


Im too autistic to do this.
I pronounced "monde" like mon-dehh like japanese or spanish


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November is the worst month. Everything is so dark and depressing, I hate it.


On the bright side you get longer dark hours to sleep, and you really appreciate the warmth of your bed.


Noticed today that I've polished the spacebar in one spot from pressing it. Funny that that happens, but I wish the surfaces were more durable.

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