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File:fda9ae3df82e1ffa76b07d315a….png (2.41 MB,1756x1239)


Do you consider yourself a water drinker?


File:4563155_p0.jpg (167.17 KB,600x600)

No, I drink tea.


File:[Drag] Utawarerumono OVA -….jpg (206.15 KB,1920x1080)

Yep. It's my primary drink with secondary being milk. I'd like to start drinking tea, the real stuff with leaves, but don't really know where to start. I remember some guy would post about some type that would appear on amazon once a year or something...


Yes. I drink other things, like a cup of tea and a cup of coffee a day but everything is water.


I mostly drink water. After not having drank any soda in a long time, it's just kinda... it isn't that good. The carbonation now just sort of hurts and I don't like caffeine or the amount of sugar. Every now and then I'll drink lemonade though.


No. I hate pissing every 10 minutes


Been drinking less than 4L a day and this only happened at the start.


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if anything, i am very proud about my water drinking habits. i very much drink all day, probably 3lts per day. if i'm on my pc with a bottle of water near me i'll drink it without even noticing it. you could probably put a fishtank full with water and i would eventually chug it.
so naturally, my pee is pretty much just water. in fact, i bet i could serve someone a "glass of water" that is actually my pee and they wouldn't even notice it. if it's too warm for some reason i could put some icecubes on the glass, but you guessed it, those were made with my pee as well.


crystal clear pissu is not allowed on this site


I still haven't kicked sodas or energy drinks, but I do drink mineral water, while trying to avoid tap.


water is for norms


The human body is 60% norm


what the hell man


I don't think that's good for your kidneys. I think drinking more than recommended puts additional stress on them.


3 liters isn't nearly a dangerous amount depending on your physical activities and how actually hot it is where you live.


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File:hinata spring water yns.mp4 (1.23 MB,1280x720)


chocolate makes me thirsty

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