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Is there anything good, I haven't really looked around much and Silksong's not out yet.


Cute, they're keeping the delivery girl. Other than putting in the token steam awards vote there's not much I want. I'll grab Nine Sols since the clips someone here shared got me interested, and maybe Rainworld, but the games I do want are either not out or not on sale. Winter sale is where it's really at.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

Maybe I should finally get Dead Cells...


Yeah, the Autumn Sale is weird in that it's just a month away from a much bigger sale with better promos.

Unfortunately, most of the stuff on my wishlist is just there so I can vainly check whether they've compiled a complete edition instead of trying to jew people with a million DLCs even though nobody ever does that anymore. Then the rest are indies who think just because I've heard of them they can throw out 10% discounts when everybody else is doing 75% and still sell.

Psychonauts 2 for 6 bucks is the best thing I saw. The new Neptunia game is 80% off and surprisingly not doing the DLC bullshit they usually do, but I still don't think I'm willing to pay more than $10 for an IF kusoge.


Nine Sols is great! I would highly recommend it if you're going to grab anything. Probably my clips you saw.

Dead Cells is pretty fun too, though it's less of a story thing and more of a roguelite thing with a Castlevania-esque combat system +parries. Although the one thing I'd warn about is if you want to get the final final ending it's really hard, I haven't done it myself but it's gotten countless hours out of me despite that.


Though thinking about it I got a lot of mandatory parry training in Nine Sols so I could probably do better in Dead Cells now.


my otouto who was able to beat absolute radiance on the first try (sine cāseō) and celeste's post-game thinks dead cells' endgame sucks and is far too reliant on rng for specific weapon drops
personally, i trust him on this


dead cells 5bc is bs


Mmm, I like 2D roguelike Metroidvania things. Rogue Legacy 1 and 2 were really fun and so was that one game, uhh.. looked like robotic stuff and there was a timed teleporter thing in each stage.
It's the random abilities and items stuff and trying to survive that's fun to me, not so much the hardcore 100x frame perfect parries from 20 angles stuff.


You'd definitely enjoy it then, since you can roll really lucky on items in Dead Cells. Though not as much RNG as something like Binding of Isaac.


Last day of the steam sale!

Also steam awards nominations are here: https://store.steampowered.com/steamawards/nominations


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I didn't buy anything. It's for the best since I have other stuff to play first.


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I have largely fallen out of love with gaming, so my only purchase was Death Stranding, which gifted to a friend who mentioned they wanted to play it.


I finally bit this shab


Games with a social aspect are fun. I don't quite get a lot out of games either if there's not some comminity to be involved with


you sound like riajuu scum. i hope your testicles explode

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