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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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It's happened again,
we stand in Autumn.
Keep an eye on the trees... they're suspicious...

This season, Fall ends on Wednesday, December 21


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ah, I guess I need to bump this then


It was VERY hot out today. That said, this evening was cool so I took a walk and sure enough, the smelly fruit on the ginkgo tree nearby is falling, and I can see leaves begin to pile in places.
Change is in the air.


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el tardo canadien


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I caught Autumn


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love it when the leaves turn....




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Autumn is full of nice, warm colors


i went for a walk today but it was very cold


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Winter (or summer for Southern hemisphere people) is rapidly approaching. You have about 3 days left to post on /aut/ until it's locked and hidden again




File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (433.59 KB,1920x1080)

/aut/ is making way for /win/! People in that linux thread may want to keep it open in another tab or something and make a new thread on /win/ for when the switch happens. Non-active seasonal boards can still be visited with the url bar, but they're locked for posting.


more like /lose/ with that ugly baby there


epic /win/ for the cute baby


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (265.93 KB,1920x1080)

Next year when /aut/ opens again you'll see Elle and your soul will be healed. It's really quite amazing when you think about it.


No one will remember this slut in a year.


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The Precure movie that came out a month or two ago will get uploaded and subbed eventually so you'll see her again in a few months, and then she'll surely be in a few more upcoming Precure movies. Don't worry, Elle will still visit us now and then!


That is a very weird insult to use.




I'm a pure maiden, and Elle is formally married to Tsubasa.


before that she was informally married


That just makes the things she does with all those oji-sans even sluttier.


audience stealing board

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