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Do you ever daydream about being in Japan?


I saw a windows 10 background from Japan that made me wish I was there in the pic.


Not really. But I do want to go there one day, it's probably the first country I will visit after I buy a house.

But I don't really day dream about travel, well other than about being in the middle of the Amazon and creating my own kingdom there.


Sometimes. Pictures of Japan are idyllic to the point of me being afraid of getting Paris Syndrome were I to visit


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That probably only applies to touristy areas. Kyoto for example looks gorgeous in photos but is actually crowded with foreign tourists from what I have heard.

I would like to go on day trips to some smaller towns and try the local food and explore the shrines and whatnot, but I feel that the language barrier would become a major problem since those places don't cater to gaijin.


I would rather my country become more like Japan -- in terms of urbanization and transit -- than being in Japan.


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I've wanted to visit it forever, but I don't know if I ever will. I hate crowded areas and get extremely anxious so Tokyo is a living nightmare to me, but that's the place with all the cool stuff.
I could visit other places, true, but they're not really 'save up money and deal with hassle to travel to the other side of the planet' good to me. They look really pretty and relaxing in pictures (and anime), but I'm sure there's lots of places far closer to me I could go to experience something similar.
If I were to magically wake up in rural Japan, then maybe I wouldn't object if I were to also magically speak the language.


>I hate crowded areas and get extremely anxious
Don't worry, people in the city try not to pay attention to others as well...


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I don't like crowds either but Tokyo surprisingly wasn't that bad, mainly because of >>2549. Just avoid places like Harajuku and Akihabara main street.


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I'm more interested in the dumpy girls who think they're more attractive than they are


transit sure but Japanese urbanization in the west really wouldn't satisfy anyone


No. I'm already here.


I went there for the first time in a long time earlier this year and had a great time, but I'm not really into touristy stuff so I was already struggling to find stuff to do by the time I left and have no idea what I'd do if I were to go back right now. I do daydream about the food and booze and how cheap it was though.


I miss the food so much. There's no authentic yakiniku or okonomiyaki anywhere around me. there's a very good ramen place, and some good sushi, but that's it.

Hamazushi I miss you....


Gah! Surprise box!

Is everyone still wearing masks?


Not everyone but still more people wearing them than before Covid.


I really wanna go there but i imagine it is very hard to speak Japanese and learn it.


The big cities are very doable without knowing any Japanese. There's English everywhere, train stations have signs and announcements in English, a lot of restaurants have English menus, temples and museums and such all have English right next to the Japanese on exhibit descriptions. And you can also just use a translation app on your phone for any signs that don't have English. Obviously not knowing Japanese limits your options a lot and the more you do know the better but there's still tons to do without any Japanese knowledge.


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Thank you for telling me


cute Flan


Always think it'd be a pretty cool experience to go and visit, and unlike other nations Japan seems to be fairly safe versus any other nation I could possibly tour (or even compared to cities near me).

I think I'd want to explore Akihabara, and maybe get a lot of souvenirs while there. Also as a food lover I'd have to try out a bunch of different restaurants while there. Maybe if I could plan it well I'd go during Comiket to actually be present for one, feels like it'd be a really nice experience.


English everywhere is a terrible thing


You say imperialism, I say lingua franca


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willow trees are the best

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