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File:Gdp-and-labour-force-by-se….png (116.09 KB,1425x1256)


Nice map


What am I supposed to appreciate out of this map


We used to make steel...


we also used to have dense industrial smog, non-breathable air, and acid rain. we still have polluted waterways though.


File:[SubsPlease] TenPuru - 07 ….jpg (267.06 KB,1920x1080)



File:35c065207024067bebfef7ec0b….jpg (66.07 KB,619x537)

patchy patchy


I dont get it


It's a thread for nice maps, thought that was obvious enough


APOLOGIES, I guess I should have stuffed it into the blog thread


File:map_6-original.assets-16.png (3.22 MB,1800x1200)

did a hard drive search for "map" and here's some rpgmaker h game map


Greenland on these is always weird


What is "industry"? I would also think the US would have more agriculture


Can only see a warped UK & Europe...


File:seiken3_map.jpg (84.42 KB,750x544)

this is a nice map


where is this from


Trials of Mana


File:b2_wild.png (1.5 MB,1252x1618)


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You should never do that.

Farming is so mechanized that the labor force involved is tiny even when agricultural production is pretty high. Which also means most people are making money in other sectors.


good old Austrian Australia


I'm curious as to whether it was painted digitally or traditionally. It kind of looks like gouache


File:hoenn.png (2.15 MB,1200x848)

Nice map




you know, it would be cool to have a small server where a group of friends can wander around a pokemon region like an MMO and occasionally meet up and have some battles/trade.


Wasnt that the wild area


7/10 too much water


if pokemon had marine weather I would disagree


I also disagree. Made it feel like a real coastal region, far more than Alola even!


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it was just a meme (that i misquoted, hehe) based on the ign review of the remakes that docked points based off of that. i actually really love the hoenn region and those games, they're my favorites.


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I got the joke, but also the remakes are garbage and you should be ashamed.


i meant the originals much more than the remakes, but i do remember enjoying the remakes for the most part (aside from the obvious in the cut content). i havent played in game pokemon basically since then but i remember enjoying the pokenav compared to the games before.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (437.34 KB,1920x1080)

I hated "swimming" in Pokemon because of the delay to open the menu to use Surf and then for the mounting animation to play. I haven't played any of the most recent games, but unless they fixed that part I'm sure I'd still find it annoying to spend an extra 10 seconds to move on a blue tile


they removed HMs entirely in the new games


File:1695511490784381.png (1.05 MB,1600x1200)

PokeMMO exists, but I don't know if you can set up a private server (probably not). I've tried picking it up a few times but I always ragequit because 1. it's filled with kids so after a while I just end up ignoring all players, and 2. the difficulty is artificially set too high, or at least for my old Pokémon fan brain that doesn't know a thing about IVs and competitive playing. Maybe making a Kissu clan would be fun.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (321.23 KB,1920x1080)


I have only played the remake of Ruby and not the original. What's so bad about the remake?


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Aside from the multitude of poor decisions made and lack of new (and old) content, the changes that came with gen 6 are just not compatible with gen 3 design. XP All and free megas/legendaries halfway through the game completely breaks the mid- and late-game because they were designed around you being much weaker. The entire overworld was also designed for a 2D perspective and so moving it unchanged to 3D makes everything feel cramped and awkward.

Also, they took away May's cool bandana and skirt and turned Brendan's hair into a hat.


Ahh, I still don't think it's bad.

I have mixed feelings on XP all, because a lot of what it does is remove finicky micro managing, so now you don't have to use items or change Pokemon halfway through a battle all the time.

I don't like the free Megas though. This is a problem that most modern Pokemon seem to have, they really should be something you work for. For that reason I don't actually use them, well for that reason and because I don't like the way many of them look.


File:5132023-31.png (309.66 KB,4974x2519)

I like drawing my own "alt" history maps.


For context, there is no context its basically a world "randomly" generated by hand.
I'm going to maybe play it as a risk game but I'm not sure.
This was before I learned how to do multiple layers.


splitting up turkey into pieces doesn't make sense


You mean Anatolia.


Wow Spain has the entireity of catalonia and some of morocco but no canary islands? Tenerife probably generates more money than either of those


It kind of does, Turkiye has a number of different ethnic groups with their own identities like the Kurds, Greeks and depending on when the map is set Armenians.


Those are the Iberian city-state collation.
I'll be honest I hate drawing the islands


File:[SubsPlease] Tokyo Mew Mew….jpg (147.14 KB,1280x720)



It's a true spoiler though!


File:1532910892702.png (557.6 KB,1000x560)

How did Wallachia turn into Savoy?
How the fuck did Mesopotamian/Anatolians turn into Ireland?
Persian Greece in Anatolia?
Saxon Rhinelands in Cyprus?
How high were you when you made this?


How? Easy, alien space bats created time vacuums/time portals and took the civilizations from their home dimension and they settled where they arrived at, keeping the names of their former cultures.
Or I just put them their because I liked the color from this fuck huge map color code key that I use because I don't want to roll 3d256 everytime I want to pick a random small province.
Oh and pretty goddamn high.
Apparently I cannot post the color scheme on kissu (shame)
So here's the full image for the color scheme that I crib from.


File:__original_drawn_by_muutya….jpg (49.72 KB,494x946)

I think you meant Galatia.


Hopefully next time when I'm making a randomized (okay you know what it isn't actually randomized it's more like I roll dice for it.) map of the world, I'll try to do more Celtic/Gallic tribes fucking around.
Maybe have it be like in the 200 BC era? Don't really know.

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