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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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Halloween has come! Did you carve any pumpkins? Have any plans to hand out candy? Or are you a hopeless NEET who plans on sitting things out?


They barely celebrate halloween in Australia.


That's surprising to hear considering the population of irish-aussies


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Gonna enjoy my Halloween partying with my /qa/ friends!


Because we already live in a hellscape.


I heard it was a victorian thing but is also a deeply polarizing issue?? Its not that big of a deal its a childrens holiday


All Hallows Eve was 4 months ago.


I would, but I live in kind of a remote area and hardly ever get any trick or treaters.

Im planning to finally watch Perfect Blue, Memories and Vampire Hunter D today.


Not him and I don't live in Victoria but it's not that polarising I don't think. Some people are mildly annoyed by it thinking it's too American and does not really belong here and that children should not be wondering the streets asking for lollies but it's only mildly annoyed.

It seems to be growing here but really it's just an excuse for people to get drunk dressed up as whatever random thing they feel like. I have never had anybody trick or treat me, there is a girl and her mum that live on my street who give people lollies and that is the closest I have gotten.


I'm the only kid left in my part of the village...


>but really it's just an excuse for people to get drunk dressed up as whatever random thing they feel like.

Thats what it mostly is in countries that don't have a tradition of venerating saints or celticness. Ironically in Asia its a mix of japanese influence and syncretically celebrating similar fall holidays.

People like excuses to drink and dress up more than anything I think


I also had no idea this was a religious holiday until doing research about it


I remember when I lived in rural Britain a neighbor called us godless for celebrating it. Or something like that, it was 20 years ago


This is what I look forward to the most about Halloween each year. It's cute and comedic. This is the 9th one.


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I don't do anything in real life, but it's fun to see stuff on the internet change. Multiplayer games often have cool events for it too, often the best event because of costumes and ambience.


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>It's cute and comedic


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If anything Australians shouldn't be celebrating Christmas.
Something really unwholesome about imagery and songs of Northern European rituals being sang and used in the middle of a blazing Summer.

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