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File:1511149191709.png (558.88 KB,1280x723)


Guy who sees depopulation as a good thing, how do you get countries like Niger and Afghanistan to have less kids? Religious cleansing? Forced sterilization through aid?


Force urbanization.
Force service industry.


some posts should be blog posts...


File:[SubsPlus ] Helck - S01E12….jpg (175.41 KB,1920x1080)

I thought everyone knew it was correlated with female education and career opportunities. You get population collapse instead, though.


They've tried to force urbanization in both, in fact forcing the latter country to try to do stuff never turns out well


Are the biggest problem in these countries really their populations. Surely you can point to something other than the bottom of the barrel takes.


You can have it both ways if you just force them to have children, thats the way the wind is blowing in China...


That's partially true but not the whole story, it's also related to expected standard of living and housing availability.
But in all cases developing the country in general would cause it.


Afghanistan no but Niger it's up there. Multiple governments have tried imposing family limits to no avail


Nigerien hausa girls are pretty for West Africa, no wonder they have such large families


I keep waiting for this term to go away as "narrative" and "cognizcant" did. "literally", and "beyond me" are also way overused and need to go


cognizant* yes I know


Then the problem is a lack of government authority in controlling local beliefs and establishing a system that everyone agrees with. Sounds more and more like this is a problem of the colonial powers drawing arbitrary lines and expecting the new country's to sort out harsh cultural differences.

poor take


got a good take here


Whenever you ask pan-africanists to draw up borders they always come up with a bunch of microstates that look like Andy's alt history maps. It wouldn't solve anything and would likely set them back even further.


File:Separatist_movements_in_Af….png (531.9 KB,1280x1163)


In green countries with no Separatist Movements, in Blue Separatist Movements and in White, countries with Separatist Movements.


Also, I dont know whether this is sad or funny but a country that rose from a seperatist movement (eritrea) now has an active one of their own


wow, didn't know Socotra was a real thing


It's just one of the bajillion cases where a word with that meaning is retooled as an intensifier.
I find it really weird that people don't realize this. In fact, it's a very veryfiable cross-linguistic phenomenon, truly basic stuff.
Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with beyond me, and narrative is alive and well.


Its annoyance at overuse is all.


That's understandable.


There is also a seperatist movement seeking to re-establish a colonial state.


There is no good way to draw the borders. These places were a hodge podge of different people that constantly fought each other even before Europeans arrived.


The kingdom of Iraq and the Ottoman empire are templates on how you deal with nomadic tribes as part of a nation collecting tribute


Not really as they struggled to do it and had very little power over them. That's why the Ottomans stagnated like they did. They lacked the central authority to make these tribes and other ethnic groups actually do what they wanted them to do.


Kc thread


I adhere to the policy of self-determination. Nullify the current borders, promise not to interfere in whatever process they come up with for deciding borders, then let them go nuts. That should fix the border problem and the overpopulation problem in one fell swoop.


didn't someone make this exact thread some weeks back


File:KUSO THREAD AWARD.png (66.12 KB,860x750)


late response team arriving on the scene

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