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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:yande.re 443396 heidemarie….jpg (2.68 MB,3243x4635)


it snowed...


most leaves outside my window are green still




I miss snow....


File:cdc8a76dd4bcfbcbe17dc101c2….jpg (1.15 MB,835x1179)

Have a yourself a very merry white halloween~


the snow melted before halloween


it is snowing

and my radiators are cold...


never seen snow whats it like?


white, sometimes its really wet and heavy and other times its light and fluffy. the slush it makes in parking lots is gross and full of dirt and oil. makes your toes red and hurt when you get it in your shoe or boot and its a workout to shovel. its hard to walk in when deep. driving it it can suck and I've had to get a tow truck to get me out of the ditch like 3 or 4 times in my life from sliding on it and ice. but I don't know if I'd want to live in a place without it to be honest. it looks cool and is only a problem the few times you need to be outside.


a problem when you're outside but not really a factor when you're inside...


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Wish it were snowing...


it snowed a lot the other night, winter is really here

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