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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:051b8eba97b1bb09e954e2c463….jpg (275.47 KB,800x800)


sense of time is completely busted... my body has no idea if it's 6AM or 4PM
this always happens in the early periods of winter late fall...


This is the first time I've felt such a phenomenon, it's very bizarre


I've had this happen before and it means you need to get more sunlight. Stare out at the horizon before staring at a screen.


It's important to have a regular sleeping pattern.


This feels the same for me sometimes I wake up around 4:00, sometimes around 9:00 and sometimes 12:00. its very odd because usually before I'd wake up at around 12:00 consistently for the most part


Why? Is it really important if you don't have anything to do during daytime?


You should still have some kind of schedule so that you can be more healthy and have more energy and so you can better manage your life.


I've had schedules in the past and I still had no energy


My life is done for already. Nothing to manage.


Uh, you can still manage your body so you're healthy at the very least. Usually helps to improve your overall outlook on life.

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