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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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Does /aut/ have any favorite advertisements?

Here is one. Evertale is a generic gacha RPG, but their advertisements have a lore ripped off of indie JRPGs giving a recurrent horror theme that suggests the users will be able to eventually experience a real story in their gacha game. It uses free assets and plagerism to get people to click and think it's something interesting.
It's a nice scam.


dont watch a lot of advertisements, but this one stood out to me quite a bit i guess


here's one


Most are because of nostalgia. This one just stands out because of how different it is from sterile/sanitized adverts of today




File:nature.mp4 (3.56 MB,640x640)




makes me want to litter even more
despise videos like this with animals "talking" with retard grammar


Sometimes a good catchy song is all you need and people still remember it after many years


bleh, why would some guy block it from hotlinking, it's not like it's his commercial

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