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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:92792884_p0-min.png (1.56 MB,2046x1389)



File:ali12x.png (181.05 KB,350x428)

Autumn is always depicted as this beautiful orange-y season, but where I live it's just grey, wet, windy, and depressing 24/7.


Well, that's how it looks towards the end at least. Do you not have any deciduous trees around? It would indeed me depressing if you can't see any trees at all, but that wouldn't be unique to autumn.


File:Suika drinking full moon.jpg (149.28 KB,1600x1132)

I'm quite pleased that the first day of Autumn actually felt like it. It was such a nice night with a full moon I sat outside in my folding chair just sipping beer and skygazing.


you live somewhere without trees?


There are trees here. The problem is that the rain and the lack of sunlight makes everything look murky.


sounds as if you live in scotland

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