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The newest nvidia GPUs are almost as large as a PS5 and they cost as much as what I'd otherwise spend on an entire new computer.
I feel like I'd be more upset about this if there were new games that made use of this, and if they weren't just FPS and flight simulators when they do. This is out of control!


I don't know anything about the technology behind GPUs, but I feel like there has been stagnation and they are just slapping together two lesser cards to fill the need for a new generation. I believe it would have been possible to make a card as powerful as the new series last gen if they just made it as large.


oh boy.
You do not know how complex parallelization is.
It is indeed true that there's been a wall for the past while where processors are as you say and it makes things a lot less glamorous and confusing, but it is still a major engineering challenge


450W hell yeah
Im not surprised at all, the 3090 was already leaning heavily into the PERFORMANCE BY POWER direction.
And in terms of "making use of it", Im pretty sure we have 4k high refresh panels at this point, so the use case is there even without raytracing.
Its just not a use case for 99% of gamers, this is the ridiculous, gluttonous, triple halo product of GPUs

I believe the 3090ti has the same TDP so I think we could have a fair comparison to last gen this way.


It's getting ridiculous. I hope AMD can offer some more efficient competition with RDNA3, but I'm not holding my breath.

And don't get me started on the prices of these space heaters.


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>Im pretty sure we have 4k high refresh panels at this point
This isn't really related to what you're talking about, but I find it extremely out of touch whenever people talk about 1440p and 4K.


What do the percentages mean there?


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It's their winrate in the current patch


Sorry. The top is percentage Primary Display Resolution and the bottom is Multi-Monitor Desktop Resolution. Basically meaning that 64% of people use 1080p monitors, and of the people with multimonitor setup the most common setup is two 1080 monitors.


Oh. Yeah. Well, these cards aren't aimed at us commoners either so it's not entirely unheard of to mention 4k. Personally I've had a 1440p monitor for about ten years now, it's a nice korean one. I don't understand why no one seems to support that resolution, it was just a straight jump to 4k for most companies and people, especially for large screens.
Back then you couldn't have a big screen and anything above 1080p, which really bothered me.


I dont think 1440p had a marketing push like 4k.
The 4k marketing was mainly about TVs, but it made it something people are generally aware of.


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You guys are VASTLY over-estimating 4K adoption...


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... and under-estimating 1440p adoption.


More people use this gross 4:3 compromise resolution than 4K lmao

Anyways, I'm pulling these statistics from the Steam hardware survey. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey


...its just what i could get...


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No... I didn't mean it Anonymous... I'm sorry ;_;


I've been playing most games in 1366x768 even on an ultrawide monitor because everything is neat and tidy in one place and I don't have to move my eyes as much...


...its okay...


whats a compromise resolution?


Nice digits


One of the most common 4:3 resolutions of the time was 1024x768, so 1366x768 is a sort of compromise widescreen resolution that allows native 4:3 stuff to be scaled appropriately.


gaming and personal use is falling way behind as a revenue source for nvidia. soon it will be very hard to buy a crypto processing unit for your pc because they will only be for datacenters and even worse youll need like 100 enterprise GPU to get your foot in the door.


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¥crypto processing unit


I think the massive size is because of Nvidia's insane idea of initially wanting the RTX 4090 to be 600W. But, when they changed the power target to 450W, the board partners didn't have enough time to retool and had too much stock of giant coolers made for much higher TDP and decided to just stick with the massive cards.

What's especially baffling though is that der bauer decided to try reducing the power limit, and the card only has around a 5% loss in performance when running at 60-70% power target. In other words, the RTX 4090 could have easily been a 300W card, but for whatever reason Nvidia wanted it to be 600W and then last minute settled on 450W. At 600W, the card probably only performs like 10% faster than at 300W so I have absolutely no idea what they were thinking.


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I heard some guy say that the 4090s should have been 4070s and the 4080s should have been 4060s and so on, but it was just some anonymous guy and I didn't do any research about it, but maybe that could explain it?
People in general don't seem very impressed with these cards as a whole and it'd be nice to think it'd knock some sense into nvidia price-wise, but that seems unlikely. If they're having trouble selling all the 30xx stuff, are they going to make a significantly less 40xx models? Seems like that'd be a good idea if I were them.


Sorta. There's a "4080 12GB" and a "4080 16GB". Based on the naming, you would expect them to have the exact same performance, and that they're just two different tiers of VRAM. Instead, the 12GB version is actually an entirely different chip altogether with lower specs than the 16GB version. Because of this, a lot of people have widely criticized Nvidia for selling 12GB as a 4080 when it should really be a 4070 instead. Because of this, they're also able to really dramatically raise the price of the 12GB because "it's a 4080" not a 4070.

>If they're having trouble selling all the 30xx stuff, are they going to make a significantly less 40xx models? Seems like that'd be a good idea if I were them.
That would be the smart thing to do, but Nvidia paid for the capacity at TSMC (the chip fab company that makes Nvidia GPU chips) in advance of the crypto crash and wasn't expecting for there to be a massive amount of used cards flooding the market and depressing prices. TSMC in response to this basically said, "No. You bought the capacity, you're going to get it." and said they would at least allow a delay in production, but no cancellation. So, Nvidia is in a rock and hard place essentially competing against itself because of all the cards they sold to crypto miners that are selling for considerably less than MSRP.

Not to mention, AIBs are left with tons and tons of RTX 3000 series cards that they still haven't sold. Earlier in the year there was actually a big of a revolt against Nvidia by their partners where they essentially told Nvidia to screw off. Nvidia was essentially telling partners to take a loss on every card sold and to reduce their prices or else they wouldn't sell them RTX 4000 series cards. In response, they told Nvidia, "You gave us way too much RTX 3000 series anyways to where we could sit out RTX 4000 and still manage to sell RTX 3000 throughout the generation."


>So, Nvidia is in a rock and hard place essentially competing against itself because of all the cards they sold to crypto miners that are selling for considerably less than MSRP.
To add to why this is such a big deal: used RTX 3090s are basically going to directly compete on performance with what should have been the RTX 4070, so they had to rename it to the RTX 4080 12GB to justify the price increase. Essentially, they're hoping it pays off to mislead consumers to sell more cards rather than losing out on new sales because of people buying used RTX 3000 series cards.


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(Whoops, I'm talking about GPUs in two active threads)

So there's going to be tons of 40xx stuff floating around and no miners to buy them?
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting some joy of the crypto crash screwing over nvidia the monopolist, but I feel bad that it's affecting companies like EVGA since I like(d) those guys. These prices are so ludicrous and I really hope nvidia gets humbled into sane prices again in the coming years, but who knows if that will ever happen...


>So there's going to be tons of 40xx stuff floating around and no miners to buy them?
Yep. The crypto GPU mining boom happened because the cryptocurrency they were mining was Ethereum, but Ethereum recently moved away from mining and is now proof of stake. Other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin haven't been profitable to use GPUs in a long time and instead rely on dedicated ASIC hardware that's specifically designed for high hash rates in mining.


Whelp. Now they're backtracking after the whole "12GB" "16GB" controversy... Hopefully they're humbled into lowering the price so that's price like a xx70 card instead of this just being a rename.

>Unlaunching The 12GB 4080
>The RTX 4080 12GB is a fantastic graphics card, but it’s not named right. Having two GPUs with the 4080 designation is confusing.
>So, we’re pressing the “unlaunch” button on the 4080 12GB. The RTX 4080 16GB is amazing and on track to delight gamers everywhere on November 16th.


Hah. What a mess. These people really, REALLY need some competition.
The Gamers Nexus guy has a video for it

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