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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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Nintendo has killed the only other Switch emulator of note, Ryujinx.
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Resorting. I also appear to have lowered brain faculties..


meidos exist to tread on people


Eat my ass you


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you want me to literally eat your ass. Assuming you are a rare female kissu poster I might accept your proposition, however should you be of the homosexual nature I must respectfully decline.


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I also think that /v/-tier bait needs /v/-tier responses lest we give the appearance of accepting unironic tendie propaganda. I, for one, appreciate the true gamer energy you brought to the discussion.

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Want a shpwite cwanbewwy?
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dr pepper is the only soda i actually like outside of some more expensive brands of root beer


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Gold digging armpit slute vs. Brain-enhancing refreshments
Yeah I'll take the dokupe.


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it's okay, thanks for trying


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Can I have the new limited time 7up shirley temple releasing soon instead?


It's insane how devastating this hurricane was for the territory it hit. Normally these things don't reach all the way up into the midwest, yet this went all the way, ending in Ohio/Kentucky, with huge damage earlier in NC/SC.
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They’ve sent in the packmules.
Glad these sort of older systems are still maintained by sensible people.


Helicopters are dangerous to fly in emergency conditions. Guy could realistically die. Wonder if he realizes this or it's at least subconciously about promoting his brand


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Also speaking of aftereffects, a bunch of nukes in the south came offline or derated for either safety concerns, or possibly even potential damage. Which could be really expensive.


One of my favorite YouTubers was affected pretty bad. Crazy how far inland was affected.


Apparently it's possible to run full Windows games on Android now. Not streaming or anything. Literally running on the device, albeit older ones, and at low settings, but still...

I wonder if ojisans felt how I'm feeling about this when it became possible able to play PS1 games on their PSP (´・ω・`)
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>My phone can manage like 20 FPS in BoTW
what??? what kinda phone do you have?????


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Sorry, I lied. It's more like 15-18 FPS with dips down to 12 FPS. It's got a Snapdragon 855


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Meanwhile with Mali GPU ;_;


Wonder if I can play visual novels on these..


not supported for my android version...

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furu furu moon


They've been hyping this up for weeks but you won't even be able to see it.

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What is he praying for?


a bountiful harvest


That's a girl




the head of a male she's having sex with to eat
creepy, creepy creatures


The bug prays that the human does not crush it. If you were a bug, you would be praying too.

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New and Improved™ /aut/ism.


me 5th from the left on the bottom row


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Do you have /aut/ism insurance?


The insurance moneygrubbers aren't going to retroactively pay me for something confirmed long ago.....

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It's happened again,
we stand in Autumn.
Keep an eye on the trees... they're suspicious...

This season, Fall ends on Wednesday, December 21
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I'm a pure maiden, and Elle is formally married to Tsubasa.


before that she was informally married


That just makes the things she does with all those oji-sans even sluttier.


audience stealing board

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 No.1904[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Zettai Ryouiki + Shorts blog for the Autumn months

This blog will end Thursday, Dec 21st.
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buying a makeup brush was a great idea
not only can I apply ointment without getting my hands dirty, sometimes I can scratch the itch without putting the cream on the brush




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What is your skincare routine? I uh am collecting analytics.


Drink lots of water. Use moisturizer on body. About it. If you have KP or any other stranger effects then you target those specific issues with acidic products to dissolve whatever the skin emits.
The more complicated part is hair removal methods. Epilation is effective but painful. And doesn't damage skin like shaving. Best method is electrosys to kill hair follicles but you can't do this yourself because improper usage can cause scarring.


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Ah okay, I pretty much do the same thing though my skin is the most thin and sensitive nuisance on this planet I need to be very careful on anything I do to it.

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It's not a place with heavy industry, from what I'm reading the river is mostly used for transport of raw materials, the products of agriculture, livestock, and logging.
Tigre specifically was a place for commerce and contraband, and at one point rich people set it up as a resort of sorts with heavy English influence (like that of the Rowing Club, that's its name in Spanish). Here's a pic of the Club de Regatas, for racing.
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thankfully we were fine it just muddied up the place


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someone's sofa flew away and went viral


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all in all it was very pretty and had an interesting feeling from the contrast of some spots being very well kept and cared for while other were ruined and abandoned


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How susceptible is this place to flooding? The houses so close to the water level like >>3073 make me nervous, although the fencing there makes me think that some simple work was done there with new dirt. At least there's trees nearby to hold onto some of the soil.


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I'm not sure, frankly. You can see the foundation is at least half a meter above ground, indeed sitting on top of soil that's already higher than the lower one on the left, and it has that red part on the bottom right that might just be grating of some sort, though I'm not sure how that would work either.
A good deal of houses more humble than that one sit at a lower elevation, and they seem to be doing fine. It's hard to tell, but I think that one's safe.


My 'tuber essayist is better then yours
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Liquid Death, which is apparently the idea that if you put water in an energy drink can and give it energy drink marketing, you can sell it at energy drink prices. Turns out a lot of people, including my brother, are retarded enough to do exactly that. I was expecting there to be more to it than the epic joke of calling water something edgy, but no. This guy seems to think it's everything right with capitalism, though.


I weep knowing there are people like that. Atleast i only felt the retardation by proxy through your post.


K-mart still exists, I went there on Friday to get my Nephew a Christmas present.


The worst one I've seen posted here was called the "10 stages of math" and it was just basic arithmetic


Coming across this thread made me remember all of the times during the holiday seasons I'd go to K-Mart. Was the only place in my area to get an Icee besides the movie theater. I also used to get Pokemon and Yugioh cards there. First place I got a Fossil and Jungle box set as well as Starter Deck Yugi and Kaiba when Yugioh first came out. Last time I went into a K-Mart they were getting ready to close and I was standing in the electronics while they found a bunch of original PlayStation games stuck and I ended up getting sealed copies of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, and Final Fantasy IX all for $10 a piece since they had $9.99 stickers still on them. The building has just been sitting and rotting ever since covered in graffiti and broken windows from the homeless. Probably would find some needles if I walked around it.


Fire safety before affordability
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Makes sense, but this would be pretty low on the affordability of housing thing. Landlords aren't going to pass on the saving from this to their tenants, but they would potentially double their own income. People buying up the places and leaving them empty as an investment and extremely high levels of immigration mean that landlords get to set their prices unless there's laws to restrict them. The video guy is in Vancouver, so if you wanted to fix the housing prices there you'd have to undo the population explosion.


New buildings cost more than old ones? Who would have thought.


Actually, come to think of it the US has old buildings like that anyway.


Outside of very large cities and historical towns, most buildings are from like the 70s


Yes but it still has them.

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That doesn't make any sense...


poor bird


it's probably dead from hypothermia now
you could have saved it op


birds don't die of hypothermia


well, not all of them... but the ones that don't migrate are good at dealing with low temperatures

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 No.572[Reply][Last50 Posts]

If you think a video doesn't deserve its own thread, you can post it here
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boson dynamics




This guy's channel seems pretty important


Moved to >>>/qa/127496.

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