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Fire safety before affordability


These youtubers better get their regional video essays before everything homogenizes, especially because when the internet says "The Rest of the World"™️ in relation to NA they really mean "Northern Europe & the UK"


Makes sense, but this would be pretty low on the affordability of housing thing. Landlords aren't going to pass on the saving from this to their tenants, but they would potentially double their own income. People buying up the places and leaving them empty as an investment and extremely high levels of immigration mean that landlords get to set their prices unless there's laws to restrict them. The video guy is in Vancouver, so if you wanted to fix the housing prices there you'd have to undo the population explosion.


New buildings cost more than old ones? Who would have thought.


Actually, come to think of it the US has old buildings like that anyway.


Outside of very large cities and historical towns, most buildings are from like the 70s


Yes but it still has them.

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