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File:C-1670537811149.png (1.15 MB,1280x720)



>For example, Nutrien Ltd. (NYSE:NTR), a Canadian fertilizer company,
it's literal shit lol


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You are just jellous


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Tokers of the world unite.
You have nothing to lose but your pennystocks


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Sayonara stock market.
Was nice knowing you


this post aged well for today but NOT for since it was made


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one of my last times in stocks was trying to buy gazprom at the start of the conflict and i realized this was not for me
so I buy pokemon cards instead.


Are you aho?


File:MmsCamera_2023-09-21-21-19….jpg (206.27 KB,1536x763)

neat. My brother sends tons of cards to me because he doesn't want to use his local postal box.


ah well that's a bit of a crummy photo but yeah. lots of cards


What decade is this?
Did we finally go back to 2005?

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