The most dangerous people in the world are the ones who are smart enough to identify problems, but dumb enough that their "solutions" just end up causing more problems.
>>560Even more dangerous are the people who want to create a problem to sell the solution.
>>561What's the worst is when the two groups meet.
I remember someone posting a while ago, probably more than a few months ago, maybe even a year ago, about some philosopher (?) who claimed that artists, authors, and creatives in general only make the world a worse place by bringing their depravity into the world leading to further decay. I really want to read more about this, but my searches keep getting stumped by the torrent of results about "torturing/suffering artists"...
>>565Sound like just another variation of rejection of culture.
watched a video about "plant inefficiency" in regards to photosynthesis, basically talking about how sometimes plants bind to O2 instead of CO2, which causes them to need to use more energy to workably use that O2 for energy, but then went on to mention that it could be possible to genetically engineer plants to not do this. I think it would be an ironic end to humanity if we end up genetically modifying plants to use more CO2, only to induce global cooling and kill off a bunch of plant life, or some other similarly catastrophic event unfolds because of our meddling with biology.
hmm. someone pointed something out that I hadn't considered: older CRT displays with long persistence phosphors allowed for lower refresh rates (such as 50Hz) because the long image persistence reduced flicker, at the trade-off of ghosting. Albeit a different mechanism for why ghosting happens, I wonder if that's why LCDs have pretty much stuck to 60Hz, compared to 75Hz like with CRTs -- although "smeary" at lower refresh rates, maybe this disadvantage prevents flicker?
>>579We just need to find the perfect balance between freezing the earth and melting it and we're good.
The baseline intelligence for humans is pretty low, relatively speaking. That's not to say the general masses are dumb, they're just not meant for our time.
Working is stressful.
>>>/qa/79113heard there was some huge thing over the 18+ animation this character was in and checked it out and there was nothing at all to it that makes it better than any other western porn animation
it had nice music though
love sageru but sometimes worry about people missing out on the nice conversations in there because they're sleeping or something
On slow boards you have more time to make less posts.
>>618>I think kissu could be way faster if everyone shared that mindset or had as little reservations towards the board as they do IRC.Certainly it could, but I think a lot of people are very turned off by "chatroom generals", and would probably shun a "chatroom imageboard" too. Sure there's liveboards, but those are pretty different in how they work since posts sort of accumulate and grow.
>>620True. I think the artificial qualifiers that "/qa/ is for series, /jp/ is stupid, and seasonal is for everything inbetween" just makes people less inclined to make the sorts of semi-serious posts that otherwise end up on #qa. A lot of the time I just post about things I'm doing and then people comment or ask about it. There's never really any one point where beforehand I could've thought, "this would make an interesting thread" because the very nature of it is that it's spontaneous and not always worth replying to.
I know a couple people on #qa refuse to use imageboards, while at least one just uses ota so it's not entirely missed kissu activity. It would be nice if they posted on kissu, but it's just the way it is.
Well, and Canada is dumb so any loli stuff has to happen there.
>>623"shouganai" never really helps anything, I still stand by if kissu is too big to ignore they'll have to come around to post
>>623Good, IRC posters should stay on IRC.
I've been doing simple things irl alone that feel productive and growing more tired of the social aspect of the internet. Imageboards are leisure websites like social media. People there care about celebrities or whatever and we discuss other trivial things like IRC vs IBs, you might say is different because there is no like/voting system but the social aspect remains in the form of the consensus, like how anons hate vtubers here. Now I'm more aversive about opening some websites because I don't enjoy them as much as I used to and find the discussions of no consequence to my life. I don't mean to be condescending, this is just how I feel, very distanced from it. And no, I don't watch vtubers, I find them trivial as well but the negativity around it is a bore.
The average grown person shouldn't eat more than six to eight teaspoons of sugar per day. Which means that if I put four teaspoons in the entire amount of coffeepots of a day, I already have used up half the allowed amount. But the real danger knows hiding itself well, by which I mean the sweeteners in various processed foods. I conclude, it's a luxury to drink a big(400ml) cup of tea with one or two teaspoons of sugar in it, it's always better to have a big bottle of water within reach.
too old and ambitious for imageboards
just realized that you can drag the sidebar open on youtube.
Nobody will care about this most likely. There is a thing called Buy now Pay Later, in the aftermath of Covid 19 it became really big in Australia. In march 2020 After pay, the largest of these companies had a share price of $12, it is now $126. They basically make money by paying for a good from a merchant for a costumer and passing a fee to the merchant for the privilege, so the customer gets a product right then but at the same cost, the BNPL company gets 2-7% of the cost for not doing much at all and it is the merchant that loses out. The Reserve Bank of Australia has wanted to regulate this for a while and today finally came out saying that merchants can push the cost on to the customer, making the customer pay the 2-7% fee which is probably fair but also eliminates a large part of the appeal to the customer meaning that this bubble might collapse. I never brought Afterpay but I do have $7000 in HUMM another BNPL company, so it is a concern for me particularly as it is Friday so I will not be able to gauge the reaction tomorrow. HUMM may fair better due to their business model but it is still a concern.
>>670You don't need to HODL everything. Also if you have stop losses in you should be fine.
>>557eh well for some reason every time i press submit it submits it but brings me to the homepage. newfag here if that weren't obvious lol. also are there tripcodes on here? i wanna put ##[my-password] but don't wanna accidentally leak it.
>>672also - is there a way to have the thread automatically update?
>>672>>673>>>/test/ for testing. Put "noko" in the options field to stay in the same thread. Threads update automatically. If you think of anything else or have more questions, you can bug vermin by posting in
>>670How is that any different from just using a credit card to buy something?
>>678auto update is always on
>>680hehe yey. it worked (:
>>672Trips are present but culturally not really a thing we do very often. Same goes for names. You really don't want to use them unless it serves a practical purpose in the thread.
With that said, I'm not the kissu police. If you want to use a tripcode go for it. Just beware you might see a bit of friction from other users.
seems like such a chore to complain about tripcodes. They're not used much but if someone wants to post on an imageboard and relinquish their anonymity then that's their freedom
I get irrationally angry when people use tripcodes
>>684then don't look *hmph*
>>671I'm aware of this...
>>677Because instead of going into debt to a credit card company you pay weekly instalments on a purchase that you get instantly, so you could get a $100 item in 4 $25 weekly payments. I think Afterpay does operate in the US as well and it was going to be acquired by a US company(pre RBA announcement, it could still happen though). This is an issue with Australian companies and inventions, whenever they do well they tend to leave.
>>688The trick to credit cards is that you actually don't go into debt with them. They're a minigame of society in a way since you get good boy points if you do it correctly and pay in monthly installments that let you purchase more stuff or take out more loans.
>>689not so much a minigame but actually another hoop of bullshit we must now jump through due to middlemen manging to shoehorn it in. We can't even opt-out of credit reporting it's rigged af.
>>557i wish they'd stop pussyfooting around and just legalize marijuana already. it's a highly beneficial way to help chronic pain and many many other things.
every now and then someone says something like "when you die, your pets will eat your body" or something like that, typically making the point that "your pets don't care about you." but that's a pretty dumb conclusion. to be fair, humans, although most of us would prefer not to, do eat cats and dogs. it's not like its cannibalism. besides, if you were trapped in a room with say a dead pig, would you let it go to waste? beyond that, where else are they going to get food from anyways?
sloppy thinking.
Food for thought: as you read this, someone is arguing about politics in the comments section of a furry porn site
Food for thought: As you read this someone is having a delicious steak dinner or parfait at this very moment.
reddit is the facebook of forums.
I really love looking at film. Seeing the progression in film chemistry across the decades is really magical and gives each one a tangible aesthetic that's sort of lost with out sterilized digital cinematography, but I suppose that in and of itself is an identifiable aesthetic, and maybe very well be recognized in the future for that reason.
my thoughts are not worth sharing here
>>793What do you even think about
Was reading about the Thymus which apparently plays a pretty important role in the immune system, but starts atrophying after puberty and becomes replaced with fat. I wonder why no one has thought to do any research like, "Hmm... This thing helps with immune response. Maybe we should make some targeted drug to prevent it from disappearing with age, since maybe it'll keep people healthy longer?" Would make sense to me.
>>803There's a lot of stuff to study and a specific topic may not be being looked into because it's really hard or someone hasn't thought about it. When it comes to slowing down ageing or keeping the body healthy in old age I'd imagine it comes down to the former with people really wanting to figure something out but they can't find anything that yields results.
>>813Interesting observation. Slice of life comics are so diverse in their themes, but generally offer a critique of life. If someone is so simple minded to generalize an entire style of art then they will probably go for the things that stick in their simplistic minds rather than the ones that make them question their own worth.
It really bothers me whenever people talk about "renewable energy" or "clean power" and then never mention nuclear power.
>>816Because you say "nuclear power" and all the idiots believe you're trying to build a nuclear bomb factory.
>>816Nuclear fissure power depends on radioactive elements which isn't renewable. In fact, even less so than petroleum.
Nuclear fusion power isn't usable yet.
>>818>Nuclear fissure power depends on radioactive elements which isn't renewable.This is true, but it's disingenuous. In our lifetimes, the concern should not strictly be the renewability of energy sources, but their environmental impact. It's disingenuous in the same way that marketing natural gas or biofuels as "renewable" is disingenuous; they are technically renewable, but they don't really do anything to mitigate the issue that is carbon emissions. Nuclear power may not be renewable, but it's environmental impact is much, much more manageable since it's mainly relegated to spent nuclear fuel disposal.
>>816Despite having virtually zero emissions and coal fired power plants killing more people through air pollution by several orders of magnitude nuclear power has been forever tainted in the public perception as dangerous and environmentally harmful due to chernobyl and fukushima, both completely avoidable disasters.
I think the entirety of EU is pulling out of nuclear power and it's only china that's actually building new reactors.
>>818Breeder reactors are thing, I think they just aren't used very much because they're economically not viable while there's still easily available uranium around.
>>822The US is still interested in building new reactors as well.
>>822Mile island disaster.
Everywhere nuclear energy goes it leaves in it's wake a series of problems left from incompetent owners. It's the sort of energy that's too risky to be anything other than controlled by the highest office and most skilled individuals.
>>824>Everywhere nuclear energy goes it leaves in it's wake a series of problems left from incompetent owners.Forgive me for saying so, but this is an ignorant argument. We haven't banned air travel because unskilled 747 pilots could kill hundreds of passengers, we simply ensure that pilots are as skilled as possible and that the aircraft they fly are as a safe as possible too. There are hundreds of nuclear reactors currently in operation, with combined on-times of hundreds of years at this point. Nuclear reactors are very safe. Poor safety protocols leading to crises should not damn them from existing.
>>832Very epic that because they removed the number of dislikes on comments a long time ago we can only see how many likes there are.
>>837>>838It's hard to believe it's 100 million years old. I can't wrap my head around that number.
>>855I'm not keeping my hopes up.
The FCC also noted that it has been working to clean up the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund to “ensure that funds go where they are needed and that winning bidders can meet the program’s technical, financial, and legal requirements.” As part of that clean-up process, the FCC has taken a number of actions, including:
• Sending letters to 197 applicants concerning areas where there was evidence of existing service or questions of waste. Bidders have already chosen not to pursue support for almost 5,000 census blocks in response to the Commission’s letters.
• Denying waivers for winning bidders that have not made appropriate efforts to secure state approvals or prosecute their applications. These bidders would have otherwise received more than $344 million.
• Publishing a list of areas where providers have defaulted, thereby making those places available for other broadband funding opportunities.
• Conducting an exhaustive technical, financial, and legal review of all winning bidders.The "actions taken" represent matters of standard incompetence and corruption in the domain of ISPs in the US. Even if the FCC does its due diligence for once, it would not surprise me if the major ISPs still go into rural areas and force contracts that prohibit public community broadband and sign them to long-term deal with a single ISP, even in areas where they have no intention of bringing service, as that is how they already work.
Every now and then I think about code optimization tips and then I think about modern programming standards and how the two conflict. For instance, it should be standard practice when writing AND statements to have the variable most likely to be false placed first so that only one check is done on for a fail condition rather than 2. Same applies for writing OR statements, that you should place the variable most likely to be true first, so that the second does not need to be checked. Among the textbooks I've read, I don't think a single one mentioned this, instead it got mentioned to me by an older industry veteran that that's how you should be structuring your IF statements. On the other hand, what has been mentioned to me quite often and that I've read in textbooks is that, "you shouldn't use 'magic numbers' instead you should always use functions to check the value of things." Well, in terms of optimization, if you're dealing with an array that's not getting any longer and won't have values added to it, then you're wasting CPU cycles calling a function to execute arbitrary code to check the length of said array when you could have instead simply put in "32" instead.
I think the saying, "you don't know what you don't know" applies here. Makes me wonder what other sort of tricks old timers treat as obvious that younger programmers never stop to think about.
seeding torrents is a better way to determine someone's moral character than the stupid shopping cart meme
I'm not particularly religious, but online atheists sure are annoying.
>>859I think when it comes to code optimization it's just impossible for humans to reason it out from first principles because of how complicated everything is. Like your example about using a function instead of a magic number (or some inlined expression to calculate something), how do you know the compiler doesn't optimize the function call out? sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't but maybe there's another thing that benefits from it not being optimized out. So you really have no recourse but to measure your program if you want to know the real answer and for this reason I've given up on writing optimized code and instead worry about whether it makes sense to someone else reading it
What you say about the AND and OR statements is probably still good to do. The human has the context to know what's most likely going to be true or false and the computer might never have that context.
>>890Where do you even find them? They barely exist anymore.
I don't like the way eop anglos speak the Japanese language. Every time I'm watching a video and they mention a name,game,song,etc., in Japanese I can't help but cringe. The way they pronounce the vocals sounds especially wrong.
The annoying thing about 4chan is that it's 99% horrible horrible crap that ruins my day, but the remaining 1% of good stuff can't really be found anywhere else, at least not with the same frequency.
4chan or not I don't think most opinions on the internet by randoms have any value.
>>857that arc was about a character with magical powers and a strengthening contract to kill herself if she lost Vs. an amalgamation of the strongest creatures of humanity.
If anything it sounds like HxH was saying that the creatures who exist beyond what humanity is capable of will win. Yet in the end of the day the story was nothing like this since it was a romance.
>>952Just look at the state of gaijin countries in comparison to them, they probably were only reinforced in their beliefs by COVID.
>>923I also think that "ironic vs unironic" is just kind of a lousy way of thinking about things. When a lot of people say they like things ironically, what they really mean is that they like it for different reasons than the creator intended.
The example that always comes to mind for me is Yu-Gi-Oh GX, especially the crummy 4Kids dub. I think everything about that show is stupid nonsense, but that's why I like it so much. I like seeing this bonkers premise being executed in the weirdest way possible. I like this stupid world with stupid characters going on stupid adventures where they do stupid things. The key is that I'm never laughing
at it though. It's less "this is an embarrassingly bad show", and more "this is really really funny". If it were 100% intentional I'd still enjoy it just as much as I do now.
I've always been confused by ironic being used like that. I think people should say 'insincere' or maybe 'superficial' instead, although your Yugioh example is probably best described as ironic... maybe? Man, it's confusing.
>>952Japan handled it pretty poorly up until around the Olympics, but I think they've been doing pretty well since then. 3% vaccination rate before Olympics, 76% now.
Also, uhh... Asia is certainly not a big happy family- that's really, really, REALLY far from the truth.
>>957>Asia is certainly not a big happy familyNowhere did I imply that. But even though the East Asia countries argue with each other all day, these issues are mostly political, caused by WWII history or influences by USA, not cultural or in any other factors.
>>959>caused by WWII history or influences by USA, not cultural or in any other factors.Those
are cultural though. Japan as we know it today is a product of the US going out of its way to make Japan more like itself and, more importantly, less like the Nazis and Soviets. I honestly suspect that's why Westerners like Japan so much: it's the least eastern eastern nation.
going to Japan to single-handedly fix their birth rate problem, wish me luck.
>>963>more importantly, less like the Nazis and SovietsThese are political influences. It's the same as saying the main difference of China and Taiwan in early years is that one is more "Soviet" and another is not.
>I honestly suspect that's why Westerners like Japan so much: it's the least eastern eastern nation.Maybe, but political factor is still the most important factor. Again, compare China and Taiwan, which westerners have polar opposite impressions. This is despite that Taiwasese cultural influence is much lower than Japan or South Korea, and I would say it's even less than China.
>>965My point is that political and cultural are a lot more closely connected than you seem to think.
I want a fresh start at life but is that even possible in my mid 30s?
>>974I doubt the official translation of szs will somehow magically be the best translation when it's killed so many fansub groups that came before it in the process of trying to sub it.
I'm still weirded out and disappointed by how the modern internet audience discovers things.
When I was doing a search for 'kissu' on find.4chan I found this thread which was REALLY strange: one talks about Moon Phase so it was really bizarre and confusing to me to see it on /v/ of all places.
Well, I was on youtube looking for that creditless Moon Phase OP and apparently pewdiepie mentioned it based on the comments.
It's just so... dumb. There's a whole internet world of things to explore, but things don't exist unless influencers tell people of them. Just as quickly as they learned of it they will quickly forget it as they're told of something new.
Maybe irony isn't the problem as much as it's people that don't want to get invested in anything because they don't find it as interesting as being shown new things (to them) rapidly, even if they'll never know anything about them.
>>981Pewdiepie is on kissu?!Yeah, new-gen kids are always looking for new stimuli; the latest meme, the latest influencer drama, etc. A hive mind of listening to what the person they follow say and forgetting it for the next thing they say. But I guess that's what kids usually do, listen to/follow someone on a higher social standing than them. Only becomes a problem when they take that mindset into early adulthood and possibly even into adulthood. Which most are, I think. Or maybe 99% of people online are just teens.
Really, really want to build a PC. I keep getting laptops and the trouble of not being able to upgrade is really starting to wear down on me. At the same time, I'm caught in a trap where I wonder "if I want to build a PC now, what if new hardware comes out" but also "hardware is too expensive, maybe I'll wait some more," and through all that waiting my laptop just keeps getting more and more outdated and outmoded by new hardware. Having the ability to upgrade GPU would be especially great, but with DDR5 coming out... Aaaaa... I'm never going to build a PC at this rate!!
>>982IMO it's less of a gen z thing and more of a general norm thing, unfortunately.
>>999You sound like you're in a better position than I am. I'm using a decade old PC waiting for parts to fail on me any day now. I guess I was lucky that I did build a rig that lasted this long though. Outlasted my other PC that was only 5 years old. The entire thing ended up frying from the MOBO, RAM, GPU, and CPU. The power supply is the only thing that ended up staying in tact that works. Which I plan on putting in my clunker if it shall fail before I can build something else.
>>999What if DDR6 will be slated for release in a couple years by the time you manage to build your ideal PC?
>>999What you can do is set a goal of what you want your new machine to be capable of, something that is measurable today, and build according to that.
Just realized the actual worst part about not being able to buy new GPUs: even if you manage to buy a "new" GPU, because you likely won't have gotten it from an actual retailer, you immediately void your warranty because there's not a shot in hell a scalper would have the courtesy to include the receipt...
I think a lot of problems with society come from the assumption that there's a 'correct' way for a person to be.
>>1045Doesn't make sense if you try to logic about it, but it seems like it.
>>1045I would actually argue the opposite, with the death of religion we have lost that and we have more societal issues now than ever before. Also, not only is there far less of an emphasis on 'correct' behaviour there is far more emphasis on letting people behave how they like even if that isn't a good way to behave. And there there is social media and pop culture that encourage even worse behaviour.
It's hard to imagine there being so many people just... alive, and on the internet and stuff. It seems so strange to consider that there are unique software projects out there run by only a single person or maybe a few that possibly hundreds of thousands rely upon, or even stranger when some piece of hardware or tool is made by a single person that was never created before and no one else is making a version. It's just... so strange that there can be so many people and yet certain things hinge on a dozen people max. Of course, it's even harder to comprehend the social aspect; that there are BILLIONS of people out there, and they all have had lives as filled and storied as your own despite never coming close to learning even a fraction of those stories for even a dozen people as well.
Some people's conclusion to situations like these is to cynically say, "Humans should have never advanced past tribal groups" or "Our brains were not meant for more than recognizing a few dozen people." But, I think these are wrong. If anything, the fact that monumental projects can hinge on just a few people who had a unique idea, more than anything to me, suggests that we really need all these people. Imagine how much slower things would progress if the world only had half the population. Would we have anywhere near the level of technological development? Forget technology, just in terms of knowledge, psychics and math throughout history was built on the backs of single individuals making monumental contributions to our understanding, and that pace of understanding has only accelerated with more eyes and minds contemplating the issues of our time.
The information age certainly has its problem, but what a time to be alive?
>>1048I don't believe that such a handful of people actually are so important, it may seem that way with somebody like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg creating a product that goes on to be used by billions of people but if Bill or Mark had not done it then somebody else would have, they were just first and managed to essentially monopolise the market.
Most people don't have filled and storied lives either, they went to Bali and got drunk or met a celebrity and that is it.
I don't think we actually would progress much slower with half the population. Most people don't actually contribute to anything other than propping up a bloated society. Sure there are probably more people in science now but how many of those people actually do anything important?
But even if we did progress at half the speed I think that would be a good thing, the problem we have is that we are progressing far too fast, creating far too many issues that we cannot address in time or at all, we are going so fast that by the time we notice something is an issue it's too late. Climate change is a perfect example of that. I think that savouring technology for twice as long would not be so bad either, that would reduce waste, make people more aware and in tune with the technology around them as it would not be changing so fast and give them more time to actually use it before moving on to something else.
>>1047That's an odd take for someone on an imageboard oriented around Japanese culture, considering Japan is
way more secular than most western nations, and puts out tons of media that's decidedly un-christian in nature.
>>1050I would agree with the first part but strongly diasgaree with the second. They are less Christian but make up for it in collectivism, so instead of doing x because God says so they do X because society does and in general Japanese society is fairly conservative. Just look at the way Japan treats relationships compared to the way the west does. Japanese media(aside from porn obviously) really has sex scenes or even characters in a relationship unless they are longterm and married, western media has casual sex thrown willy nilly for no reason at all and even Childrens shows usually have relationships(not sexual obviously) between characters. Who is more Christian?
>>1051I meant rarely not really.
>>1049I said software... Think people like package maintainers or random software projects used in production machines.
>>1053I'm sure the same would apply.
>>1051The US obviously.
I think you missed the point of my post. I take issue with people who say we
need religion to have values and function as a society, when that's demonstrably untrue. Having a strong set of morals does not nessesitate spirituality.
I also get annoyed when people apply the Western scale of conservative vs liberal values to cultures where it doesn't apply. Japan is a nation that values conformity to social norms, and while some of those norms allign with Western conservatism, just as many don't.
I find it funny that people get mad about photobashing. Older illustration traced over photos all the time. This isn't that much different.
>>1056Yet japan clearly is more aligned with Christian values and acts in a more Christian manner.
I never said we need Religion, as I said, Japan doesn't have it. But, it is also true that our downfall in morals has coincided with a death of religion, whereas Japanese society manages to instil morals itself western society only does the opposite so in lieu of religion we get what we are getting.
I would say far more of Japan's norms align with western conservatism than those that don't.
>>1058Asian cultures descended from China all have prostitution embeded into them somehow. The public face of the country is as you describe, but activity that undermines morals and red light districts are a regulated system of government and criminal cooperation.
>>1060Prostitution is illegal in Japan while being legal or accepted in many western countries. Not to mention the fact that half the women in the west may as well be prostitutes.
Japan is publicly conservative, but marred by vice in a countercultural reaction to the repressiveness of social conformation. To ignore or dismiss this two-sidedness of Japanese cultural and society is doing them a disservice by painting them in idyllic framing that does not reflect the nuance of reality.
>>1062You may as well be spouting that the world is flat, what you are saying is next to a conspiracy theory and could be argued of any land. Look at the statistics and you will see that in pretty much every metric what you are saying is not true. Is there an underground? Sure, but there is in literally every country.
>>1061The ban on sexual intercourse isn't a ban on sexual services. Do your own reading on Japanese law and don't frame it off of facebook memes
>>1063>what you are saying is next to a conspiracy theoryExcuse me? What else would you say of a country that has as conservative social values -- simply look to the vast disparity in gender equality, among other things -- and yet at the same moment fetishesizes cuckoldry and infidelity, brilliantly shows off "host culture", and is ostensibly a haven for sexual deviancy?
>>1064I know, I have heard of those soap services but again. It's actually not as common and accepted by society as you assume and again, prostitution itself is not legal while again, it is in many western nations. I think if anybody is framing their views from facebook memes it would be you.
>>1065It doesn't fetishise cuckoldry and infideletry... Did you get that from Facebook memes too?
>>1049>Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg Those are some bad examples to use since those guys weren't creators in a way we would know them. Bill was an outright business monster and that's why he has 20 years of legacy-building philanthropy so history will possibly forgive him. (hopefully it doesn't)
Obviously Zuck is a monster today and I don't think anyone regards him as a genius or creator as much as someone that stumbled into something.
I think he was more referring to the actual designers and programmers that create things we all rely on just for the internet or software to function- the nameless people writing code and understanding technology in a way that's far beyond us.
>>1058>I would say far more of Japan's norms align with western conservatism than those that don't.Maybe. But the ones that don't are pretty important.
>>1072Their views on masculinity for one. What's considered manly here is literally thought of as gay there.
>>1073It's not that important and even then it's not even that much different than what we used to have anyway. In many ways it's like England after or even before the war. The body building culture in it's current from is fairly new I would say, early on it was a thing done by circus performers, then it becomes part of a dedicated niche and now it has become fairly mainstream but that is also made further complicated by the reasons that it has become so popular and valued by modern western men.
I'm not even sure I would call the admiration of that kind of physique a conservative value anyway. I would hardly say that English bankers of the early 20th century were or were not conservative because they did or did not follow it. Sure it ties in to the modern conservative demographic which is often made of working class men but that in itself isn't actually conservative in many ways, they don't actually conserve much really, for example they are still part of that casual sex culture as well as having many other characteristics that are unconservative in a literal sense, in many ways that is exemplified by the Trump movement, it's not really conservative so much as populist, I'm not American and I don't want to get involved in this and I don't mean this as an attack but the trump movement is more akin to a fascist movement than a conservative one and fascism and conservatism are actually hugely different.
>>1061This is one of the dumbest posts I've read in a while. As expected of people who derail threads into politics faggotry.
Japan is a pagan society. They only occasionally borrow some elements of European Christian aesthetics. I think this historical lack of Christian values might protect the Japanese and neighboring cultures since they have nothing similar to negate. Instead, morality is not absolute and is based mostly on the nature of a relationship between individuals. Wrongthinking was begot by the intolerance of early Christian sects of local traditions and customs.
>>1075Using Japanese in such a context just makes you appear pretentious but then I guess I should not expect more form somebody who makes such an asinine attack, if you lack an argument at least be gracious in defeat.
>>1077You would first need to present an argument yourself for me to address, which you have failed to do. で、できる?
>>1076They aren't a pagan society, they are an atheist society if anything.
As I have said, they have Christian values and more of them than we d at this point. Whether they are all 100% derived from the west and Christianity itself is a bit of another matter. For example the point I mention about shunning casual sex has kind of been in Japanese society for a while in a way. I am not sure what Buddhism actually says about the matter, I know Shinto has festivals and such that venerate sexual themes although that actually doesn't imply they accepted it either but I do no that there was a strong emphasis Samurai and the nobility separating daughters and wives form any male contact which would imply that at least for the upper echelons it was not accepted.
Japanese morality is far more absolute than ours at this point, the west has quite a free attitude to it where as Japanese society will punish wrong doers severely, not just Idols being made to shave their heads and make public apologies for being seen going into love hotels but numerous singers and the like have had contracts revoked because of certain illegal actives that not only would the west not bat an eyelid at but that singers in the west would proudly sing about and boost about in their songs.
>>1078I made an argument, evidently you simply lack the ability to comprehend it and you certainly lack the ability to make even a half decent rebuttal. Hence why you have resorted to the desperate and pretentious acts you have.
>>1080You simply have no idea what you're talking about, probably because you have no access to primary sources. Prostitution and pornography are rampant and widely accepted in Japan. Go read up on the Tobita Shinchi Restaurant Association for just one example of the idiotic "loopholes" they use, and that are convincing enough for the Japanese authorities. I'm sure there's at least a handful of English sites talking about it that even you can read.
>>1081As you clearly show having access to hand-picked primary sources is worse than having none, for somebody who pretends to speak Japanese your ignorance is astounding. Though things like this are becoming more and more common in these times, people claim to have knowledge of a field yet their knowledge is twisted by their own views and ideology to such a degree that they cannot see the forest for the trees, if anything their 'primary sources' are worse than having none at all.
You cherry pick things like soap parlours and this Tobita Shinchi Restaurant and uphold these as the very model of Japanese morality. They are clearly extremities and far form a basis for any kind of understanding on Japan as a whole, as I said, every country has an underground but not only that every country has creepy old men and every country has services to cater to them, even Saudi Arabia is bound to have them, even Afghanistan does just look at their Buccha boys. The fact that Buccha boys exist is far from proof that Afghanistan is a nation of gays and the gay capital of the world but if I were to apply your logic to it then that is just the conclusion that one would arrive too.
>>1082You aren't seeing any trees, much less forests. You're seeing pictures of blades of grass from behind a screen. Japan is a country that has ads for matching apps in trains. JAV actresses make guest appearances on variety shows and popular YouTube channels. Walk around any entertainment district past 10PM and there will be no shortage of guys dressed in suits inviting you to strip clubs, massage parlors and other seedy establishments, oftentimes being quite direct about it. Tobita Shinchi just has the highest concentration of prostitutes per square meter, there are places like that in every major city, such as Yoshiwara in Tokyo and Susukino in Sapporo. Tobita Shinchi is also notable for having organizational ties with a former mayor of Osaka, I guess. And I never mentioned soaplands, my first post in this conversation was
>>1075, so you don't even know my views, you can only speculate based on your own views. Or, you know, just pretend everyone who disagrees with you is the same person.
>>1079Explicit belief in deities isn't necessary as paganism sets orthopraxy before orthodoxy. Regular participation in Shinto practices already counts as a pagan worship. According to official statistics and a few other researches, most Japanese do exactly that.
Calling some Japanese values Christian is misnomering because those values are commonly found in a lot of non-Christian/Western societies. This is something Christians adopted, not vice versa. Moreover, Christian values imply moral obligation not even to a complete stranger, but your enemy as well. No such thing exists in the Japanese conscience. Suicide is not seen as something utterly bad even today, too. Pursuing sexual pleasures in wedlock isn't seen as bad whereas Christians condemn it.
Acting incorrectly will readily get you
cancelled. This is the problem of different systems of values. First of all, Japanese idols can't be equated with Western singers. Secondly, idols have special relationship with their fanbase, and because of this they might have more obligations to them; singers are judged by universal standards, which can be applied to anyone.
>>1083Japan has adds for alot of things and often these adds cause controversy and get taken down, like the add for blood donations that was taken down because the girl had breast that were too large so it was said to be too sexualised or the Idol Master girl that was adverting a shopping centre that was removed because of the way her skirt sat too closely to her legs thus revealing the shape of them, you single out the one add while ignoring all the others that have been taken down. Variety shows and Youtube channels are click baity garbage and it would not surprise me if they did such a thing, but inviting doesn't mean endorsing and even then there are a large variety of YouTube channels catering to all kinds of people so even if one did endorse them it's no reflection on Japanese society as whole particularly considering the nature of Youtube channels. I've never denied such shady establishments existed but it's not a reflection on Japan as a whole, maybe walk down your own entertainment district sometime and see what's their. Their aren't just prostitutes in every major city in Japan their are prostitutes in every major city, the difference is that in many western nations that is perfectly legal, hell in my own nation(Australia) it's legal in every state only brothels are not legal in my particular state but then the police don't actually enforce that unless the community makes them or it's tied to something else they are trying to get too. Forgive me if I mistook you for him but you are equally as ignorant and regarding the same topic too so such a mistake was only natural.
>>1084They don't participate in them because they actually follow the religion any more than the modern west all celebrate Christmas because they are devout Christians. It's not religion but tradition and superstition.
True that's what I mentioned. Christian values cover many things I am not saying they accept all of them(Christians themselves didn't half the time). Christianity does not condemn sexual pleasure in wedlock and Christian society as a whole didn't(the belief of Medieval times was that a woman had to feel pleasure to conceive anyway, though I don;t think this stems from Christianity). Anyway, from the bible Proverbs Proverbs 5:18-19
>18 >May your fountain be blessed,and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.>19 >A loving doe, a graceful deer—may her breasts satisfy you always,may you ever be intoxicated with her love. True it will get you cancelled but that's based in politics more than morality. Idols are more of an exception but it does happen to regular singers as well, Masahiko Kondo not an idol at all and not even a woman but a man was dropped by his label after admitting to an affair and this does not even mention all the singers who were punished for scandals involving substances, often substances that are even legal in some western nations and states. The west does not care anywhere near as much and is more likely to punish you for political faux pas than moral ones.
>>1085Ah, yes. The ad with the anime character that people talked about on English social media. And that other ad with another anime character that people also talked about on English social media. I see you are also an expert on the Japanese advertising industry.
>Variety shows and Youtube channels are click baity garbageYeah, Japanese people are really into that stuff sadly.
>but then the police don't actually enforce thatSeems we are finally getting somewhere!
>>1086Well it's seems they don't just talk about whatever cherry picked things you mentioned then doesn't it? Pity you seem to have ignored it when browsing whatever English social media site it is you are getting your information from.
Kind of, many Japanese people see it as garbage and it's part of the reason Youtube is becoming so popular there.
It seems not as I was talking about the west sadly, but then as I have said, I never claimed that such things don't happen in Japan they happen everywhere.
>>1087What if I told you that I have actually been to Japan and seen everything I mentioned in previous posts with my own two eyes?
This is the thread for ideas that don't necessarily warrant their own thread. You've made more than enough posts showing your continued interest that I have no idea why you have not done so - that is, making a thread on Japan's moral whatever-the-heck.
>>1074I don't just mean the physical aspect of it. The literally gay part was mostly a joke.
The West, especially America, values the strong, gruff, stoic man. Men aren't supposed to get too emotional here, lest they be seen as crybabies. And we make very firm, often arbitrary distinctions between masculine and feminine and mature and immature interests. Japan, meanwhile, is a lot more accepting of what we would consider "immature" or "effeminate" men. A man can like cute things there without fear of mockery. And the Japanese emphasis on politeness ends up discouraging a lot of the gruffness that we like here.
Also, conservatism is relative. Chrisanity is considered conservative because it was the default in Western culture for the last ~2000 years or so, but Western culture as a whole is far older. When Christianity first hit the scene, it was highly radical. It only
became conservative once we were sufficiently removed from a culture where it didn't exist.
I read someone talking about photo editing of WW2-era photos done back then and he called it photoshopped. As in, "Germans photshopped the image of Churchill" and it really irked me. Yeah, brand/products can become synonymous with an object or action, but it really felt wrong to use that for something that happened long before it existed. It probably took a lot more effort to do it back then, too.
>>1089What if I told you that such anecdotes don't actually constitute an argument nor even go against what I have repeatability stated this whole time which is that I don't actually argue against such things existing? I say again, every country has an underground.
>>1092That's nothing to do with conservatism really and as you say that is specifically more American(and Australian too). There are many reasons for that but it's tied into the culture of these nations themselves, Australia is a convict nation and venerates working class ideas and ethics. They are both also colonies which breed that culture of the frontier, that culture that you have to be able to fix your own car and build your own house to be a man. In many other western countries that isn't a thing so much.
True conservatism is relative and it's shifting to something that isn't actually conservative. 2000 years is a very long time. More than enough time to create a distinct civilization by itself which is what happened. Though funnily enough Greece and Rome actually share the values I mention as well. In Athens for example, if a woman slept with a man out of wedlock whether that be an affair or not being married at all she would lose her citizenship. So the conservatism I mention is not just the conservation of Christian morals but Greco-Roman ones too.
This reminds me of that one image that got thrown around on 4chan about a guy questioning why someone is condemning "degenerates" when girls with giant cocks and other similar stuff are just a simple click away in a different thread. Imageboards are a strange place to talk about purity when they're dens of joyful hedonism.
>>1101Not really and funnily enough that ties into porn in the east vs west as well. Even Japanese porn is more morally pure. While this does not go for all Doujins considering that there is such a variety of them catering to variety of wants a common theme is that they tend to avoid casual sex in the way the does not. Most Doujins try to portray the girl as purely as possible and funnily enough your girls with penises are examples of that, it's a way of having a girl have sex with a man without a girl actually having sex with a man. It's also part of the reason incest is so common in doujins, in a way incest is the purest form of love.
>>1102Then why the FUCK are there so many NTR doujins?
vtubers are good people and NOT a curse upon the world
>>1103As I said there is a variety of everything, But I seem to recall that percentage wise there are not actually that many. I'm not sure if it was here or on a /jp/ spinoff but somebody was complaining about just that as well as Ryona and something else and how much there was so somebody else did the numbers and looked at a doujin site to see just how many there were compared to other genres and found that this was overblown.
>>1104It's amazing (and unfortunate) that the conversation went on that long.
>>1106Can you just shut up already?
I've been doing some Perl programming recently, and it lives up to its reputation. It's super powerful, but every time you do literally anything in it it feels like you're doing something wrong.
>>1116I heard they might be making a new engine too which could change things, I think a large part of the problem was the Engine although Shogun 2 was done on that engine. I'm not getting my hopes up but it can't be any worse than Warhammer or Three Kingdoms.
>>1119>Warhammer fagsIs it just me, or has Kissu been cruder as of late?
>>1120the nature of blogs turns man into the uncouth
>>1120"fag" may not be a common word on kissu, but I have trouble finding any problems with it on imageboards since it's been a term of endearment for so long. /tg/ called themselves neckbeards for a decade before popular culture decided it should be used as an insult
>>1119Maybe but I think the Warscape engine focuses on individual entities and that plays into that it worked in Shogun 2 and failed in Rome 2. Japanese warfare was more focused around the kind of singular fighting that the engine provided with the exception being Ashigaru pikes but even then they still don't use shields and you only have to worry about thrusting. The factions in Rome 2 generally relied heavily on close shield based formations and the engines just doesn't do that well.
They didn't even bother attempting to make formations in Warhammer.
>>1120It's hard to say, I think it's just much bigger than other imageboards of it's kind so you get more varied posters and many of those retain that kind of 4chanism. But it's not new, you see it regularly enough.
>>1134I don't take issue with the word itself, it's more the people it's become associated with.
>>1120I think I see what you mean.
It might be an unpopular opinion, but for me, the web was at its peek in the late 2000s/early 2010s.
The late 90s/early 2000s were cool too, but a lot of the content made back then was kind of garbage. It's easy to forget now, but back then the general expectation was that stuff made for the web was automatically worse than "real" media being made by professionals for TV and print and the like. By the late 2000s, you still had a lot of that web 1.0 sensibility, but standards started to get higher. New people were coming in fast, increasing competition, and the guys who were already there were experienced enough that they were getting to the point that they could rival and in many cases surpass professionals.
>>1157Late 2000s/early 2010s was when Homestuck was being drawn so maybe you have a point
Every now and then I look at light bending around a hot surface, like off the edge of a car, or on hot concrete, and it always makes me wonder: why hasn't there been some sort of design to make something invisible by creating some sort of heated surface to bend the light around it?
feel like AI coming up with mathematical and scientific conclusions is like aristotle coming up with the four elements theory
I love paizuri.
It's so warm......only a week and a half til christmas and it feels like spring.
I hate how the best porn artists often have the worst fetishes. There is one manga artist who has this retro-ish style and it made the girls look incredibly hot, but all his works are about pretty girls getting boned by scrawny old men.
>>1177sounds like an ntr artist. girls can't resist the dick of 50+ year old dudes.
>>1185They have been selling smut on steam for a while now, I think it's just underage appearing stuff that is not allowed.
Noticed recently that my cat sort of has eyelashes. It's hard to see from head-on, but it's noticeable looking from the side.
Just realized I've barely written a single thing in the last 6 or so months. Weird to think about writing being separate from typing despite the end result being somewhat the same, of course without the flair of personal style in calligraphy.
>>1185they even sell hgames on GOG now
People make up literary rules like Show don't tell but I don't think these actually mean anything. When people are complaining about a show telling them not showing them something they are not actually complaining about being told the thing but about being told it in a way that makes no sense and/or is long winded and not entertaining. But a lot of media has a protagonist who is a child or entering a world for the first time so he asks questions and is told the answer not shown it and because it is done in a natural and organic way it makes sense and people do not complain.
>>1263I think the trope can be reduced down to:
Worldbuilding should be done in a way that makes the reader understand why people have a certain culture and not be told that this is their cultureThe difference is establishing an understanding between the author and the reader. A kid might be asking a lot of questions, but their failures to adapt to the culture and the awkward situations of one learning to adapt to their surrounding would be more compelling than infodumps
I hate nostalgia. Or, at least, the type of nostalgia that drives people to whine about how great things were then and how everything sucks now.
It was annoying when I was a kid seeing people badmouth everything I liked because it wasn't like the stuff they grew up with, and it's even more annoying now seeing people my age do the same thing to the next generation down. 2012 was a decade ago! Get over it!
>>1215so do I, I barely remember how to write. It looks all ugly and I can barely write three sentences before getting cramps.
>>1273What if things really were better and your fading memory is to weak to see the truth?
>>1284Korean BBQ is trendy and Korean cooking videos are popular on youtube. I doubt the K-wave has anything to do with it though food trends come and go remember when Thai food was everywhere
>>1276No, it was always like this, in the early 2010s people were jerking off over the 90s
are people really nostalgic about the 2010s?
>>1287There is a lot to be nostalgic about in that era. But I think that is the same of every era that has ever existed because every decade has it's own styles, media and technology, in 2030 people will think the same about 2020.
>>1287Nostalgia is about the time that you've lived (your past)
and not certain generations/decades.
>>1301they will never understand the pain of waiting for a new chapter and translation during the farmfin days.
I can't understand what people get out of arguing over every trivial thing. It can't be healthy to worked up over nothing all the time.
I know someone who's always engaging in random Twitter arguments and recently got suspended and yet she wants to go back to posting on Twitter. I just don't get it.
>>1328Twitter has a similar problem to 4chan (albeit for different reasons), where it moves so fast that everyone has to rush to get their two cents in before the conversation has moved on.
The drive towards artificial intelligence is very interesting. I don't mean neural networks and the like, but true general artificial intelligence. It's asking that we take something as locally intelligent as piece of software for the end result of creating something as stupid as human. Its kind of funny.
>>1406I gave up in a very long time ago and moved to Warthunder. I don't like the damage system or the abundance of prototype tanks and tanks with guns they should not have in WoT.
>>1421It's not that bad once you get over the initial shock of the change itself... It's weird that they're pushing the views counter into the description though.
>>1424No, it's really terrible and pops out on my dark mode and is distracting and why is everything in a fucking bubble
I know this might be an unpopular opinion, at least here, but I think gatekeeping is pathetic, especially with media. I kind of get it with web communities (although I still think it's the job of the mods, not the users), but when you're at the point that you've tied so much of your identity to the entertainment you consume that you get personally offended when people you dislike also enjoy it, you have serious issues and should probably seek help.
>>1464Isn't it more the idea that what you love will be changed by the new people?
You can't gatekeep anyway.
>>1464>you have serious issuesI think most imageboard users do regardless.
Most imageboard-type anime fans have given up on trying to gatekeep and just don't bother with trying to talk with other western anime fan and aside from imageboards and irc they tend to just lurk futaba and 2ch.
The most gatekeeping I see is in multiplayer gaming and is trying to help the new player more than anything by refusing to spoonfeed. Having your community labeled as "toxic" keeps certain annoying types away, ironically.
What I think is more interesting is western musicians/social media celebs etc cribbing japanese stuff for their music, video games, tiktaks etc is never called out as cultural appropriation.
>>1475I think I could disagree with every sentence of this
The Metaverse really has no purpose when you think about the availability of a TV for displaying camera feeds and a camera on a tripod showing your whole body.
and that extends to all forms of VR based chatrooms
>>1535>>1536I have no idea what you're trying to describe... Vtubers I guess? Sure, if you only care about mocap then VR isn't necessarily going to be all that important, but the thing about VR is the feeling of presence which is completely lacking from normal flat screen games and such. Besides, how would people even interact with one another in your example?... By having a giant TV and using Xbox kinect style controls or something? That sounds awful.
>>1541I remember the Kinect "hype"(?), and the videos following the development/innovation of the device made it seem more like a medical/physical therapy device instead of a gaming accessory. (Which is what development of the device ultimately became).
Weirdly enough, it was not a commercial failure and found a periphery audience despite 360 users seeming like the least interested in motion controls
>>1542>it was not a commercial failureIt was included with the Xbox 360 Slim so it was kind of assured to have at least a bit of market, but there was really only a few games of note. Mostly the ones targeted at kids that would otherwise be interested in a Wii, I think. The few motion Kinect controlled games that were targeted at a more mature audience like Steel Battalion were received very, very poorly from what I remember.
>>1541frankly VR seems like such a joke because you have to move your character around with a controller anyways so why not just sit in front of a TV screen and have your meetings done with full body cameras.
>>1552How do you propose touching someone? Picking things up? Truly interacting with things? Just standing around in front of a TV conveys none of the same level of presence at all. At best, it'd be no different from standing on a weather broadcast set with a chroma keyed background. How real do you feel the weatherman on TV is? You're comparing the closest thing to a holodeck to 80s technology as if they're at all comparable. Maybe if you want to have Skype meetings that's fine enough, but there's more to VR than just sitting around and talking.
>>1559What you're describing is a novelty. The actual act of strapping a 1000$ headset on your head can be removed for just a screen and motion controls.
By making this adjustment you create a much more affordable alternative to VR that is actually beginning to resemble the building blocks of AR... a much more convinient system which integrates your reality into other people's
I suppose what you like about VR is that it provides you with a room that can have things in it... however I see this as a problem because inside of that VR you can do such a slim set of real world activities that it sounds to me like a novelty rather than a revolution.
Lets consider an alternative. The following is my computer setup. I have a good quality TV(350USD), an old 1080p 30FPS Huawei which I use for a webcam(200USD?) and Kinect(150USD) and then lets consider a hypothetical 200$ progenitor AR software which allows for two people to share things among one another... Looking at 900USD.
Rather than with VR where the limitation is hardware, here is writing a good software which allows for users to use gestures to get files sent from them and display them on the monitor. The camera could be set up to track the user as he moves around on the house... If you wanted to you could even have the camera hooked up to drone... But here's the big difference, you can do anything in reality without it being programmed.. the only issue is how to transfer physical information into a represenation for the other person.
And the number of ways for us to transmit physical information into digital information is far more numerous and easier than doing this in VR plus having to actually program the devices we interact with as well.
It is just so much more practical to be orienting one's future and ideas around AR.
>>1563>It is just so much more practical to be orienting one's future and ideas around AR.You can do AR through VR you know... That's how most consumer AR works currently. Practical applications for AR, however, are few and far between. Realistically, there's very little that you could do through AR that you could not do with VR camera passthrough.
Also, need I mention that most of what you're describing is and HAS BEEN very much possible through VR for quite a long time already.
>>1564They really are not. VR is a virtual reality, you can't overlay reality over it because VR is not live programmed, it has to know the inputs ahead of time. No generalizeation
Like, I can just sit here and have a webcam on my TV and capture split with another webcam on my hands, then talk to you using a microphone, then when I want to pick up some food from the fridge, I can transfer the feed into a camera connected by wifi or blutooth into my PC.
Meanwhile you've got your headset here and you're doing all of this except you have to interface yourself behind a restrictive software that only allows you to operate within the confines of the software.
Maybe you want goofy avatars for games or to be part of a live event? Well that's fine, but it's not really anything that interesting from a buisness aspect. If it's for entertainment and for casual communication then that's fine, but there's really no money in this for a management team
Is this an argument about VR's use in business settings/meetings like meta has tried to propose or just vr in general
>>1536But I also extend it to the concept of VRChat in general. Since I think that camera feeds are superior
>>1535Isn't that just a video chat?
>>1570unless I'm very mistaken, it's VRChat aimed to be used internally by Meta to deal with remote work better
>>1571No, I mean isn't a tv screen and and a camera on a tripod just a video chat?
>>1569>I also extend it to the concept of VRChat in general. Since I think that camera feeds are superiorI will fight you to the death that you're just wrong on this.
>>1570Video chats still have room to get much better. Drone based video chats is a concept that hasn't been done yet.
There is no reason for the concept of VRChat to be done through a virtual location with an expensive headset. It can all be done with two parties controlling webcam drones in their respective locations
>>1573Think of the poor people who will never buy this expensive technology but remote work becomes the norm. There needs to be a way for people to engage in not-in-person activities but for an affordable price without the price tag
>>1575The Quest 2 and Pico 4 both cost only around $400. That's less than the cost of a PS5. VR is likely going to continue getting cheaper as used headsets become more available and manufacturing becomes cheaper due to economies of scale
>>1576i would still rather drones because they can be used by people with headsets or people with screens to have dynamic conversations and for people to transmit real world things between one another.
You can find pictures of poor equatorial countries making drones out of a set of sticks. Said people, and even people in America who don't have a ton of money, would rather this option... in my opinion

>>1574I don't think that would change much. The idea behind AR/VR is that you can interact with others in a 3d environment.
For the record, I think that video chats are probably fine for most applications(though I am a NEET so don't have any real experience of this). I think that most interactions will be simple question and answers or conferences and that video chat is probably better for that as you can read the faces of the people you are talking too which you would not be able to do if they were furry avatars, that and furry avatars would be distracting, you probably don't get much out of the 3d environment part from that either.
However, it does have some uses. One example is architecture, being able to interact with planned a structure in 3d could be quite useful, this stadium in Korea is being designed using VR.
Also, I mentioned furry avatars being distracting before, but for some work places that might be a good thing like if they are making a furry game, then that could create an atmosphere that benefits the project.
Sometimes I see artists follow me on pixiv, and they're quite decent, but their last drawing was posted in like 2009 or so. They clearly enjoy art since they're still using the site. I just wonder what could have made them give up on drawing.
>>1582Life probably. They probably don't have the time and energy for it any more.
realized that most of Youtube's commenters are not from North America or the EU. Lots of SEA. Middle Easterners and Africans. It's an Indian Ocean platform more than anything.
>>1591Maybe it's the novelty of it since those are places where the internet is newer
>>1591It's a lot but not most I think, not in the videos I watch. It's also natural for there to be so many of them online considering that there are so many of them in general.
>>1594I like to think that we're at least half of the views for that one
>>1593that's what I thought, after sleeping on it. India's population is so huge that in an equal representation platform it's only natural that the Indian Ocean countries, with their higher populations, will end up very prevalent in mainstream internet. The only thing a bit odd is that it requires them to be communicating in English for me to see them, but it's common sense to anyone who wants to use US knowledge to be competent in English.
It's weird how they refuse to use other platforms though.
For example, Nigeria, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania have very popular non-social media forums that /int/ boards used to heavily advertise on but they never came.
>>1603East, West... AMERICA BEST!!!11!11!
>>1421They've made some more changes recently. Now the channel pages are a bit different and the density of videos is way lower, only 4 per row with much larger thumbnails. This change is pretty annoying because if you watch any channels that upload frequently you need to do a lot more scrolling. This seems like a change that pretty much exclusively benefits tablet users or something. I have no idea why else they would do this to desktop browsers.
The like button now has a flashy animation.
Videos without chapters now have automatically generated "key moments". This is actually a pretty neat feature because it takes advantage of the automatically generated captions to determine what should be a key moment.
>>1608>I have no idea why else they would do this to desktop browsers.It's just the usual scenario of webdevs imposing mobile design on desktop users because they don't want to maintain two frontends. Many such cases, very sad.
Is AI generated art any different than people using koikatsu to crowbar their questionable fantasies into reality?
>>1615Well, yes, at least in that you don't see many people uploading pics of all their characters to pixiv or boorus and nobody's profiting off of them.
>>1615Yeah, I'm sure koikatsu users don't pretend to be artists.
It's only sort of recently that I've realized that a lot of different questions about certain statistics I've had are actually answered by certain US government websites. The problem is that these websites never actually feature near the top of search results because they're covered up by hundreds up hundreds of pointless search engine optimized websites that have borderline AI-style text and surface level copy-paste answers.
This would be like if Wikipedia was only ever on page 12 of search results. What the HECK.
My country keeps putting up interests rates to cool inflation and part of what this is meant to do is reduce house prices and nationwide it has but I was looking at statistics for my area and house prices have actually still gone up in a 12 month period, in some areas near me they have gone up as much as 20%.
>>1633houses aren't cheap, yet people keep buying them. guess it's good that the norms are doing fine
>>1634Yes but they are becoming cheaper everywhere but in the small area that I am in...
>>1635Maybe you're getting gentrified and in a few years time your crappy house will be worth millions
I hate the recent trend in web animation where everything is crudely drawn and hideous looking on purpose, kind of like Klasky-Csupo meets soyjacks.
It's doubly insulting when they think it's "Newgrounds", which it fucking isn't.
>>1640Really makes me wish FNF didn't get popular, not because of the game itself but because of the people who flocked to Newgrounds because of it and tried "recreating" its feel.
I love how creative game jams can be. Makes me never want to pay for games again, because of how paid games tend to play it safe.
>>1641They're like 10, give them a break
>>1644Fulp once said he has a lot of faith in 13 year olds because he himself made Pico's School when he was 13. I remember panicking because I didn't do anything noteworthy at that age.
Sometimes media is released to certain people like Youtubers early so they can give a review and advertise it and then once the public gets a hold of it they hate it and call these people shills.
I think that often they probably are not trying to be biased but I think that if people are contacted by a company and given early access to something they are more likely rate it positively as they have more of a connection to the product and the people making it.
This happens on F95 all the time, average Japanese games will get critisced and get average reviews but a worse western game will get 4-5 stars, particularly if the devs use F95 as well, because there is a connection and people try to be more lenient and constructive whereas they would not to a random Japanese guy they will never interact with.
>>1653That's been a thing for a long while with game journalists/film critics.
AR/VR in combination with AI would seem like it has huge potential for terrible and corporate manipulation.
Algorithms are naturally going to benefit from AI anyway but all they can tell you at the moment is what a person is watching not why he is watching it. It could not tell you if they are watching it because they enjoy it or they are baited into watching it due to political content. If they are enjoying it it will not tell you what exactly they enjoy about it and what parts of what they are watching make them feel what emotion.
But, VR headsets already exist that can track eye movement and facial expressions, they could monitor what reaction you have to something and at what point in the video and then feed that back to an algorithm to cater content towards that. Maybe one day AI will be so good that it can even create content or modify existing content, so the algorithm could pick up what you react to and make content based on that or cut content in certain ways around that.
This has huge implications for advertising as well. I have never brought something based on a Youtube sponsor, I just skip or ignore them, because I know they are just ads to make money. But, if a headset could monitor my reaction it could also monitor my reactions to subtle subliminal advertisements and create algorithms based on what the best ways are to get people to buy a product without them even knowing that they are being advertised to.
What annoys me most about the social media age is that there's this implicit idea that being into something also means being part of this giant, homogeneous, global "community" of people who also enjoy it. For a lot of my interests, I hate a sizeable chunk of the people who share them, and I resent that they're often the ones who define the discussion of them online.
i watched some anime today and i enjoyed it
thanks anime
I'm definitely not treading any new ground, but it's struck me how introversion has risen generationally. An acquaintance of mine was lamenting something that someone else had done and when asked, "well, have you talked about it?" an unsurprising, "no," was their response. It seems like a lot of modern issues are wrapped up in this dynamic where things go awry for one reason or another that ultimately stem from people apathetically hoping things will improve because they're too anxious to do anything themselves or even speak up about the issues that they might have.
>>1685I was thinking just yesterday how much more reclusive overall people seem to be. It's easier than ever to trap yourself in your own shell and simply convince yourself that your problems will go away with time. The internet exasperates this issue because it allows people the bare minimum effort of social interaction with one another and the ability to cut off ties easily.
I think a lot of problems could be solved if people could only communicate better.
On a mildly off-handed note, I've been wondering lately if something like a government-appointed friend/spouse system would really be that outlandish. Maybe something like an opt-in system where you can apply to be "paired" with someone that you're likely to be compatible with, like those matchmaking algorithms but not necessarily just for romantic relationships. You wouldn't be able to back out of it once you applied though, there'd need to be some manner of enforcement to not go against it once you were paired with somebody.
Maybe it sounds absurd but I wonder if it's really such a bad idea. Forced to spend enough time with somebody, and you're bound to eventually find some kind of common ground even if you don't initially like each other. I think something like this would be good for recluses or people who otherwise struggle with relationships of any kind. Maybe you could even use the improvements in AI lately to sort out people who would be good fits for eachother.
>>1686>On a mildly off-handed note, I've been wondering lately if something like a government-appointed friend/spouse system would really be that outlandish. Maybe something like an opt-in system where you can apply to be "paired" with someone that you're likely to be compatible with, like those matchmaking algorithms but not necessarily just for romantic relationships. You wouldn't be able to back out of it once you applied though, there'd need to be some manner of enforcement to not go against it once you were paired with somebody.>Maybe it sounds absurd but I wonder if it's really such a bad idea. Forced to spend enough time with somebody, and you're bound to eventually find some kind of common ground even if you don't initially like each other. I think something like this would be good for recluses or people who otherwise struggle with relationships of any kind. Maybe you could even use the improvements in AI lately to sort out people who would be good fits for eachother.That's what patriarchy is for
>>1686>>1687>government-appointed friend/spouse>That's what patriarchy is forarranged marriages?
modern problems require traditional solutions
>>1686>You wouldn't be able to back out of it once you applied though, there'd need to be some manner of enforcement to not go against it once you were paired with somebody.Why?... This would just create lots of social problems. Imagine the only way to break out of one of these relationships was due to abuse, well then you're basically setting up a government-mandated spousal abuse program...
>>1685>>1686The average number of friends a person has is 2.5 from what I heard many years ago. People just assume that they have less than what is normal and are therefore less social because of it, my siblings do this all the time even though they all have more than the average number of friends. Social media probably makes this worse as like many things in social media, people are only seeing what they want them to see, which will be them partying all the time and looking like they have lots of friends.
>>1689Probably so that the friends or spouses don't just leave each other right away, which is what would be very likely to happen in a program like this.
I don't think enforcement is the right way, I think it should be through some kind of reward instead.
>>1689Well, the problem is it's highly likely people would try to flake out, especially if they're awkward hikkiNEETs which would render it pointless, or at worst have people try to game the system. It's just a hypothetical to give people a sense of commitment - maybe a reward system would be better like that other anon said.
Also I'm not saying this is just a forced spousal system mind. You'd have to opt in to it, you're not forced to apply or anything and it could be either for a romantic relationship or a strictly platonic one.
It seemed like a good idea in my head anyways, I think it'd be good for people who are lonely or otherwise socially awkward but still want legitimate human interaction and just don't know where to start. As technology progresses (especially stuff like VR) I think people will become more inclined to introversion because it's easier than ever to just stay in your bubble all the time and avoid things you dislike. If you want to break up with someone or kill a friendship, all you have to do is send a text message and ignore them - you don't even have to see the person or hear their reply.
>>1686This sounds North Korea-ish.
>>1690What I think people forget, especially in the internet age, is that most people have very little in common.
>>1692Likes: Kimilsungism-Kimjongil
ism, work
>>1686You know, churches, sports clubs, user groups, local fighting game scenes, pubs and dives to a lesser extent and ethnic/cultural organizations already serve this purpose
>>1693I don't know. I think that applies to us given the kind of site we are on but most people do have similar interests.
>>1696It's more complex than that. It's not enough for people to share in their interests, they also need to have compatable personalities, and no deal-breaking ideological differences that would tear them apart.
Like, there's a reason multiple imageboards dedicated to the same subject matter exist. Kissu and GNFOS are conceptually not that different, but the sort of people who use them are as far apart as you can get.
>>1697There is still overlap with these sites, there are people here that post in a manner similar to GNFOS and there are people that do talk about that site here in a way that suggests they come from it. Many image board spin-offs are fairly similar to each other as well.
I think that broadly speaking people can be placed within a spectrum with two opposite poles. Civilised and populist.
Populist comprises the majority of people particularly on the internet, these people swear often, they are crude and they are quick to adopt trends and to adopt vernacular which in today's times often comes in the form of memes and they are also quite vocal about political and other topical affairs and being that they are cruder and more abrasive they are likely to get into fairly mean spirited arguments over them. Imageboards in general are on the far end of the populist side of the spectrum. But Some of the spinoffs lean towards the civilised part like Kissu and I would say that on the far end towards the civilised side would sit Nen.
But I think we are unusual and we also are on a site that is quite niche to begin with.
I would say that average people that have average interests would have shared interests with most other people and if they are on the populist side of the spectrum they would have matching personalities with a great many people as well(though idealogical issues would be more likely to tear them apart than would be the case on the civilised side of the spectrum).
Should I learn French
>>1699If you want to, I guess.
>>1699there's nothing in french worth understanding
I often have panic attacks over surveillance, but it's like you can't be a member of society without having your privacy violated
>>1699You're going to get a negative response here.
>>1699If you like France. If you do want to learn French then you should watch Wakfu.
>>1699Will you use it? If the choice is to learn something new or do nothing at all, then learn something new. But, there could be many things that could prove more enjoyable or useful to you that might be better instead.
I wish I learned at least a second language when I was younger, but now I think I need to spend my time learning other things instead
I find it funny that the word "hack" has slowly reverted to its original meaning thanks to life hacks.
>>1699Im too autistic to do this.
I pronounced "monde" like mon-dehh like japanese or spanish
>>1729On the bright side you get longer dark hours to sleep, and you really appreciate the warmth of your bed.
Noticed today that I've polished the spacebar in one spot from pressing it. Funny that that happens, but I wish the surfaces were more durable.