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Hmmm, very interesting. There was some Youtube Channel(Common Sense Skeptic I think), that was debunking Starship and Starlink, pointing out how ludicrous Starship is and how it's mission to Mars would never work for many reasons and in another video talking about how Starlink is a debacle that is actually losing Space X money and doens't offer a better service than what is already available. This email kind of confirms both, Starship was never meant to go to Mars, he just said that to hype up idiots, it's meant to send these satilites to space in a manner that is actually viable and cost effective because as it is they are going to go bust.


Couldn't Elon personally fund those rockets himself?


This explains the problems in it's design as well, I said a while ago that I thought it was going to tear itself apart as it's just too bulky and cheap. I think that is the point, the idea of it being reused is hogwash, he is mass producing grain silos to send satellite swarms into space.


No. His wealth is tied up in shares. He did sell some of them not long ago but if he sells too many it will crash the share price. He already has a lot of his shares in Tesla used up as collateral for loans anyway, that's a large part of the reason these projects are happening in the first place. Investors are throwing money into a bubble and he is capitalising on it by using his bloated shares to back loans to fund them. As he already has a large part of it backing loans he might not be able to use more and if he sells too much and lowers the share price it might cause the bubble to pop and the loans that he has taken out would then be backed by nothing and he would be in monumental debt.


America is just a bunch of guys trying to scam each other, and the richest people are just running the best scams.

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