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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:IMG951852.jpg (48.92 KB,960x746)



File:5ebf6b67af77098b18ef6502e1….png (263.3 KB,560x896)

What if you write the 2 in the swirly way? Checkmate nerds.


File:93619780_p0.png (1.02 MB,868x1228)

The number of people interested in this must number in the dozens!


The '1' on the left is written wrong and it is pissing me off. When compared against an 8-display, it is right-centred, whereas the 1 on the right is left-centred, yet the indent in the middle where the central stroke of the 8 would go is still facing towards the right.


how auspicious it must mean good things for Kissu!


That's just an implementation detail about the digit display and doesn't detract from the fact about the date at all.

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