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It's insane how devastating this hurricane was for the territory it hit. Normally these things don't reach all the way up into the midwest, yet this went all the way, ending in Ohio/Kentucky, with huge damage earlier in NC/SC.


oh yeah got a tornado warning the other day guess this was why
probably should have gone back inside good thing i didn't die


incredibly glad I am on the opposite coast of FL vs where this came up, seriously
actually like, lately everything has been dicking the gulf coast of FL and leaving the east coast of it alone, it's kinda odd, I keep feeling like the luck is gonna run out


Haven't been following it at all. I was watching the news a couple days ago and I think someone said it was a straddling the border between Category 3 and 4. But it's not so much the strength, but the fact that it hit deeper than they normally do?
Yeah, a natural disaster hitting an area unprepared for it can be far more devestating than a super storm hitting an expected area. I hope people can pull through...


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I read about a group of private helicoptor pilots working all day the past few days to rescue people. Really nice.
This youtuber just had a video from two weeks ago about restoring a helicopter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xICVcRFP9jQ and you can see it in the attached video as he's one of the pilots. There's a guy in the comments here thanking him for saving his life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wbUEsDaghU
This selfless stuff after a disaster always warms my heart.



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They’ve sent in the packmules.
Glad these sort of older systems are still maintained by sensible people.


Helicopters are dangerous to fly in emergency conditions. Guy could realistically die. Wonder if he realizes this or it's at least subconciously about promoting his brand


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Also speaking of aftereffects, a bunch of nukes in the south came offline or derated for either safety concerns, or possibly even potential damage. Which could be really expensive.


One of my favorite YouTubers was affected pretty bad. Crazy how far inland was affected.

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