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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:7872e778fc07358d27968a6dc7….jpg (2.69 MB,2126x1375)


What are some /aut/istic hobbies?


browsing image boards is a pretty autistic hobby


Herping is a hobby that I've only seen nerdy people into.


All the roles for full time imageboard poster are taken


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Chess. Imagine getting good at a game that you can just throw into a computer and have it win for you.


That's true for any game though.


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I'll have you know that I've never been beaten by the computer at tic-tac-toe


Whoever starts first in that game can't lose. You pick the centre and then there is nothing your opponent can actually do to win, only draw.


Train photography,
and for a wildcard one, speedrun analyzers like the guy who pointed out Dream was cheating.


TASes are probably more autistic than speedrun analyses I'd say


I may be completely wrong on this, but aren't TAS's some sort of like savestate thing where people continually retry things to get their times optimized? In principle it's not too different from having a rewind in platformers, right?


Tool Assisted Speedruns come in many forms. A lot of them are indeed someone simply just playing and retrying segments over and over to get a near perfect human doable time by using the computer to splice the gameplay in its entirety and not just splicing video recordings, but the really time consuming ones have almost everything done frame by frame by inputting movements with a Controller and GUI and pressing next frame, and retries frames when it's not optimized enough.
Some of them also take it incredibly far when it comes to breaking games completely.
This one is a bit of a meme in the speedrunning community due to the sheer ridiculousness of the required math and the concept of parallel universes utilized to reach the position in the most intricate way possible.
One speedrunner even learned assembly so he could better understand and dissect how Paper Mario's compiled code works and discover human doable arbitrary code execution to get a credit skip and eventually manage to pull it off in a Real-Time Attack run (at one point before further investigation it even included turning off the N64 and swapping for another game, performing inputs, and then swapping back to original game before the ram managed to clear out of the system.


) Shimata.


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Bodo gemu.It has been a while since we last played OJ.


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True, it's been quite a while. We need some more multiplayer stuff on kissu in general


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Did I hear somebody say juice? During the Halloween event?

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